In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

23. A Degenerate’s Love

After unloading some thorough amount of load deep inside Mrs.Sinnar i left the half conscious wife in the puddle of her own making. She had a bit more sense than yesterday, I guess she can clean after herself. She was still murmuring something about cum in her pussy when I opened the carriage door and left to see what had become of Rachel. 

To my surprise she was still there, looking through the gap. Though I could see her hand inside her half dress which was raised to her waist from her knees. Her cloak was in the way but I could guess where that hand was touching right now. I lightly coughed to let her know I was there, and I was greeted with a small squeak and hurried motions of making her clothes look decent.   

It was dark so I couldn't be hundred percent sure but I could sense that her expressions were all bewildered and full of embarrassment with a bit of fear. I gestured her to follow me and we walked slowly towards our carriage. The two idiots were still enjoying the gifts I had given them. When we finally reached relatively out of sight and away from the Stanley carriage, Rachel finally spoke.

Rachel - What have you done to her ?

Hikaru - Huh ? What ? 

Rachel - I know mistress Gvenniver, she would never do something so…so..obscene on her own violation. You must have done something to her !

Hikaru - Are you looking for excuses because you can’t wrap your head around what a genuine hunger for love between a man and woman looks like ?

Rachel - Love ? Don’t be absurd ! There is no way that..that thing could be called love from any angle…

Hikaru - Let me guess, love is flowers and pretty dresses, people singing songs and dances ?

She stopped walking, I guess she got my point. I also turned around to face her.

Hikaru - I don’t deny that understanding people and spending just some random moments together isn’t love, but remember this well my lady 80% of love between man and woman is just about skinship. It is natural and the most pure of urges for a human to form a connection.

Rachel - But..she..Gvenniver is married and her husband…

Hikaru - I did not force her, well I did chase after her and tried charming her but that’s what any man wants to do with the woman they like. I was attracted to her so I approached her and in doing so got close to her. If her connection to Stanley is so weak that it broke in just a few minutes of conversation then it wasn't love to begin with.

Rachel - Attraction ? Same attraction that you have for me ?

Hikaru - Yes. That’s why I showed you what becoming my girl would look like. You can still change your mind. 

I started walking since I considered the conversation to be over but after just a few steps I heard her pretty voice again, much more subdued this time though.

Rachel - said a man chases after the woman they like..Do all men do that ?

Hikaru - Sigh..No just the most degenerate like me, most men never realize they are in love until some kind of situation makes them aware of it. And women can chase too, it just depends on how much you want it and want to hold on to it.

Rachel - Then..i get it i think. But are you saying you are a bad person for doing this ?

Hikaru - No, my love is just more messed up than the rest. I like pretty things, so i try to get them. Doesn’t mean my love is any inferior to yours.     

Rachel - That’s such a villain line to say ! That’s exactly what the bad guys in the stories say I know…

She said though there was more playfulness and light-heartedness in both her voice and expressions than scorn. Well I can't deny that I do sound like a villain. 

Hikaru - So ? Do you still want to be this villain’s girl ?

Rachel - I am not sure if your words are true or not but it did open my mind to things I was too narrow minded to see. I will repay this but I am not sure I can take the kind of love you have, so instead I will let you touch me if you want but nothing more ! just touching…

Hikaru - hahaha..well it’s better than just staring at your juicy ass all day ! I will take it.

Rachel - !? Juicy ?!

Hikaru - Yes princess, your ass can kill a man with a weak heart you know ? You better be careful who you show it to…

I returned her earlier teasing with interest. Her face was so red and expressions so awkward, haha it was so funny. She hurriedly walked past me punching me on the head on the way.

Rachel - Idiot my ass is innocent  !! what the hell am I saying….?

After that we both slept like a log in the carriage with the rest of the kids. Next morning I saw Gvenniver glaring daggers at me while having breakfast. I guess she didn’t like the idea of getting with another kid. I respectfully averted my gaze, as following the time honoured way of thousands of my ancestors before me. I also ignored the woman who may or may not be the mother of my future child and played my role as a deadbeat father perfectly.    

The journey through the knowing forest continued. The scenery had changed to just trees and trees and a whole lot of other kinds of trees. Rachel was also outside, showing the way or I could just grab her ass and pass some time watching her squirm.

Just as I was about to doze off a loud roar came from somewhere ahead of us and the carriage stopped suddenly, making all of us fall towards the driver face first.

‘ What in the fuck was it now !? ‘

But the words left in my throat as I was just going to ‘what the hell’, when I saw a large shape coming towards us from the deep forest before us. It looked almost as big as a single story house and fat, running on all fours. Looking incredibly angry.  

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