Immortal Fate: Create thousands of secret treasures at your fingertips

Chapter 1 Wishful Path and Fruit, Chance Feedback

"is it here?"

"It should be this row of bookshelves. The puzzle is that half of you and I are fighting each other for the word "Fight". This row of books is about military science, and the books related to the word "Fight" should be in this row."

"Find the clues quickly."

"Don't rush me, what's the next question?"

"There are chickens and rabbits in the same cage today. There are thirty-five heads on top and ninety-four legs on the bottom. How many rabbits are there?"

On the second floor of the library, two young men dressed in handyman uniforms were whispering. Their actions showed caution and prudence. They raised their heads from time to time and looked around, as if they were afraid that their actions would attract other people's attention.

One person seemed to be watching the wind, blocking his companions from being seen by others.

The other person frowned and was trying to think of an answer.

"If the cage is full of chickens, the number of legs should be seventy, leaving twenty-four legs. Rabbits have two more legs than chickens...the answer is twelve rabbits!"

The other person's face lit up.

"Is the clue twelve pairs?"

The person who solved the problem nodded and quickly scanned the bookshelf with his eyes.

"I found it, the twelve ways to defeat the city."

As he spoke, he quickly took down the yellowed book and opened it, and then he immediately saw something sandwiched between the pages.

It was a piece of white paper with the words "three feet away from the tip of your toes" written on it.

The two were stunned, looked at each other, and subconsciously looked at their toes.

"Under the bookshelf!"

Both of them thought of this and quickly lay down. The person who solved the problem reached out and took out something from the bottom of the bookshelf, but it was a small cloth bag.

"Open it quickly!"

another urged.

At this point, both of them were very excited. The person who solved the problem did not hesitate and opened the cloth bag directly. They saw a few broken pieces of silver lying quietly inside, and a small medicine bottle. I don’t know what was stored in it. .

"Five taels of silver!!"

The two of them were overjoyed, and quickly and carefully put away the five taels of silver, and then opened the medicine bottle. Suddenly, a scent of medicine surged out and penetrated into their noses.

Tiger bone Yijin pills! !

Both of them looked excited, and the joy on their faces could no longer be hidden.

"Put it away quickly. We have to get out of here first and don't let others see it."

"That's right, let's go quickly. I didn't expect to find something good here. The rumors are true!"

The two of them quickly put away their things without any hesitation, then carefully looked around, then put the books back on the bookshelf unintentionally and left the scene.


On the first floor of the library, watching the two people leaving in a hurry, a young man in the corner also put down his books with a smile on his face.

"Finally found."

His name was Lu Shi, he was sixteen years old, and he was not from this world. To be precise, he was a time traveler.

The time travel was so confusing that when I opened my eyes, I was already lying on the bed of this world and became an ordinary young man living in Xuanxinfu City.

The cloth bag that the two people found was placed under the bookshelf by him, including many clues to find the cloth bag. He also placed them one by one, with the purpose of allowing people to solve the puzzle and finally find the cloth bag.

He spent a lot of effort on this, just because after all this is completed, he can receive special feedback.

At this moment, Lu Shi saw a faint yellow light emerging in his mind. He was clearly not seeing things with the naked eye, but he could clearly observe the blooming of brilliance, and the meaning it represented was clear. It was clearly transmitted into his mind, making him unable to suppress his smile.

Thirty-five taels of silver and fourteen Tiger Bone Yijin Pills.

And the feedback thing exists in the pale yellow light, which seems virtual and real. It seems that all it takes is a thought from Lu Shi, and the things existing in it can change from virtual to real, and then truly appear in his eyes. In the hands of general.

At this moment, Lu Shi felt that the hard work of the past few days was finally in vain. He felt excited and his joy was beyond words.

"It's not easy."

In order to fulfill this opportunity, he prepared for more than ten days, and even took out all his wealth. The five taels of silver found by the two people, including the two Tiger Bone Yijin Pills, were All his net worth.

The former is the original person's savings for more than half a year, and the latter is the inheritance left by the original person's father.

My father is a warrior, but he is not very powerful. At most, he is just a small leader of a gang in the city. He has some rudimentary skills and can beat an average of ten people. For example, Tiger Bone Yijin Pills can strengthen people's muscles and bones. The elixir is already a rare treasure for ordinary warriors, and one piece costs at least ten taels of silver.

The original body's father was reluctant to use it and left it to the original body, intending to use it after the original body started practicing martial arts.

As for why the original person has not started practicing martial arts even though he is sixteen years old, it is not because his talent is too poor or anything, it is just because he lacks the key factor for practicing martial arts - martial arts secrets!

To be precise, it is a martial art that can produce true energy.

The original person was an orphan when he traveled back in time. His father died in a gang fight. The purpose was to have a good future for the original person and work hard for the gang in order to obtain gang rewards and obtain A martial art that can cultivate true energy.

It's a pity that people who lick blood from the edge of a knife often don't die well. The original person's father died silently, without attracting anyone's attention. He also didn't leave much money to the original person, only a small courtyard was left. As a place to stay, this prevented Lu Shi from being in the dilemma of having no fixed place to live.

Even so, his situation was not that good.

Because his original body died of illness, after he traveled through time, he spent a long time cultivating his body before he could barely recover.

The environment here was not as stable as in his previous life. In order to survive and plan for the future, Lu Shi had no choice but to follow his father's path and join a gang and become a handyman in the gang.

That's why he sneaked in because his father died for the gang. After all, the Jinyang Gang is not a small gang in Xuanxin Mansion. On the contrary, the Jinyang Gang, the Shuisha Gang, and the Iron Sword Society control the entire underground power of Xuanxin Mansion, and they are all large gangs with thousands of members.

It is not easy for ordinary people to join the gang. Lu Shi was able to join the Jinyang Gang and become a handyman in the gang because he was considered a disciple of the gang.

Just like this, he spent most of the money his father left to him, which is really frustrating.

Fortunately, the road is boundless, and as a time traveler, you still have the cards you should have.

No, more than ten days ago, Lu Shi found that there was an extra light group in his mind, and there was an illusory and invisible thing in that light group.


The result of condensing three thousand worlds and gathering all kinds of principles - the fruit of wishful thinking!

Three thousand is an imaginary number, meaning infinity. Principles are the collection of principles and truths. Ruyi Dao Fruit is such a thing that encompasses everything that exists in the world. It seems to exist but not exists, and seems to be empty but not empty.

Its function is also very simple, it exists to give people opportunities.

It's just that after this opportunity is given, Lu Shi, as the owner of the Tao Fruit, can benefit from it.

The advantage is chance feedback. What kind of feedback Lu Shi can get will be multiplied based on the difficulty he gives, the treasures he leaves behind, and what the destined person gets from the chance. It is simple and clear.

The multiple of the feedback has nothing to do with whether the treasures Lu Shi left in the opportunity were valuable or not. It is linked to the difficulty of leaving clues to the treasures. This is opportunity. Just like the various puzzles the two men solved when they found the treasure.

At the same time, this kind of opportunity cannot be directly handed over to others and must be restricted, because opportunity is the most profound thing in the world, involving luck, mysterious and ethereal.

Therefore, Lu Shi made various plans and released clues, and those who were destined could only find the treasure based on the clues.

This process is the correct way to use opportunity.

For this reason, Lu Shi took great pains.

The clues were too difficult and he was afraid that others would not find them.

After all, one cannot overestimate the cultural level of people in this world.

The clue is too simple, and I am afraid that the chance will be invalid.

After all, as far as the environment he has access to now, he is surrounded by ordinary people who have not received much education. Lu Shi does not dare to bet on how smart and knowledgeable these people can be. If they can complete this opportunity, he is already very satisfied. Satisfied.

The two people just now were considered to be the rare smart people he had observed these days. One of them even went to a private school, which gave him the foundation to solve the puzzle set by Lu Shi.

Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, they probably wouldn't have been able to find the opportunity he had hidden by solving the riddle.

At this point, Lu Shi was a little worried, fearing that his arrangements would ultimately come to nothing.

Fortunately, the result was good, which gave Lu Shi peace of mind and confidence.

"It's really not easy."

He sighed secretly again, and after taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed his inner excitement, and then hurriedly left the library and returned to his residence.

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