Imperial Master of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 113 I am the Taoist Master!

"Water is closely related to agricultural production. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lifeblood of farming."

"In the south, for every three inches of rainfall missing, grain production will be reduced by 10 percent. In the north, where there is a lack of rainfall, these three inches of rainfall are even more critical, directly determining how the people's harvest will be this year. There will be no rebellion."

Li Jinglong and Zhu Gaoxu nodded in agreement.

No precipitation will lead to drought, and drought will lead to locust plagues. Together with locust plagues, refugees will be everywhere, and the national destiny will be basically a pill after a few more times.

"Actually, when we talk about monsoons and precipitation, it's basically over."

Jiang Xinghuo talked for a long time, and his mouth was somewhat dry.

He took a break and then said: "It stands to reason that the next step is to talk about how to use chemistry to turn decay into magic, to mass-produce items that can increase crop yields per acre, and how to use effective methods to utilize cultivated land. Produce more food in a limited time.”

"In this way, we can have a way to combat the Little Ice Age that will last for hundreds of years and will become more severe."

Jiang Xinghuo's expression was slightly dazed.

He remembered a record he had seen about the drought in the late Ming Dynasty.

In the summer and autumn of the first year of Chongzhen, there was a severe drought in northern Shaanxi. There were scenes everywhere of fathers abandoning their sons, husbands licking their wives, digging grass roots to feed themselves, and collecting white stones to satisfy their hunger. The following year, Ma Maocai, an official from Yan'an, witnessed the famine. : There has been no rain since last year, and the vegetation is scorched. During August and September, people competed to collect and eat grass from the mountains. The grains were like bran bark, which tasted bitter and astringent. Eating it could only prolong one's life... At the end of the year, when the bark was gone, people dug up rocks in the mountains. The people were not willing to eat stones and died, so they began to gather together and commit robberies. One or two people who had a little savings were robbed, and everything was looted, and no official could stop it.

Jiang Xinghuo himself had been a hungry citizen, and he knew how weak the people were in the self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy in the face of natural and man-made disasters, and how many human tragedies it would cause.

Because, whether it was the farm work he talked about before, or the method he was now proposing to increase agricultural production during the Little Ice Age, Jiang Xinghuo had no intention of seeking any substantive or reputational benefits.

Ask yourself, it’s just that you feel the same way and don’t have a conscience if you don’t speak out.

Perhaps to onlookers, the thousands of miles of red land caused by the drought is just something they can talk about after dinner.

But for Jiang Xinghuo, no.

But before that, due to the professional habits and ethics of lecturers, Teacher Jiang, who has never had the bad habit of "hiding one thing", decided to talk about a small point that has not been mentioned, rather than mentioning it in one sentence.

That is.

What exactly is [water]?

Jiang Xinghuo asked: "In addition, I just mentioned that wind is caused by different air pressures, but have you ever thought about how rainfall is formed?"

This sounds like an extremely simple and childish question.

He just silenced the two grown men.

How is rainfall formed?

I've never thought about this issue.

Zhu Gaoxu remained silent for a few more breaths, then asked tentatively: "Did the Dragon King urinate?"

Jiang Xinghuo: "."

Li Jinglong: "."

It was impossible to expect these two students to realize it on their own, Jiang Xinghuo cleared his throat and said.

"Precipitation refers to the weather phenomenon in which water vapor condensed in the air in the sky falls to the land surface in different ways."

"We have said before that temperature is directly related to rainfall. The higher the temperature, the more rainfall. This is because in the air in the sky, the higher the temperature, the more water vapor the clouds can hold. This water vapor, at the beginning, You can understand it as cloud drops."

"In the early stages, cloud droplets mainly rely on continuously absorbing water vapor around the cloud body to make themselves stronger. If the water vapor energy source in the cloud body is continuously supplied and replenished, the surface of the cloud droplets will always be in a full state. Just like the particles of a fruit. Mature, the feeling of being about to explode."

"Then, the process of turning clouds into rain will continue, causing the cloud droplets to continue to grow. When the cloud droplets in the cloud increase to a certain extent, due to the increasing size and weight of the large cloud droplets, they will continue to fall during their descent. Not only can it catch up with those smaller cloud droplets that are slower, but it can also swallow up more small cloud droplets to make itself stronger. When the big cloud droplets grow bigger and bigger, they will eventually be so big that the air in the sky can no longer support them. When the time comes, it falls straight from the clouds to the ground and becomes our common rain.”

Li Jinglong couldn't help but said: "In the legend, the dragon swallows clouds and turns into rain, so that's what it means."

Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but nod, as if to say, this is the same as the Dragon King peeing.

Looking at these two students who were deeply poisoned by feudal superstition, Jiang Xinghuo's face turned dark, but he continued to talk.

"The rainfall I just talked about is part of the fundamental principle of how the world works - the 'water cycle'."

Hearing these words, Zhu Gaochi and Xia Yuanji next door didn't react at all, but Zhang Tianshi was in high spirits!

Zhang Tianshi was frantically deducing the logic in his mind.

Jiang Xinghuo mentioned "the fundamental principle of how the world operates."

In Taoism, what is the "fundamental principle of how the world operates"?

That is - Tao!

And what is Tao?

The Tao is very Tao, and it is not easy to describe it in detail.

So in the concept of Taoism, is there any specific thing that can be used to help people understand what "Tao" is?


Lao Tzu has made it very clear in the Tao Te Ching.

Chapter 8 of the "Tao Te Ching" says: The best good is like water. Water is good for all things and does not compete with it. It is what everyone hates, so it is close to the Tao.

Water is the thing closest to "Tao".

And Jiang Xinghuo said that "the fundamental principle of the world's operation" is the "water cycle."


Everything is right!

In other words, the essence of Feng Shui is the embodied expression of "Tao"!

And what Jiang Xinghuo is talking about right now is the thing closest to "Tao", water!

As long as you understand what water is all about, you can be "almost in the way"!

"True immortal! It is indeed a true immortal!"

"Hahahaha, Taoist Master, I am actually lucky enough to listen to the sermon of a true immortal!"

"What I'm talking about is water, which is closest to the Tao!"

Zhang Tianshi's eyes had become bloodshot, and his expression was extremely focused, waiting for Jiang Xinghuo's lecture.

He almost held his breath.

Although Zhu Gaochi and Xia Yuanji didn't know what Zhang Tianshi had discovered, they were immediately drawn into that atmosphere when they saw how excited he was.

The three of them stared blankly, waiting for Jiang Xinghuo to teach further.

"The water cycle refers to the recurring movement of various forms of water in the world through evaporation, water vapor transport, condensation, infiltration, runoff and other links under the influence of sunlight, tides and other factors."

Jiang Xinghuo finished speaking.

Infiltration, runoff?

Zhang Tianshi next door almost blurted out: "The reason why Jiang Hai can be the king of hundreds of grains is because he is good at killing people, so he can be the king of hundreds of grains! What Jiang Xianren said is the true meaning of this sentence in the Tao Te Ching. !”

"This is the secret of the Tao Te Ching!"

"If it weren't for Immortal Jiang's words, it would be clear."

“The world has wasted a thousand years reading the Tao Te Ching!!”

Zhang Tianshi's expression became extremely shocked.

And Jiang Xinghuo's lecture, oh no, Zhang Tianshi's lecture, is still going on.

Jiang Xinghuo said slowly: "The water cycle is a cyclic process that successfully connects different parts of the world, keeping the water in it in a state of constant renewal in different cycles, thus maintaining the dynamic balance of water volume."

"Water is never static, but is constantly moving and shifting in space. The water cycle is not only a complex process, but also an important natural process. It combines various water bodies in the world into continuous The unified water cycle closely links water with rocks, air, and animals during the cycle process, forming an interconnected and restricted unity."

"At the same time, changing, circulating water further influences the movement of matter, the shaping of topography, and the transformation of energy in the world."

“For example, surface water continuously erodes, transports, and accumulates surface materials, forming a unique water landform; for example, river runoff continuously transports sediment and salt to the sea, affecting the offshore environment; and for example, water absorbs and releases heat during water changes. Heat and its heat transfer alleviate the imbalance of heat budget in different regions.”

"Just like wind is formed by the flow of high air pressure to low air pressure, water is also constantly flowing, and in the process, it helps the growth of livestock, people, and vegetation in the world."

The secret room next door.

Zhu Gaochi could see with his naked eyes that Master Zhang's expression became extremely strange.

Zhang Tianshi kept murmuring and repeating one sentence.

"The greatest good is like water. Water is good for all things and benefits all things without fighting. It is what everyone hates, so it is almost in line with the Tao."

"The best thing is like water, water is good for all things."

It is the water that is constantly flowing and transformed in various forms in this world that nourishes the growth of all things and silently helps all things.

And "Tao" doesn't also exist in various forms, constantly transforming, and silently affecting the world?

The best is like water.

Water is beneficial to all things without fighting.

What Taozu meant is essentially the "water cycle" that Jiang Xianren talked about!

Think this through.

Zhang Tianshi felt like he was struck by lightning.

It was like a huge amount of pleasure that was like ascending to immortality.

The terrifying pleasure of comprehending the "Tao" seemed to make Zhang Tianshi feel that he would have no regrets even if he died now!

Zhang Tianshi didn't understand the saying "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening", Zhang Tianshi didn't understand it before, but now he understands what it feels like, that's it! That's it!

"Water cycle!"

"Everything grows from water!"

"The true ultimate secret of the Tao Te Ching!"

"The meaning of the great road left by the old man Daozu!"

"Master Dao, I am done!"

"Master Dao, I am done!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

In the secret room, Zhang Yuchu raised his hands high, and his thick black arms covered with hair were exposed under his robe.

The terrifying laughter echoed in the secret room with excellent mute effect.

Looking at the scene in Datianjie Temple that seems familiar.

Zhu Gaochi subconsciously shrank the fleshy back of his neck.

".Is this another one crazy?"

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