Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 13: Monkey Madness

Chen Wentian received a long distance message from the Immortal Association about some demon invasion happening in the vicinity. As he was given a large area of land and people to lord over, he also had to take care of occasional trouble that popped up. He wouldn't have to interfere in conflicts and wars between people, that would be a waste of time. But there were sometimes demons or monsters that would take root in some area or another and terrorize the local population.

Demons and monsters also cultivated and there were immortals among them as well. Thought, it was rare to find an immortal one this deep within human territory. Within the wild lands all bets were off as it was common for human immortals to battle against demon and monster immortals. For this situation he received some information that a type of monkey demon called jueyuan had taken over a mountain range. Jueyuan were about the size of humans and a lot stronger. They would raid human settlements and kill everyone except the women. The jueyuan would abduct the women back to the mountains and force them to have s.e.x so they would give birth to more demon monkeys. They grew fast and propagated even faster and a small number could turn into an army in a few years. It sounded pretty disgusting but this was a pretty common among demons and monsters.

The few villages in the mountains were devastated and a local sect was even involved in the fight. However, apparently this sect was too weak or the monkeys too strong. Either way it was a huge mess. Chen Wentian needed to go over and clean up the situation.

Chen Wentian flew into the Black Mist Mountains as it was called locally. He did a detailed survey of the local area, noticing that some towns seemed like they had been destroyed for a long time. Others seemed more recent. The local sect within the mountain was called Green Leaf Sect. They were the ones that were ultimately forced to fight the monkeys so he checked their sect. He found a large battle had occurred and was winding down. An army of hundreds if not thousands of demon monkeys had invaded the sect. Bodies of both humans and monkeys were everywhere but the monkeys had pretty much won as there was only one person, a woman, left fighting. Various monkeys had her surrounded and it seemed it was the end.

Chen Wentian didn't immediately go down to help save her. He wasn't really obligated to as the situation had already devolved to this level where the sect was pretty much wiped out. He hung out in the sky and observed the situation.

The Green Leaf Sect worked with the local population to produce useful herbs for cultivation. But it seemed like besides this, they didn't have much else in terms of martial arts or cultivation talent. The sect master was a trashy 8th Level of Spirit Initiate. He had been killed by the alpha monkey that was the strongest at the peak of Spirit Initiate.

Chen Wentian moved his focus to various parts of the sect's buildings where demon monkeys were going wild and violating the women. The unfortunate ones included female disciples or servants of the sect. The monkeys, several to a female, would rip apart her clothes and roughly fondle her b.r.e.a.s.ts and v.a.g.i.n.a with their hairy hands. Surprisingly, the only non-hairy part of the demon monkey was its p.e.n.i.s, which was forced into every available orifice. Chen Wentian didn't use his eyes to see these things but his spiritual sense told him more than he wanted to know. It was a wretched end for those women, and he couldn't save them. Being tainted by demon s.p.e.r.m was worse than death in some sense and their mind would have collapsed from the defilement.

Chen Wentian looked back at the courtyard at the brave female fighting with the last of her strength. He sensed she was a sect elder perhaps, being thirty years old and at the 5th level of Spirit Initiate. She wore a glittering silver battle dress as she swung her slender sword around with ferociously. Each swing was filled with hatred and determination. Her long black hair freely flowing behind her as blood splashed across her valiant beautiful face. She would get up each time after being knocked down to cut down the next demon monkey that jumped at her. It painted an epic picture of the last stand of a fearless warrior.

Chen Wentian was very appreciative of this captivating scenery and continued to watch her intently. She fought on for a long time and refused to go down, and in the end the alpha demon monkey lost his patience and rushed at her. The difference in strength was too great and he knocked her unconscious with one blow. He grabbed her and put her on his shoulder. Curious as to what these demon monkeys would do next, Chen Wentian continued to observe.

The alpha monkey barked out some orders in the monkey language which Chen Wentian didn't understand but he soon saw all the demon monkeys grab their women and start heading back up the mountain. I'll be able to follow them to their secret hideout, this should save me some time, Chen Wentian thought. He followed them from afar.

The Black Mist Mountains were extremely wild and the trees and brush were thick. Chen Wentian figured that if he wasn't looking for these demon monkeys, he wouldn't even notice them if he flew over. Deep in the mountains there was a small inconspicuous cave entrance. The alpha demon went in and the army of hundreds demon monkeys followed into it. Eventually they all disappeared into the cave. What a sneaky hiding spot! Chen Wentian immediately followed into the cave, eager to clean up all of these monkeys.

He put up a spiritual barrier at the cave entrance so there would no escape. He silently withdrew a purple sword and started a killing spree.

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