Imperial Master of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 53: Canglin knows etiquette clearly

Yuan Gong suddenly asked: "Can I ask a question first, and then Monk Daoyan will answer your Majesty?"

Dao Yan was noncommittal, and he just needed some time to think about Zhu Di's question.

In the past few days, Daoyan has been thinking on the wall. Although he has his own understanding of most of the issues, they have not been completely connected after all.

Hearing Monk Dao Yan and Zhu Di mention the so-called "Jiang Sheng" and "Mr. Jiang" again and again, Yuan Gong couldn't restrain his curiosity and interrupted and asked: "Who is this Mr. Jiang you are talking about?" ?”

"The full name is Jiang Xinghuo." Zhu Gaochi explained carefully, "Jiang Xinghuo was originally a small landowner at the foot of Jingting Mountain in Ningguo Prefecture. He lost his father when he was young. He studied with a private school teacher in the countryside for several years. But for some reason, he started to change last year. He sold his property and came to Nanjing alone to listen to music and spend time on the Qinhuai River every day. He was quite talented in poetry and once wrote poems such as 'How much the west wind blows away the eyebrows' and sold them to dignitaries in exchange for money."

"Why did it attract His Majesty's attention so much, and why did he make Monk Daoyan so crazy?" Yuan Gong was still puzzled.

Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Di, who thought for a moment and nodded.

After all, Yuan Gong is really not an outsider to them.

Twenty years ago, Yuan Gong predicted that Zhu Di would become emperor in the future, and how to prove whether Jiang Xinghuo was a banished immortal? In the end, Yuan Gong still had to go take a look and figure it out. Even if he couldn't decide, it would always be settled. A question in Zhu Di's mind.

After all, fortune teller Yuan Gong was already the top authority in this field during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties.

Without asking Yuan Gong, no one can answer the question "Is Jiang Xinghuo an immortal?"

So since you have to tell Yuan Gong about Jiang Xinghuo in the end, it's better to tell him directly now when Yuan Gong takes the initiative to ask.

With his father's permission, Zhu Gaochi continued.

"It's because the teacher who taught him in the village was Fang Xiaoru's registered disciple. Jiang Xinghuo was also taken into prison as Fang Xiaoru's 'tenth clan'. And his second brother happened to be resting in prison some time ago. By chance, Found this person.”

"This person's remarks are unexpected and often very reasonable, so Master Daoyan became a little fascinated after listening."

"Father suspects that he might be - a banished immortal!"

Yuan Gong understood clearly, and he looked at Zhu Di and asked: "Then your Majesty summoned the old man here for this Jiang Xinghuo, right? Let the old man take a look at him to see if he has been relegated to the world. "


Zhu Di did not hide anything and said frankly: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Master Yuan, but Li Jinglong is also 'resting' in prison. When the time comes, I will ask the Jin Yiwei to contact Li Jinglong. Through Li Jinglong, Master Yuan can get close to Jiang Xinghuo."

"Old man is also very curious." Yuan Gong rubbed his hands on his dirty clothes, unscrewed the cork of the wine bottle and took a sip of wine, "The so-called banishment of immortals, this old man has never seen anything like this in his sixty years. . Even in the troubled times of the late Yuan Dynasty, the saying that 'one eye of a stone man stirs up rebellion in the Yellow River world' is just a human trick. I really don't know whether there are banished immortals in the world and what will happen if they meet the banished immortals."

Daoyan finished thinking here, but he didn't want to listen to their nonsense anymore.

"Let's talk about the first one first." Dao Yan said with certainty, "Both are worlds ruled by blood-sucking insects, but there must be differences between the two worlds."

"What Jiang Sheng said are all small words with great meaning."

Dao Yan, who had converted to Jiang Xinghuo spiritually at some point, began his own interpretation of Jiang Xinghuo's remarks.

"But Jiang Sheng did not explain all the course content in detail. Some things that were not particularly important were just passed by in a flash. For example, in the Spring and Autumn Period, iron plows and oxen plowing led to other impacts of the improvement of manufacturing power. This kind of ' Other effects' are bound to emerge with the next advancement in manufacturing."

Zhu Gaochi silently repeated: "Other impacts brought about by the advancement of manufacturing power?"

"Lao Na believes that among this 'other influences', there are two most important ones."

Dao Yan clasped his hands together and said in a deep voice: "First of all, the improvement of manufacturing power means that the status of producers must be improved from the previous point of view, just like from slaves under the well-field system to yeoman farmers or under the private land system. Sharecroppers.”

"The reason is also very simple. Advances in manufacturing power will inevitably lead to the collapse of the original order. Only blood-sucking insects that are more supportive of producers can gain an advantage in competition with other blood-sucking insects."

Hearing this, not only Zhu Gaochi was thoughtful, but Zhu Di also frowned.

"What about another important influence?" Zhu Gaochi asked.

"Another important influence is thinking."

"Just like what "Historical Records·The Biography of Guan Yan" said: The warehouse is solid and you know the etiquette, the food and clothing are enough and you know the honor and disgrace, and the superiors are obedient and the six relatives are solid. If the four dimensions are not open, the country will perish, and the orders are like the source of flowing water, and the orders are in compliance with the people's hearts. The eldest prince might as well tell you what this sentence means."

Zhu Gaochi has been studying Confucian classics and history since he was a child. This most basic thing is certainly not a problem for him.

"It means that only when the granary is full can you know etiquette, and only when you have enough food and clothing can you understand honor and disgrace; when the king uses wealth and follows the system, the nobles will adhere closely; but if the ethics of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame are not widely promoted, the country will Destroy. Promulgating government decrees is like the source of flowing water, it must be in line with the people's will."

After hearing this, Dao Yan nodded his bald head, which was all black and gray, with satisfaction: "Lao Na believes that thinking should also be part of the 'top-level structure' mentioned by Jiang Sheng, so the development of manufacturing power will definitely change thinking."

"This change in thinking is largely not initiated by the producers themselves. Producers are busy producing valuable items and have no time to think about these."

"On the contrary, it is a blood-sucking insect lying on the body of the producer. When it is full of blood, it will have time and energy to start thinking about new ideas."

"Just like the emergence of iron plows and oxen plowing in the Spring and Autumn Period, the rise of 'scholars' also brought about the contention of a hundred schools of thought."

“At the same time, even if this kind of thinking is not proposed by the producers themselves, it will ultimately improve the situation of producers.”

Zhu Gaochi looked at Dao Yan, who was so smart that he could realize the Tao on his own by following Jiang Xinghuo's theory, and took over the words.

"So Master Daoyan feels that it is just like the progress in manufacturing power caused by the iron plow and oxen plowing last time, which improved the status of producers and gave rise to thinking that is beneficial to producers. In the world evolved by the next progress in manufacturing power, the same two things will happen. point, it’s all a world ruled by blood-sucking insects, but for producers it’s a completely different world.”

"That's right!" Dao Yan nodded in approval, "It's just like a snake cultivating for five hundred years to transform into a dragon, and a dragon cultivating for a thousand years to transform into a dragon."

"But people have different talents, so if we force generalizations."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid there will be more conflicts!"

Zhu Gaochi's words were sonorous and powerful, and every sentence made sense, making it impossible for anyone to refute.

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