I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization

Chapter 489:

Chapter 489:

Amy was in the cyberspace, immersively watching her own memories.

She grew up in a regular family from the Ring City.

Fortunately, her parents love her, her older brother loves her, so even though the family is poor, it is not a big deal.

For young Amy at the time, there was actually nothing more important than her family.

Even though every day, Amy and her family had to squeeze into a small room and eat cheap nutrient paste, only occasionally being able to afford flavorful food during holidays, Amy never felt discontented. As long as her family was safe and happy, there was nothing to be discontented about.

But living safely and happily in the lower levels of the Ring City was actually quite challenging.

An endless array of online criminal techniques, terrifyingly eccentric cyber psychopaths, and various debts that must be repaid from birth… They always filled people with unease, while the spirit of indulgent consumption prevailed.

Amy’s parents were ordinary programmers, the most common profession in the city.

Because there were so many people doing this job, it led to an excess of junior programmers who could only earn lower than the average income, which kept decreasing over time.

The top programmers possessed extraordinary powers, capable of harnessing "spell programs" and even creating "spell chips." These were advantages that ordinary people could never hope to match.

If the awakened ones could reach the awakening level, they would often be able to ascend to the upper echelons of the Ring City, becoming part of the elite society.

At that time, Amy had not yet awakened the power of the Cybertyrant.

Amy, a young girl, was very lucky compared to her older brother, who couldn’t afford to go to school. Her parents made a tremendous effort to ensure that the intelligent Amy could receive an education.

With her high emotional intelligence, she felt right at home in school and made many new friends.

One day, one of her friends mysteriously disappeared.

After inquiring, Amy finally learned from her teacher that the girl had been taken away by a "Debt Collector" from the Rock Morgan group due to her family’s long-standing inability to repay debts.

"Probably already been dismantled, right?"

On the holographic projection side, the teacher lit an electronic cigarette, took a puff, and the prosthetic eye shone faintly.


Amy couldn’t believe her ears.

"The arms and organs are given to rich people, while the brain is used for mining. Useless parts are all thrown away. Many of the people taken away by the Debt Collector end up like this."

The teacher’s tone was very calm, as if he had seen it all before.

Amy realized that this was completely legal, but everyone knew that the people who made the laws in this city were actually board members of Rock Morgan.

The classmates were not in a good mood, but they slowly accepted this situation. Her family had also disappeared, and friends who knew them treated it as if they had all met with an accident.

Everyone seemed accustomed to this kind of situation.

Amy always felt that something was not quite right.

She would stay awake night after night, unable to fall asleep, and in her dreams, the figure of that girl would often appear.

Amy always remembered her friend’s smile, voice, conversations… and also the things she was scared of, longed for, and dreamed about.

There was a person.

Why would a living person suddenly find themselves in such a tragic situation?

Amy found her teacher once again, turned on the video, and wanted to know the answers to those questions.

"Do you think it’s unfair, Amy?"

The teacher let out a sigh and said, "Yes, it’s normal for a middle school student like you to have questions about the Ring City’s system. Especially for someone as clever as you, it’s natural to have many thoughts."

Amy remained silent.

The teacher continued, "But in reality, in the Ring City, or in the guidelines of the whole world, everyone has value. Our bodies and lives are priceless treasures since birth."

"Since it is considered property, it’s only normal to use it to offset debts," laughed the teacher, speaking with earnestness. "You know, I even sold half of my internal organs."

"What was the cause of her tragedy…"

Amy still didn’t understand. She was still too young, and she hadn’t experienced much yet.

"Because of not trying hard enough."

The teacher calmly answered and took another puff of an electronic cigarette.

"Amy, if you study well and work hard, one day you will be able to pay off all your debts and even rise to a higher level of living."

"In the high society, people are there because they are smart and hardworking. They dedicate themselves to the city and make contributions. Of course, luck also plays a part… I have seen it all. Only the foolish and lazy people make excuses and complain about Rock Morgan every day."

Amy listened silently, without arguing.

The teacher talked for a while, and when the race car betting began, he nervously turned off the projected video.

Amy, she had obtained the so-called "answer".

She still felt that something was not right.

Is the source of the poor’s suffering because they don’t work hard?

Is this system truly correct?

Will there be any problems with the way this city operates?

Why can everyone accept the fact that she was taken away and died?

Because "it has always been this way" and "people always say" … Amy could vaguely sense a subtle force that continuously restrains most people.

Very few people would think about the rules that have been there since their birth.


Is ‘it has always been this way’ and ‘people always say’ correct?

In confusion and unease, Amy’s extraordinary power finally awakened.

The true Ring City, existing within the cyber world, suddenly transformed into her loyal and trembling servant.

The tyrant of the cyber world is born!

Of course, Amy at the Original Level could only search for information at will, but she couldn’t truly manipulate the network yet.

She found out what happened to that classmate, just as the teacher had said…

However, most of her organs actually didn’t have an immediate use, but were instead frozen by Rock Morgan.

Only her limbs were transplanted to… the pet of a rich person, solely for entertainment and amusement.

In the Ring City, the body’s rejection response had long ceased to be a problem.

Amy felt that her heart was filled with sadness.

Next, Amy began frantically searching for information, soaking in every bit of it, trying to understand the Ring City from all angles, wanting to know what this city was all about.

She "saw" it.

A lot.

For the poor, debt comes with life itself.

They work hard every day, living with great effort, but they have never been able to truly free themselves from the burden of high debts. The interests only accumulate more and more, eventually passing on to the next generation.

And the next generation, they would also follow the same destiny.

Over and over again, very few people could break free from it.

The Ring City is like a fierce beast, always following behind those without assets, opening its gaping maw, wanting to devour the poor completely.

And the rich, wealth comes naturally to them.

In the Ring City, those living above the one hundred and fifty floors were leading lives of extravagance.

Among them, the extravagance of the uppermost director families’ lives was so incredible and exaggerated, something Amy had never imagined before.

Those people would bring a box of fruit from another world, only take a bite and abandon all the rest, and the money they spent on this box of fruit could have provided hundreds of people with a wonderful life.

The combined value of debts on oneself from all classmates in the entire class would probably not exceed the value of an ugly monster dog raised in the home of a certain director.

They would always indulge in reckless spending, wasting fortunes that could easily sustain everyone in the city. Yet, they would constantly, every moment and every second, seize more from the hands of the common people.

Just like an instinct to devour.

Amy finally realized something, having an epiphany.

So that’s how it was.

"This is the truth."

Although they looked similar to the members of the Rock Morgan family, spoke the same language, and had almost no genetic differences, they were definitely the same species in biological terms.

But in reality, they were two completely different species.

That wasn’t determined from a biological standpoint.

We are food.

This was the source of tragedy for that student.

It was the real answer.

Amy finally understood, but at that time, she didn’t know that her reckless search had attracted the attention of the Maintainers from the Rock Morgan group.

Those hound-like individuals were everywhere in the city, able to infiltrate every corner. Even if her presence couldn’t be traced through technology, they could still have a terrifying impact on a crown-level master of curses using the curse spells from the curse series.

The curse spells from the curse series were often of little use against powerful superhumans with strong souls, but they were an inescapable torment and disaster for ordinary people and low-level superhumans.

A month later, Amy’s parents suffered consecutive accidents and were unable to compensate for the enormous public damages. In despair, they chose to commit suicide.

Amy was also taken away by Rock Morgan, the debt collector.

She was very lucky, as she was not directly dismembered but instead joined numerous boys and girls to undergo an experiment together.

Then, she lost her limbs, experienced organ failure, and her body grew weaker with each passing day.

However, the girl’s extraordinary powers grew even stronger, reaching the level of awakening.

Amy’s mindset also underwent a transformation.

After reaching the point of collapse and utter despair, the girl didn’t become consumed by darkness. Instead, she began to feel that she had acquired a certain power, as if it were a destined calling.

This city had long been a wild chaos, in need of correction by none other than herself!

I am the Savior of the Ring City!

In the midst of despair, she kept encouraging herself, firmly believing that she would not die in the laboratory and that she would eventually find a way to escape and stay alive.

Once out, Amy began earning money as a hacker, all while becoming increasingly cautious in her actions, making every effort to avoid crossing paths with the Rock Morgan group.

She would send a large portion of the money she earned to various orphanages, and in secret, she would deal with some evil-doers, while the young girl cautiously embarked on various basic experiments.

Finally, Amy joined the Babel Tower.

Later, many things happened, and Amy fully realized that both the Babel Tower and the Savior were trustworthy.

When the Almighty of the Giant Hive was defeated and the Noy Military company took control of the Babel Tower, Amy’s heart finally understood… The time had come.

Rock Morgan, you are powerful enough to destroy.

When she learned that the mastermind behind the experiment was a deity, she was filled with astonishment, and at the same time, a thought crossed her mind.

God, too, can be vanquished!

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