Immortal Fate: Create thousands of secret treasures at your fingertips

Chapter 39 Iron Cavalry Seals the Mountain

Da da da……

The sound of horse hoofbeats is not urgent, but it gives people a feeling of knocking on the heart. Hundreds of cavalrymen are all covered in black armor, with visors covering their faces, only revealing a pair of shining eyes, coming from a distance, giving People feel a strong sense of oppression.

The team marched to the Dongshan area. When they looked up, they could see all kinds of fighting on the mountainside. They could also hear many shouts of killing, which clearly shows the current level of chaos here.

Lihu stood beside the chariot and said in a deep voice, "Master, do you want to take action?"

The chariot is luxurious, with a bright yellow curtain hanging down, carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the chariot frame is inlaid with gold, agate, jade and other objects. This shows that it is expensive to build. It is naturally impossible for someone to ride on a chariot of this size. It's ordinary people.

A calm voice came from the carriage: "Wait a minute, have you found any trace of that kid?"

Lihu heard the words and said: "I haven't seen him yet. I haven't seen him since I saw him on the official road before. But my subordinates predict that the boy must be in Dongshan at this moment."


The sound in the carriage remains the same.

"First send someone up to look for it. If you don't find it, send someone to drive away those charlatans."

"Yes, son."

Lihu was about to give the order, but suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly: "Master, if those Jianghu people are unwilling to leave, can I, the Iron Army Cavalry, take action?"

The person in the carriage seemed to be pondering, and then said: "Let me give you some advice first. After all, they are all my Dachang people, and they punish those who do not teach but abuse them. I think these Jianghu people should be able to distinguish between good and bad. If so. If you really can’t tell the difference, then… let’s deal with it all.”

"Yes, my subordinate will do it now."

Lihu turned his head and shouted loudly: "Shiyuan Guards, listen to the order, you will go up the mountain to find the person, and let the Jianghu people leave. If anyone dares to attack you, he will be killed without mercy!"


The soldiers on the periphery responded and were quickly led towards Dongshan.

Although the equipment of these people is not as sophisticated as that of the Iron Army Cavalry, they can really be considered the elite of the many garrison soldiers in Shiyuan City. Each one wore a cloth armor, held a spear, carried a long knife at his waist, and wore a helmet. They were full of murderous intent. The number was at least two hundred.

These people grouped together, supported each other, and marched according to the rules. Wherever they passed along the way, those Jianghu travelers stayed away from each other.

"The garrison is here, please retreat!"

The leading general shouted loudly, and his eyes wandered among the crowd, trying to find the target person, but this was obviously in vain, because Lu Shi was not within the sight of this group of people.

This group of soldiers quickly arrived at the entrance of the crypt. The place was already bloody. There was blood everywhere on the ground, and there were many corpses scattered around. Some of the corpses were even more miserable. It was clear that these charlatans were fighting for the money. And treasure, how crazy it is.

But these soldiers turned a blind eye to this, and just guarded the outside of the huge stone, blocking the entrance so that others could not enter.

This move undoubtedly made many Jianghu people angry, but in the face of the blockade of more than two hundred people, a single Jianghu person could not make trouble at all and could only watch helplessly.

"A hundred people will line up, in pairs of 50 to 50. Let me search separately and return in half an hour!" the general ordered again.

Soon, hundreds of people came out, split up, formed a team of five, and followed the order.

The remaining more than a hundred people were still guarding the boulder, staring covetously at the many wanderers who were hesitating in the distance.

Even if there are only more than a hundred soldiers in the army, it is still invincible to these Jianghu people. Not all of the Jianghu people do not want to take action, but just thinking about it, it is clear that even if they swarm in, On the other hand, it is impossible to take advantage of more than a hundred people.

"What a shame! The door is closed at this time. Those guys who went in are really lucky!"

"Stupid, those guys can get in, but can they get out?"

"That's true. Is it possible for us to just watch like this? There are tens of thousands of taels of silver and other treasures in there. If we can't get a share of the pie, what's the point of us coming here?"

"Hehe, this brother is so powerful. If you don't take the lead, why don't I join you in the charge?"

The Jianghu guests did not gather together, but were scattered around in twos and threes. Instead, they formed an encirclement against the more than a hundred soldiers. As time went by, more people gathered together, and the number of Jianghu guests also increased.

The atmosphere gradually became chaotic and chaotic. All the Jianghu visitors came here with only one purpose - to make a fortune!

Anyone who prevents them from getting rich is their enemy. The Jianghu people who were supposed to fight each other are now stopped because of the guards. This matter is intolerable for any Jianghu person.

This is how warriors are, they dare to draw their swords at each other if they disagree. Not to mention that as time goes by, the number of people on their side has exceeded that of the garrison soldiers, and gradually some people can't restrain their impulses and choose to take action.

call out!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, but it was someone who fired a hidden weapon at the guard.


The hidden weapon was blocked by the soldier with the vine shield in his hand, but like a signal, it immediately poured a basin of hot oil into the already anxious atmosphere.


I don't know who shouted, and then more hidden weapons were fired at the guards.

"Shield up!"

The garrison general shouted loudly, retreated back, and hid among the soldiers. The soldiers present immediately raised the rattan shields they carried and blocked them in front of them.

"Array up!"

There was another loud shout, and the formation of the garrison soldiers changed. One person was holding a shield in front, and the other two were hiding behind him. Their swords were unsheathed and their spears pointed forward.

"Kill the enemy!"

With an order, more than a hundred people shouted at the same time, and then rushed out quickly.

There were obviously only more than a hundred people, but the momentum they brought about made the Jianghu guests present feel frightened.

"Run away!"

Some people exclaimed, knowing that they were invincible at this time, and subconsciously chose to escape.

But the garrison soldiers will not give these people time to react. They may not have a good chance of winning one on one, but a hundred people sprinting and fighting can kill the Jianghu people present as livestock, not to mention these garrison soldiers. They were the elite among the many garrison troops in Shiyuan City, and each of them had good external training skills. Under such a charge, their momentum was really terrifying.


The first scream sounded, followed immediately by the screams one after another, the sound was shrill and filled with fear.

Below, looking at everything happening halfway up the mountain, a chuckle came from the carriage.

"The defense of this stone garden is quite interesting, Lihu."

Lihu hurriedly responded: "My subordinate is here."

"When this matter is over, you will reward these soldiers for me. In addition, let someone go up and pass the order, order the Shiyuan guards to get out of the way, and let the people in the world enter. After everyone goes in, you put a Just light the fire."

Lihu was startled when he heard this, and then grinned, with bloodlust in his smile.

"Yes, I obey the order!"

Lihu quickly gave the order, and then the five horses straddled out and quickly headed halfway up the mountain. All of those horses were horses. Even when they were climbing mountains, they were as smooth as walking on flat ground, and their speed was not slow at all.

Soon, the order was conveyed to the garrison guarding the entrance to the crypt. The garrison general quickly ordered his more than a hundred soldiers to give up their positions and retreat far away, but when he looked at the Jianghu guests, they looked like Looking like a dead person.

Seeing this, many Jianghu guests didn't know what was going on, but they saw that they could enter, so they didn't care so much, so they rushed in swarm.

There are many smart people among Jianghu people, but under the herd mentality, when this kind of thing is about making a fortune, it is natural to strive for the top. Of course, there are also timid people who were frightened by the attack by the guards and chose to quit. After all, these people are in the minority.

Lu Shi watched this scene from a distance without much reaction. He was still waiting for a better opportunity.

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