Immortal Fate: Create thousands of secret treasures at your fingertips

Chapter 5 Breathing and Condensing Qi

At this moment, in Lu Shi's feelings, the faint yellow light in his mind reappeared. The brilliance was not obvious, but what was hidden in these layers of halo was already known to him.

The feedback thing exists in the yellowish halo, in a state of uncertainty, which is very mysterious and elusive.

Master Lu couldn't help but smile on his face, just because the feedback this time seemed to be improved compared to the last time.

The feedback of twenty taels of silver became two hundred taels. Compared with the last five taels, it became thirty-five taels, which is a difference of ten times and seven times.

Similarly, the four Tiger Bone Yijin Pills also turned into forty pieces, a total of twenty small porcelain bottles.

By the way, there were also two small medicine bags that Lu Shi put into the chance. They also received ten times the feedback, which was now twenty.

Whether it's silver, Tiger Bone Yijin Pills, or medicines for medicinal baths, these amounts are enough for Lu Shi to use for a long time.

From this feedback, Lu Shi also came to the conclusion that the number of feedback items was indeed directly proportional to the difficulty of retaining clues for him.

This can be seen from the number of feedback items in these two times.

For the chance clue last time, Lu Shi chose the most intuitive way to solve the puzzle just to be on the safe side. From leaving rags to indicate where the chance was stored, to guessing word puzzles, they all pointed out the key points and had standard answers. Especially since he left a note at the end explaining where the treasure is. You just need to solve the word puzzle and you can basically find it easily.

But this time Lu Shi increased the difficulty a little. Although it was a similar process, the orchid picture alone was more difficult to crack than the last word puzzle. There was no direct direction and it really required using your brain.

Fortunately, neither Zheng Wu nor Ji Hong disappointed Lu Shi. They successfully got the opportunity and did not let Lu Shi's arrangements be in vain.

In this way, Lu Shi would be able to determine how to arrange future opportunities.

The three feedback items made Lu Shi very satisfied, but what concerned him the most was another item besides the three feedback items.

In the light yellow halo in his mind, there was a small booklet looming, attracting Lu Shi's attention. This thing was what concerned Lu Shi most.

What he most wants to determine in this feedback is what will happen when chance feedback acts on knowledge-based media such as martial arts. Is it an increase in quantity or a change in quality?

The difference between these two feedbacks also means that how to arrange opportunities after landing is very important.

The current result made Lu Shi excited, because there was only one booklet, and it did not multiply like money, pills and medicinal bath drugs.

Perhaps, this chance feedback was just as Lu Shi imagined.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Shi suppressed his inner excitement and did not take out the things from the Ruyi Dao Fruit immediately. Instead, he continued to do the work at hand without showing his emotions on his face.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was lunch time. Lu Shi rushed home without even eating, closed the doors and windows, and then let out a long breath.

As soon as he thought about it, a yellowish halo circulated in his mind, and the booklet gradually appeared from the void to reality, and then appeared in Lu Shi's hand.

Looking at it carefully, he saw the five words "Tuna and Qi Condensation Method" written on the front of the book. The cover looked old and had a sense of time. This made Lu Shi extremely happy. He had a strong premonition that this thing could definitely be practiced. The real power of Qi!

Opening the booklet, the first thing that catches the eye is the introduction - Those who are good at Taoism have subtle and profound knowledge.

"Purify the body and mind, use Qi and Shen, flow endlessly, swallow the essence, moisten the internal organs, and understand the induction..."

This is a formula that is not too mysterious. Although Lu Shiguanzhi did not fully understand it, he could still get a general idea. Turning further back, there are detailed notes on the formula and illustrations of several special postures.

The booklet has a total of thirteen pages. Except for the cover and the three pages of the introduction, there are exactly ten pages with the main text. I don’t know if this coincides with the feedback multiplier of this opportunity.

Five of the ten pages are text, and the remaining five pages are illustrations. The above details introduce the secrets of the "Tuna and Qi Condensation Method", which is better than the "Strong Body Tuna Technique" that Lu Shi bought from the lecture hall. 》I don’t know how much better it is.

The former is a martial art that increases strength and strengthens the body. It can be regarded as external Kung Fu training at best.

The latter is a martial arts true skill that can truly cultivate true energy from the inside out. The strange postures in the five pages of illustrations, coupled with the text formulas and detailed annotations, are the training essentials of this martial arts true skill. Lu Shi believes that even if it is Ordinary people who obtain this secret book will definitely be able to practice according to the explanations and achieve results.

The detailed and exquisite annotations in it really opened Lu Shi's eyes.

Without any hesitation, Lu Shi started to practice according to the notes in the "Tuna and Qi Condensation Method", but the first movement made him sweat all over.

There is no other reason. It is really difficult to control the breathing rhythm, maintain the movement without deformation, and at the same time free up the mind to achieve inner tranquility.

But Lu Shi had nothing else but good character toughness. The more so, he still had to practice it.

According to the description in "Tuna, Na, and Condensation Method", this step is guidance, which means to guide the essence, so that the person who practices this skill can sense the flow of his own energy and blood, and thereby control it. Then, the Qi and blood are guided with special movements until the essence is finally sensed in the body.

Only by capturing the essence can one complete the introduction to this true martial art.

After getting started, it is about refining the essence, and using a special breathing method to "digest" the essence and produce it as true energy!

The former exists in the body, but the latter has something magical about it.

True qi is what is received from heaven and combined with grain qi to fill the body.

This means that this thing exists innately, and is then produced by digestion and combination with acquired food.

The practice of "Tuna and Qi Condensation Method" purifies this process, transforming the physical energy brought by digesting food into the essence formed by itself, into a more subtle existence, that is, true energy, which is closer to of innate existence.

At this point, Lu Shi had completely understood that the "Qi Condensation Technique" was not a martial skill, but should be regarded as an internal kung fu practice.

But this does not affect Lu Shi's love for this true skill, because there are many martial arts training techniques in the martial arts hall. That kind of fighting technique is nothing. What can really make him gain a foothold in Xuanxin Mansion. It’s still the magical existence of true qi.

Lu Shi didn't know how big this world was. He even remembered that the original person had never left Xuanxin Mansion, and he knew very little about the outside world.

Therefore, Lu Shi does not have any lofty ideals now. He only has one goal, which is to gain a foothold in Xuanxin Mansion and have the power to protect himself. After this, he will have more confidence to make other choices.

But now, this opportunity has been presented.

As long as you practice your true energy and learn other martial arts skills practiced outside, I believe that your living environment will be improved soon.

Persistence will always pay off. Even though Lu Shi was sweating because of the first movement, after gradually immersing himself in it, he actually felt the heat in his body, which seemed to be continuous, and he could even feel the heat in his body. Heat flows.

Lu Shi knew that this was the feeling of blood circulation, but the feeling was still very weak.

Finally, there was a feeling of hunger in his belly, and Lu Shi stopped sweating all over his body. The special rhythm of breathing and breathing that he had been maintaining was disrupted, and the feeling of heat also disappeared.

Lu Shi was not disappointed, on the contrary, he had a smile on his face.

He felt it as soon as he tried it. He didn't know what his martial arts qualifications were, but it was obvious that this kind of positive feedback made him feel happy.

"It's almost time. Work hard and strive to master Qi as soon as possible!"

After thinking about it, he decided to find a fighting martial arts skill as soon as possible. The training method and fighting method complemented each other to bring him more security.

"You can use Tiger Bone Yijin Pills next time. I don't know how effective it will be, but before that, it's time to get something to cushion your stomach."

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