In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 2 – Looking through my new system


In a narrow street beside an orphanage, a baby’s cry could be heard.

“What’s that?”-A woman sweeping the floor in front of an orphanage in London suddenly hears the cry of a baby and goes towards the source of the sound, right in the alley beside the orphanage’s building.

“Oh!”-She’s startled seeing the little basket that was resting in the middle of the floor with the supposed crying baby. “Poor baby… Who would be so despicable to leave you here all alone…?”-She said while going towards the basket and slowly lifting it up.

“Mm?”-The baby suddenly stopped crying once she got to see his face. He was only looking at her, with a little curious face. “Wow… You calmed so soon… That’s weird… Never heard of a little baby stop crying so fast… Were you that sad for being left alone?”-She asked him, obviously not expecting an answer. “Well, don’t worry. You’ll have a lot of friends to talk to!”-She said joyfully while going back to the front of the orphanage.

She talked to the little and calm baby while walking, and it was when she was almost there that she could notice a little piece of paper inside the basked with the baby.

“Mm? What’s this?”-She grabbed the paper while holding the basket with care.

[Logan Davis Taylor]

“Oh? Is this your name? Well… Such consideration from your parents… Leaving you with at least a name… Well, little Logan… Let’s go to your new home…”-She said with a little saddened face, going inside the orphanage, not noticing the glint in the child’s eyes.


{Finally!!! That guy! Couldn’t he leave me in front of the orphanage!? I could die out there! *sigh…* Thankfully crying worked out and someone came to look for me… And lucky enough it was someone from some orphanage…}-I thought while still inside the basket.

The first thing I could see while opening my eyes again was a dark alley… I wasn’t left in front of some orphanage, but inside a dark and narrow alley in gods know where…

Seeing that no one came to pick me up, I did the only thing a small baby could do… Cry. Cry a lot. I cried as loud as I could, and thankfully it worked out. Now I’ll just have to wait to grow up while inside the orphanage and wait for my 11th birthday…

{I should probably look at my new system… Lars said it would be an OTS System… But… I’ve played a lot of OTS… Like… A lot. From Classics to 100% Custom ones… I guess I’ll be able to find basically anything. But… How do I open it?}-I thought, while the woman that picked me up is talking to some other woman.

{Oh, right! Status!}-I loudly thought in my mind. “Waah!”-While it translated to a weird cry out of my mouth.

“…”-The woman said something to me while pinching my cheek, but I honestly didn’t pay any attention to it.

I was more interested in some kind of window that suddenly appeared in front of me when I thought about my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 0

Magic Stage: 0

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 0

Quests (Sealed)

Store (Sealed)

Inventory (Sealed)]

{Holy fuck! I have an inventory!! And familiar? What’s this? There are no familiars in Tibia… Oh, well, I guess there were a few OTS with them, and last time I checked the original one, they added a really high leveled spell to summon one… But… I don’t think this will be like the original Tibia… Well, nothing I can’t do for the moments.}-I thought while looking at the status.

If what Lars told me is true. I’ll have to wait until I have at least 1yo for me to have 1 magic level and start doing some magic… Though… I barely remember a few of them… So, it’ll be something like trial and error until I have enough ML to make the most basic spells for sure…

{Also… Having the store sealed it’s no fun… I can’t look through the wares… Oh well… It will probably unlock when I win my first point, and the quest and inventory… Well, who knows…? For the moments. I’ll play the little baby. Eating, sleeping, and going to the restroom without actually going there. Nice…}-I thought to myself while going to sleep. Not caring what the caretakers of the orphanage are talking about.


A year has passed, honestly, I was waiting to see which one was my true birthday, as it would be the day my ML would increase to 1 and I would have access to true magic. Though I won’t be trying to do stuff like that, or I would make everyone in the orphanage think I’m some kind of freak.

For the record. Today was that day. Jan 18th. This was the day I finally got my magic core and my ML up to 1.

{FINALLY!!!}-I thought to myself, still with a really calm face on the outside.

A quick resume of my year in the orphanage. Well, I was a baby and did baby things.

Not really. Each passing day I tried my best to talk and to move. It was not that hard actually, but being a baby was harder than I thought, my body still had to grow, so I had to wait until I was 5 or 6 months to be able to sit straight on my own and start saying words bit by bit. Though don’t think I started talking right then, while being a “genius” would actually help me, there’s a limit to how to do things.

As a record, I tried meditating, remembering how the guy told me that it could help me grow my ML. At first, I only could feel a little bit of magic around, probably being in the muggle part of the world wouldn’t help with it, so I stopped. First, because I would actually win my first ML at year 1, and second because it was boring… And my baby body didn’t help at all…

What I did was train my body, as much as a small little creep could, moving, raising objects I deemed “heavy” enough to not damage my growing muscles but still help me a little to develop my body and mind (More body than the mind.), and finally, walking.

I could walk at my 7, almost 8 months old. Though, still with the support of a wall, and with really small steps. The good part of it was looking at the caretakers around the place looking at me with their mouths open.

With each step, I could walk more and more. I also started talking more and more around people, so I finally gained the tag of “genius” in the orphanage. Add to that the fact that I was quiet as hell, not crying, not a picky eater (almost), and able to ask for the restroom since month 4. (Don’t want to talk about prior months.)

All in all, my year here was really quiet. The first woman who took me in here actually took a liking to me, and I to her. Her name was Isabella, and I swear she comes from Ireland, with her freckles, her light white skin, and that ginger hair. She was in the care of me for most of the year.

Now. Going back to what really matters.

{My magic level is finally 1!!!!}-I screamed in my thoughts while looking at the status window.

I was actually feigning to read a child’s book when I was actually reading my status. As I learned to read as fast as to talk. (I already knew how…) That was something that actually made everyone in the place go crazy. A genius baby who could read before turning 1 year old. I gave a lame excuse, light taking a book to learn how to read. Being a little kid has its good side, and that is, people would believe you, or treat anything as a baby’s thing.

Well, going back.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 1

Magic Stage: 1

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 0

Quests (New quest!)

Store (Sealed)

Inventory (Size limit: 410oz/11.62kg)]

{… Heck, even my inventory size depends on the Tibia system… Man… I thought it would be broken… But it only allows for 11.62kg… What the hell do I do with that? Oh well, I guess it’ll increase with my ML… At least I start with 410oz and not the bare minimum. Now. Let’s check the quest!}-I thought while looking that I had a new quest.

{So… How do I check it?}-I thought, not knowing what to do… {Maybe if I think about looking at my quests?}

Right after I had the specific thought of looking at my quests, the status window changed.


New quests!

- Sense your magic core! The beginning of all cheated wizard! (5pts.)

- Launch your first spell! Prove to the world that you’re capable! (10pts.)

- What’s the first spell!? I’m such an idiot that I don’t remember it! Work brain, WORK! (10pts.)]

{… I don’t know what to think about this thing… Whatever. Cursing it won’t do me any good. Let’s go to the first one.}-I thought while closing the book and the status window.

I start walking towards the bookcase to leave the book that I had previously.

“Huh? Logan did you finish reading?”-The caretaker in charge of the little library asked me.

“Yes, madam Lily. I’m a little tired, I’ll go to sleep in my room. Thanks for letting me read here!”-I said to Lily, a lady probably 50yo, with brown hair that was hidden inside a black and white cloth hat, she was rather tall and slim, but slightly hunched for years of hard work I think.

“No problem child, you know you have the doors to this library always open!”-She said with a smile before going back to her things, mostly checking which books were missing or which ones just came.

With that said, I quickly went towards my room, which was shared with four other kids, of which I was the smallest one, the others were mostly a year older or more than me.

Entering the room and closing the door, I then went directly towards my bed, sitting there in the only meditating position I knew. Cross-legged.

{Thankfully, the other kids are playing out in the garden…}-Being Thursday, most kids would be in classes, but being a 1yo little child, it wasn’t expected of me to attend classes, even for a genius, so they mostly let me access the library to read whenever I want, which I do constantly, not having too much to do with other kids my age, or even older.

Assuming my meditating position. I close my eyes and start feeling the magic around me. Thankfully, I already did this before, and I know what to look for, though, this time, I’ll have to look for it inside of me. Which was actually faster than trying to feel something outside of my body.

{There you are!}-I thought when I finally got to see my magic core.

It was disappointing, though I guess it has something to do with only being a stage 1 wizard and having only 1 magic level.

The core was small, it was put inside somewhere in my heart…

{It’s this safe… I mean… It is where my heart should… Did my core replace the heart? Or is it somewhere inside it? Oh well… It does make sense, seeing as my magic power travels through my veins and arteries. Just hope it doesn’t suddenly explode and blows my heart…}

Right when I was thinking about that, a sudden sound woke me up from my meditation.

[Congratulations! You found your core! Now you have found the proper way to become a cheated wizard! Make it grow, child!]

[5pts. have been earned!]

The sudden windows did put a wide smile on my face. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone in the room beside me.

“Status.”-I murmured, kind of excited.

 [User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 1

Magic Stage: 1

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 5

Quests (New quest!)

Store (Now open for service! Look inside!)

Inventory (Size limit: 410oz/11.62kg)]

{Now, let’s check the store!}

[Store! / 5pts

Spell Books (New!)

Wands/Rods (New!)

Runes (New!)

Vocations (News!)

General Items (New!)

Equipment (Sealed)

Spells (Sealed)]

{Spell Books}

[Spell Books (New!)

- Magic Spell Book (150pts)

- ???

- ???]

{… You crazy mother… *sigh…* That leaves my first Spell Book out… Well, let’s see the wands.}

[Wands/Rods (New!)

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- ???

- ???]

“I should have expected this… *sigh…* Oh well… I won’t even look at other things for the moment…”-I murmur while closing the system. “For the moments. I’ll start trying to use some magic. If I’m not wrong, I should be able to cast magic endlessly, after all, in Tibia you don’t need a wand to cast spells, just the incantation…”

And then I started. Looking inside my mind. Trying to see what spell I could do.

{Exura, Utevo Lux, and all the Exoris are skills that need at least level 8… Though I could try to use mi- Of course!!! How did I forget that!}-I thought, standing up from the bed.

“I could use Infir!”

[Congratulations! You’re not that idiot after all! You remember the first spell you can do! I hope that this discovery leads you towards new heights!]

[20pts. have been earned!]

“Nice. 25pts for now. 125pts to go!”

“Exura Infir.”- I cast the spell, and a slight, almost imperceptible green light, surrounded me, doing basically nothing, as I was not hurt in any way…

[Congratulations! You’ve successfully cast your first spell! You’ve proven to the world you’ll become the best wizard. Now go on, child! Teach them the path of a true Sorcerer!]

[20pts. have been earned!]

[New quests available! Check them as soon as you can! You sure won’t be disappointed!]

“105pts to go! Nice.”

In the case of my magic power, I could feel how a little bit of it was used, but a really small amount.

“It must be because the spell isn’t strong enough…”-I murmur to myself. “I guess that unless I make use of it daily until exhaustion, it won’t help me upgrade my ML too soon. Well, at least now I have something to start with, and I’m only 1yo… This is going to be fun!”

Right after that, I cast the spell a few times, and something I discovered, is that I could cast the spell continuously, something that can’t be done inside of normal Tibia. Excepting OTS of course.

“Oh well, I don’t know how it will be for bigger spells, but at least, I can cast spells without waiting for CD.”-I said while looking at my hands, which somehow gave me the thought that I’ll be able to do whatever I wish for! “Now. Let’s check these new quests that the system talked about.”

With that said. I prepared myself, both with the quests, and the training with my spells. I’ll make sure to get to ML 11 before I’m even 8 years old!

Had to edit the chapter. Terra Rod changed to Snakebite Rod (which is the basic LVL 8 rod for Druids in the game)

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