Immortal Fate: Create thousands of secret treasures at your fingertips

Chapter 30 Killing on the River

"We'll say goodbye now. I hope Mr. Lu will take this seriously!"

"Mr. Lu, take care, my aunt and I will miss you."

It was night, under the moonlight a silvery glow was falling, and a farewell was going on in the mountain col. Fortunately, although they were parting, they were not sad at all. On the contrary, they felt as if they could roam around in the vast world.

Lu Shi clasped his fists and laughed loudly: "In this case, I wish Hall Master Luo and Miss Ningxuan a successful trip!"

Luo Yanqiu stared at Lu Shi for a while, and then smiled. That heroic and pretty face that had never smiled in front of Lu Shi now blossomed like a cold plum, revealing a touching beauty from the coldness.

Lu Shi was a little distracted for a moment, but fortunately he quickly reacted, suppressed the flutter in his heart, and smiled the same way, which was particularly hearty.

Then, both parties turned around in unison and left in two different directions, never looking back.

The breeze blew on Lu Shi's face, but the late autumn wind did not bring much chill to Lu Shi. He only felt hot inside at this time.

After getting "Zang Qi Sword Technique", he can use a real skill to arrange opportunities. What kind of feedback will he get? It is really exciting to look forward to it.

But after all, this was someone's family copy. Although Lu Shi used it as a chance feedback, he also gave enough compensation to Luo Yanqiu's aunt and nephew. The book "Nine Points Returned to One Sword" was the compensation he gave.

As Luo Yanqiu said, "Zang Qi Sword Technique" can only be regarded as a good true skill, but it is not as good as "Nine Points Return to One Sword". However, this true skill given by Lu Ze can be regarded as all the true skills in his hands. The existence of the top three.

In addition to the "Yiqi Sword Sutra" which directly points to the realm of the innate master, Lu Shi also has a real skill in his hand that is feedback from the sword technique, called "Wind and Thunder Sword", which also involves the innate realm. After practicing it to great perfection, he can even It is extremely powerful to be able to arouse the energy of heaven and earth and cut off the power of wind and thunder.

And after that, there is this "Nine Points Return to One Sword", which is also a true skill that points directly to the realm of the innate master. However, the attack aspect is not as absolute as "Wind and Thunder Sword", and it is not as absolute as "One Qi Sword Sutra" Profound, compared with the previous two books, it is the most fair and peaceful one.

Using this skill as compensation was not a loss for Luo Yanqiu. In this way, Lu Shi would not have any psychological burden when he used "Zang Qi Sword Technique" as an opportunity. Not to mention that when they parted at the end, he also gave So much strength is scattered.

What really made Lu Shi happy was the words he heard from Luo Yanqiu - Immortal Fate!

The more he understood this world, the more Lu Shi felt that the innate realm of warriors was not the end. After all, this world was really too big. What Lu Shi knew was completely beyond the previous life in terms of single area.

In such a world, if there was no mysterious power, Lu Shi would not believe anything he said.

Now it's okay, a fairy fate can explain the doubts in Lu Shi's heart. Although he doesn't know whether this fairy fate is what he thought, but now it seems that there is a broader road beyond innateness that has been basically determined.

He just didn't know where to find this fairy fate, but it gave Lu Shi a clear path, which made him feel excited.

Looking back, there was a fire gathering in the direction of the east gate of Jiangyuan City. It was obvious that the people in the city had reacted. Lu Shi could even see sporadic fire coming out of the city and scattering outside the city, obviously looking for him and the aunt and nephew of Luo Guanzhu. .

Faced with this situation, Lu Shi just smiled slightly, and with a quick movement of his feet, he jumped out, and disappeared into the moonlight with a few ups and downs.


Shiyuan is located in a plain and stands along the river. It is an important town in the lower reaches of Jiangyuan. Since it is the bifurcation of the two rivers, the water transportation here is much more prosperous than that of Jiangyuan and Xuanxin Mansion. It can be regarded as Xuanxin Mansion. The fortune distribution center under the rule.

With prosperous water transportation, there are naturally more businesses based on water, so things on the river are more complicated and there are more gray areas.

On the surface, the government controls the lifeline of water transportation, but the one who really exerts influence on water transportation is a gang called the Jujiang Gang. Its gang has more than 10,000 members. Countless families have been affected, and their influence is far beyond what gangs like the Jinyang Gang can match.

The river is wide, and a river boat travels on it and down the river. The wide river is crowded with boats of all kinds, creating a scene of thousands of sails racing.

This is a two-story high-rise ship. It is the most common type of ship with inventory on the bottom floor and people living on the upper floor. Lu Shi lived in a cabin on the second floor of this high-rise ship and spent half a month traveling down the river. Time came to the outside of Shiyuan City.

After floating on the river for a long time, Lu Shi did not do anything else except practice. Now he saw that he was approaching Shiyuan City, so he naturally wanted to come out and take a look.

Standing on the deck and looking up, what you can see is the scenery of thousands of sails passing by, and what you hear is the noisy and lively scene. You are obviously on the river, but the shouts of sales are one after another. If you lower your head for a moment, you can see a series of light boats carrying various goods. The flexible boats are among the large ships. The shouts are coming from the mouths of these light boats.

Before Lu Shi could express his emotion, he saw two small boats approaching with more than ten people on board. These people were all dressed in thin clothing, holding knives and swords. Their eyes were fixed on the passing ships, as if they were patrolling for something.

"Jujiang is helping us to do some work. The ship owner has come out and I'm waiting to board the ship!"

The leading man shouted loudly and ordered his men to row closer.

Someone quickly walked out of the building boat. When he saw the person coming, his expression changed and he said hurriedly: "Everyone from the Jujiang Gang, the cargo on my boat is only loose goods, and I have already paid the customs fee upstream."

"Stop talking nonsense, let us get up quickly!"

The man looked fierce and spoke rudely, but the shipowner didn't dare to be impatient at all and hurriedly asked someone to lower the rope ladder.

Soon, more than ten people got on the boat. They pushed away the owner who was about to come up to talk. They scanned the people on the boat and then quickly fixed their gaze on Lu Shi.

"come here!"

The man shouted at Lu Shi.

"Are you calling me?"

Lu Shi smiled slightly but didn't make any move.

At this time, his appearance had changed again from what he had seen in Jiangyuan City. Needless to say, he naturally used the method of "Shape-shaping and Bone-Shrinking Technique".

"Boy, do you want grandpa to invite you?"

The man's expression suddenly changed.

While he was talking, the others had calmly gathered around the landing.

"Everyone, everyone, this young man is just an individual tourist who was picked up on the second half of the road. We have nothing to do with him."

Upon seeing this, the shipowner immediately spoke out to disassociate himself from Lu Shi.


The man slapped the shipowner in the face, and the latter stumbled and fell down, with blood flowing out of his mouth in the blink of an eye.

Others dared not speak out in anger at this time, and no one dared to step forward to help the ship owner. They could only watch from a distance.

"Humph, it's not up to you whether it matters or not."

The man drew out the long knife from his waist and pushed towards Lu Shi. At the same time, he took out a picture scroll, which showed the appearance of a young man. If you look carefully, you can see that he resembled Lu Shi at least 70%.

Lu Shi knew that the person in the painting was him just by looking at it, and he couldn't help but feel surprised.

His wanted order has been spread to Shiyuan City?

Judging from the appearance of these men, it was obvious that this wanted order was very important, and Lu Shi couldn't help but think more about it.

"This kid is dishonest, take him away first, and then give him some tricks later."

When the man saw Lu Shi, he remained unmoved. He waved his hand and the people on the side immediately gathered around him.

Lu Shi didn't do anything, but asked: "You are just a gang, but you have to do government affairs. Aren't you afraid of violating taboos?"

"Oh, so that you know that my Jujiang Gang has the final say on what happens on the river." The man sneered.


Lu Shi sighed softly when he heard this and shook his head slightly.

The next moment, no movement was seen from him, and the first person to come up screamed and fell down, clutching his neck.

Blood gushed out from between the seams of the man's hands and soon dyed his clothes red. He staggered back two steps and then fell into the river.


This scene immediately made the Jujiang Gang members nervous. They all drew their swords and stared at Lu Shi with murderous intent on their faces.

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