In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 14: The manly(?) way of gaining trust and base camp.

"As you can see my Lord, this is what we do. Now, if you permit me, I would like to change my clothes since these ones are...too loose now."

Says Erevain, still trying to support her newly bulging chest, while showing me boxes on top of boxes of diverse products and provisions. All 'procured' from merchants they ambushed and so on.

"You may go."

It seems that I was right on the money thinking that they were more than simple bandits. And Erevain hasn't told me the specifics as to why they are doing that, yet, but they are indeed the one's responsible for the road being in such a good state.

That also includes keeping it free of dangerous beasts and monsters.

Still...vigilantes or exiled knights? Right now, I’m betting more on the latter because of Erevain's 'feel', but I also can't deny the other one. Either way, I'm almost certain that Erevain is someone who at least had a high position on this land.



You can't be an isekai protagonist without AT LEAST one princess, or high priestess, or something along those lines in your harem...I

And Erevain's look and feel seem to me like a neon sign screaming 'SOMETHING KINGDOM SOMETHING ARC HEROINE HERE'. But I will stop myself for marking it as a 'check' in the ‘isekai things’ list until the person herself reveals their circumstances.

Oh well, I may need to do other things before we go there though. I mean, I haven't visited the village of the beginning yet! That is a must! Because that's where I can get some idea of the common sense of this world before throwing it into the trash anyway.

It seems I went a bit off topic there for a moment. Where was I?

Ah yes.

Their base camp has a good level of organization and even hygiene. It doesn't smell bad at all. This is all on Erevain, I'm sure of it.

But I was talking about the boxes, right? They secretly deliver those to a nearby village every first day of the month.

Umu, umu. That is sure nice of them and that is more reason to go there. I made a right choice with them.

"Indeed. I am impressed by their love for the people of their country even if it seems that they have been forgotten."

Yes, Erevain said something along those lines when I asked her if they really had no problem going on a journey with me.

"There is something I've been curious about, Auros."


"Why are you playing a character?"

Oh, that.

"Wouldn't it be more comfortable to just act as yourself?"

Comfortable, yes. Effective and productive? Not so much. If I learned something in my job back in the other world, it was that sometimes one must play the character the image of one's self creates in the minds of others to get good results. And since besto waifu already has a way of acting that fits the bill, I decided to emulate it.

"Not just because you would sound cool role playing as her, right?"

No, of course not, Nerinne. Who do you think I am? The logical reason is the central one of course...AS IF! OF COURSE, IT WAS BECAUSE I WOULD SOUND AND LOOK COOL TOO.

"I knew it."

I mean, the logical reason was there too but come on, that was obviously one of the reasons for me wanting this body!

"Yes, but are you going to do that all the time?"

No, not at all. I'm planning to break character slowly, that way it will feel just natural and will make it easier for them to trust me. I just need the right prompt or event to do it.

"You are quite the shrewd one, Auros."

Heh, blame my job for that. I might have learned some not so lawful-good things in there, but all that merch wouldn't buy itself, right? Being a serious otaku is costly, you know? There is no way I could fill a warehouse with figurines, merch, books and so on being just a NEET!


"Fufufu~~ I would like to hear more about that job of yours, but it seems that 'prompt' you were looking for is coming."

Oh, you are right. It's the tanned red-headed warrior. She seems to have already changed to more comfortable clothes and thus I can see her tight curves even better. Thanks for the meal, as they say!

"Yo' Lord Auros!"

Heh, a proper greeting for her character type. Nice, nice.

"State your name and business with me."

I say in a reproaching tone; some people are behind her too. Oh, it's the blonde ojou-sama type and the shy one, both with more fitting clothes too. Good. Good. Thanks for the combo meal!

"Yes, yes. I'm Kristoff, though now it doesn't sound too convincing so, just call me Kris my Lord. As you can see, I am a warrior and I have come with a request for you."

She says so while holding a stupidly big sword on her shoulders. Anime-level of big. Hiatus manga type of big. If that is not a check in my isekai things list, then I don't know what it is! CHECK!

"And you?"

I say so to the ones behind them. The ojou-sama nods while the shy one gets a bit startled just like her character would act. Please tell me she was always like that and me changing her form didn't affect her personality, Nerinne. Because that would be bad.

"Your skill doesn't do that, Auros. It just affects the physical appearance."

Phew...thanks for the clarification. Let's go back to the ojou-sama then.

"I am Gabrielle, my Lord. I specialize in physical combat and healing magic. I have the same request as Kris, but I hope we can work well together from now on."

She bows lightly after saying that and her blond curls bounce a bit with her movement as well as her chest. Truly a first-class beauty. I can almost hear the 'OHOHOHOHOHO!' laugh coming out of her perfectly.

"I-I'm Luca...I specialize…reconnaissance, scouting and Lord. I...too have…request..."

While Gabrielle’s voice is soft and gentle, like a precious flower, without beating Nerinne though, Luca’s is incredibly girly despite being as loud as a whisper. So much so that if I closed my eyes, I would think I was talking to a high schooler and not a woman in her twenties.

"So, what is this request you speak of?"

"Fight us my lord."

"Please, my lord."


The three of them stare at me with pretty intense and expectant eyes. Well, Luca is trying her hardest to not look the other way though...she sure is cute.

You were right, Nerinne. This is a really good prompt.

"Hoh~~~ And why would you want to do something that could be thought as foolish?"

I say so while putting my hand near my chin and using an inquisitive smile. I don't know if it hasn't been clear enough, but I'm having a blast doing this.

"Heh, because I want to test the strength of my new lord, even if he is a Dragon Lord backed by the Goddess. Simple as that."

She says so while giving me a big smile. The scar she has in one of her cheeks makes her even more charming now that I look at her closely. Ooof...

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Kris. I want to better know the Lord that our Goddess has chosen."

Oh, she is already wearing a pair of metal gauntlets. Her tone is polite, but she is completely serious about fighting me.

"I...I fainted...when I met you so...I want to show you that…I am no...coward!"

Luca, you don't need to do that. With how you said that just now you already have a place in my heart. So cute dammit! Kris and Gabrielle are good too.

"Besides, that would also help those with the same thoughts as us."

Says Kris while pointing with her chin at the rest of my new companions, they were all paying attention to our talk.

"Indeed, I can see the logic in your words. That also means that the three of you are in the higher ranks of your peers, am I correct?"

"That's how it is, my Lord."

"Good. I accept your request."

"We thank you for giving us some of your time."

"...thank you..."


"I take my eyes off Kristoff for a moment and this happens...*sigh*"

Says Erevain while shaking her head.

Yeah, it was too coincidental that they came right after you left to change your clothes. Also, don't worry about those, Nerinne is already working on something better and more...appropriate, heh.

"Why, of course I am."

That is also the reason why I am fighting barehanded right this moment, since I transported my lance to my personal space just a moment ago to let her do just that.

"Oh my, my! What is this? Could it be that…?"

Huh? Is everything alright back there?

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Auros dear. You'll see when you come back here. Now, focus on your fight scene, yes? Cheers."

She is hiding something. I feel it in my horns.


Kris shouts while doing a downward slash with her sword. She thought I wasn't paying attention, but I move out of the way as if I was dealing with some falling leaves.

Sorry. I indeed wasn't paying attention, but I have an OP instinct skill.

"I apologize if I seem distracted, but the Goddess was speaking with me and...huff!"


I grab the striking Gabrielle by her arm throw her to the ground with a traditional martial arts technique. What? Why do I know martial arts? Are you serious? Any otaku of my level has at least gone through a martial arts phase when they were kids and watching certain Shonen anime!! No? WELL I DID! GOT A PROBLEM?

But I also must give credit again to my instinct, senses and overall OP body obviously. Just putting it out there so people don't forget and think I was some sort of genius that only needed to move to another world to shine. Heh.

"You are coming from behind Luca. The opening was when I was grabbing Gabrielle here, not now.  Try again if you can get up from...THIS!"


By my Goddess, this instinct is an absolute OP thing coupled with my senses. I do a step-back kick and...oh! Luca was able to dodge it! Nice!

Seems like she is the first one to start using her improved abilities even if it’s by luck. Some of our spectators are surprised by that.


Kris is coming with a round slash, so this time I will grab her sword and...

"You fell for it! [OX PUNCH]!"

Ah, it was a feint. She is coming with a glowing punch and her speed is increasing! Nice!

"Do not forget about me, my Lord! [KI STRIKE]!"

Gabrielle is coming at me from my other side with increased speed too! Good!

I don't even need to ask because I know for sure that I am smiling. Just imagining how awesome this looks from the outside makes me want to do even flashier things! But they are not enemies and I am not some battle junkie, so I'll do this quick!


Luca seems intent on attacking me from the back. Very well let's try a bit of magic while dealing with these two at my sides.

"Ice heed me and guard my back. [ICE WALL]"

I murmur while taking both punches with each hand. They are strong. I actually felt them a bit.


Cute. Luca, who just tried to attack me, saw herself blocked by the sudden emergence of an ice wall, duh, but her daggers managed to leave some surface cracks on it because of her strength. Just imagine if she had better equipment!



"You can't break free from my grip; your hand will be damaged if you try. Do you wish to continue?"

I say so while showing them a satisfied smile. They make a surprised expression in response to my smile and laugh a bit.

", it was short, but it was a good fight, my Lord."

"I have no objections. The doubts my heart had were squashed in a satisfying manner by my Lord."

"I...think so too..."

"Very well then."

I release Kris and Gabrielle and then I help Luca get up. Then I walk towards everyone else.

"Were you surprised by that? Have any of you seen them move this fast before? Or hit that hard? Well, that is the potential every single one of you now has. They managed to do that just a couple of hours after their transformation. Just imagine what will happen when you train properly and become accustomed to your new bodies."

Some are looking at their hands and making fists with them, full of motivation. Others are looking at me with complete trust and others are still surprised.

"But if anyone still has doubts, you can always request a fight with me. That is one of your rights as the ones who serve me."

"Oh, that means we can fight again, my Lord?"

Says Kris while resting her sword on her shoulders again.

"Indeed. Now..."

I summon a [Door] to my personal space.

"Wha-What is that my lord?"

"This is the door that will take us to my fortress, or better said, our headquarters. So, tell everyone to pack up everything, Erevain. I'll be waiting inside."

That will give me some time to see what the hell is Nerinne planning.

"Yes, my lord."

I cross the door and disappear inside.

Nerinne, ready or not here I come!



To be continued...(cue dark silhouette of…HUH?! WHAT?!)

Glossary Entry #11:

Neet: Not in Employment, Education, or Training. That is what that term means. It appears in various anime and manga, sometimes in a comedic way as the ultimate form of a weeb and sometimes on a more serious manner. Some isekai stories feature neets who die and go to another world.


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