In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 26 – The meaning of power

After the little fight with his upperclassmen, Logan went directly into his room, not stopping inside the common room for even a second, as if he was running, but the truth is, that he had something important to do, something he left out.

He didn’t even stay enough time to know that gossips about him already started spreading in the common room starting with the four girls of his year that watched him fight. Gossips that would soon travel around the castle.

Now, inside his room, he was currently sitting cross-legged while looking at the air, as if he was looking at something that wasn’t there.


“Vocations.” I said, opening the store for vocations in my system.

 [Vocations / 1685pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (1000pts)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- ???]

{I have enough points to buy one vocation, and have some points remaining…} I thought to myself while looking at the store.

After rearranging my thoughts, I decided, that I wouldn’t let that accident mark me. I did what I had to, and it was either him or me who would die. And right now, someone is already targeting me, even if they don’t know how I truly look, I’m not really sure if there is a way to actually find me, so all in all, I better prepare myself.

{System. Could you give me an explanation on the vocations of Arcanist, Summoner, and Tactician?}

[Sure so. I thought you would never ask. Let’s start with Tactician then, as it is the less powerful while talking about raw power.]

[Tactician is a supportive vocation that allows for the use of multiple support spells, like a druid, they are also able to use support and some minor heal spells towards other targets. The vocation lacks direct fighting power, but can actually buff your base power if it’s used correctly.]

{Can you tell me what is his advanced class?}

[Just the name. It’s called Logia.]

{It’s a weird name… But well, doesn’t matter. Keep going.}

[Then, we have the Summoner vocation. It’s the second one weakest in raw power, but one with a lot of opportunities. It allows you to summon monsters from the seemingly infinite amount of OTS out there, within a certain limit. The basic level vocation limits your summons below a Demon in terms of powers, and the amount of summons to only two of them at the time, excepting Dragons Lords and similar monsters, which you can only summon one. Take into consideration, that you won’t be able to summon a Dragon, a Dragon Lord, a Demon, or similar monsters until you reach your third-stage core. Even if you have the vocation.]

{Okay. I get it.} I nodded at the system. {What is its advanced vocation?}

[A summoner’s advanced vocation is Master Summoner.]

“… Okay, I was expecting something better, but it makes sense.”

[Finally, Arcanist. The reason why I left this one to the end, is because it has the most raw-power among those three. And even if we consider the Sorcerer vocation, it could be said that in a one versus one fight, an Arcanist is stronger, or I should say more suitable.]

“Wait… Stronger than a Sorcerer?”

[Yes. Stop interrupting me. As I was saying, an Arcanist is a vocation specialized in melee and mid-range fights. In a sense, it’s more suitable to be called an assassin or warrior class instead of a magician one, as most of his spells consist of the use of melee, and has little to no ability in wide-areas attacks and ranged damaged.]

“Wait… Is that all? There should be something else, right? I mean… Having a melee-only class is quite useless in this world, even if I can combine it with my normal sorcerer’s spells.”

[Well, look at that. Your IQ is getting higher. That’s good. To answer your question, an Arcanist doesn’t depend on long castings and is more adept at the use of quick-spells to kill his target, being the only class that doesn’t need to chant his spells to use them, while also having less restriction because of the environment, being able to fight in every kind of terrain you’re. It’s quite the adaptable vocation with a few passive abilities, the only Tier 1 vocation to have passive spells.]

“Oh… That explains it.” I nodded.

[Its advanced vocation would be Arcane Battle Master]

I nodded while thinking about the different vocations, and what would happen in the future.

{Now, only one problem remains… Which one will I buy first?}

Taking into consideration every aspect of the vocations, Druid, Summoner, and Arcanist should be my options, while Tactician sounds like a good vocation, I’m not going to fight alongside a group right now. I’ll mostly be by myself, so unless I get the Summoner vocation first to actually have a team to buff, it would be a waste of points for me to get the Tactician right now.

“That leaves me with three choices…”

Druids have control over ice and earth elements, while also having the ability to heal others. If anything, its only good points for the moment are the ice and earth attacks, but that’s not something I need for the moments, and as it happens with the Tactician vocation, I don’t have a team to heal. And I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have anything that could eradicate petrification, so for the moments, it’s kind of a useless vocation for me, maybe later.

“That leaves Summoner and Arcanist.”

What do I need the most? If what the system said is true, it’s basically choosing between quick close-ranged attacks, and the ability to summon stronger creatures to help me fight, with the limitation of not being able to summon Dragons for the moments.

“Do you have any recommendation, System?”

[What do you need the most right now? What is it that you desire?]

“Huh? Well…” I pondered while rubbing my chin. “I would say… Power, the ability to keep me and others alive. I’m not sure what would happen from now on. But now I have this feeling that this world’s problem isn’t only Voldemort… There’re other things around that could threaten me and those around me. So, I would like to have enough power to stop anyone to try anything funny.”

[Go for the Arcanist. As I told you before, that’s probably the strongest ability when it comes to a one-versus-one situation, but even if it’s not one versus one, it does have a good variety of spells that would help you. And also, Summoner won’t be of too much help if you are not in your third-stage core. The most crucial factor is, you’re already training your body regularly, and that’s something that would make the Arcanist vocation go beyond its own power.]

“…” I pondered for a bit. “Okay. I want it. I’ll go with Arcanist while keeping the Summoner for my next vocation. System, is there a limit to how many vocations I can have?”

[Yes, and no. When it comes to Tier 1 vocations, you can have them all. As I said before, you can only have two advanced vocations. And given the case you make it towards your third stage. You can have one Master Vocation.]

“Mm? Is there something more than a Master Vocation?”

[There is. But that’s not something you can know for the moment. You better get to your third vocation if you want to have more information.]

“Ok. Then, let’s buy it.” With that said, I looked at the vocation store and chose the Arcanist vocation.

[Congratulations! You’ve successfully bought the Arcanist vocation!]

[Congratulations! You’ve bought your first vocation! 300pts have been reimbursed!]

[Congratulations! You’re now an Arcanist! Your physical resistance and magical resistance are slightly enhanced. Your speed and strength are enhanced. New spells are available for you to use, check your spellbook! New advanced vocations are available for you to use!]

[Take note that you should consider stronger physical training from now on!]

I know that there were system messages appearing in front of me, but I wasn’t really paying attention to them. I was paying close attention to the changes in my body.

I felt each bone and muscle inside me strengthening slowly as if I was changing. My magic core was constantly sending more and more magic into my cells, reinforcing them, making me stronger.

My transformation wasn’t even finished, and I was already feeling the new power flowing through me.

A power I would be able to use to protect myself in this world. To protect those that are around me, and to unveil the mysteries of this world.


Meanwhile, in the entrance to the common room of Ravenclaw, some students, and two professors, were currently standing there, looking at two fifth-year students that were trapped in ropes.

One of the professors, Flitwick, got close to them, taking his wand out and freeing the students.

“What happened to you!? Why were you both here tied in ropes!?” He worriedly asked them.

“Um…” The girl, once freed, looked quite reluctant to speak about what happened. She knew that his house head wasn’t particularly fond of bullying the freshmen.

“It was a freshman from our house, professor. He attacked us from behind!” The guy, full of anger, shouted. “We were walking towards our common room where the freshman came from behind us and attacked us with a binding charm!”

At his words, the girl was open-mouthed.

“Is it true!?” A surprised Flitwick asked the girl, who, besides being surprised, actually nodded to the teacher’s question. “Oh! Then we must punish that student! To actually attack two of their housemates from the back! Who was it!?” Flitwick went mad at their students’ words.

“Calm down, Professor Flitwick.” Dumbledore said, before turning to the fifth-year student. “May I know, the name of the student?”

“I think he was called Logan, professor.” The guy said after a little bit.

“Logan? Logan Taylor?” Dumbledore frowned.

“Yes, professor. That one!” The guy nodded.

“…” Dumbledore stayed quiet for a little while, before turning towards Flitwick. “Well, Filius, I’ll have to ask you to send someone to look for him, and ask him to go to my office, I’ll take care of it this time.”

“Are you sure Albus? I can take care of it! It’s one from my house, after all!” Filius said.

“Don’t worry, Filius.” Dumbledore said, but before Flitwick could say something, one student came to them.

“Professor, I’m…” The student, William, spoke. “I’m sure there has to be some kind of explanation for this! Logan isn’t really a bad guy.” He worriedly said while another kid ran towards the common room’s opened entrance.

“What would you know! You barely know him! He attacked us from behind! How would you expect a freshman to beat two upperclassmen, from fifth-year, in a frontal duel!?”

“B-but! He isn’t the k-kind to stab from behind!” William continued.

“You weren’t here to see him!” The guy shouted again.

“No, but I was!” A new voice came, making everyone turn to the entrance of the common room. There, a flushed girl stood panting. “It wasn’t Logan’s fault professors!” Lyra said.

“Huh!? Then!? I’m not understanding anything here! Can somebody explain what happened here!?” Professor Flitwick asked in a hurry.

“She’s his friend professor! She’ll surely try to defend him!” The guy kept going.

“That’s not true!” Lyra retorted. “These two were stopping my friends when I got here! They didn’t want them to enter all at once, and were forcing us to enter one by one to prove we were worthy of being in Ravenclaw and whatnot! Logan spoke for us and they took out their wands! He just defended himself and us from them!”

“T-That’s not true at all!” The guy, quite worried, stood up and started to point his finger at Lyra. “She’s lying! Why would we be doing that!?”

“Okay, I must insist, that everyone here should calm down for a moment, so we can find out what really happened.” Dumbledore tried to calm down the shouting students. Meanwhile, the surrounding students of Ravenclaw were whispering between themselves, quite surprised at what was happening.

They all knew, that what Lyra said was true. There wasn’t a chance they wouldn’t know that upperclassmen liked to test freshmen like this.

And among the students, a red-haired girl from sixth-year was looking at everything with a worried face. The guy they spoke of wasn’t precisely her friend, but it could be said that it was an acquittance. Someone that looked quite interesting from the moment she met him.

“But Albus! We must find out what happened and punish those that should be punished!” Flitwick, not quite licking any of the possible truths, started talking towards Dumbledore.

“Don’t worry, Filius. I’m sure, we would know for sure soon.” Dumbledore said while looking towards the entrance of the common room.

“I heard that you were calling for me, Professors, is there something wrong?” Walking out of the common room of Ravenclaw, with Roger who entered moments ago to look for him, a student with wild black hair came wearing some sweat pants and a normal white t-shirt that accentuated his defined muscles. It was Logan who came out of the common room.

“Oh, Mr. Taylor. It’s great that you could join us, that way we could clarify what happened.” Dumbledore smiled while clapping. “But, before, I would like for all unrelated students to enter their common room.”

At Dumbledore’s words, everyone went inside, leaving only Lyra, Julie, and the two others who also got out moments later after he saw Logan getting out of the common room, both fifth-years, Logan, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Dumbledore.

As much as both William and Roger wanted to stay, they were only Logan’s friends, they weren’t present when all of this happened.

“Well, then, I would like for someone to clarify what happened!” Flitwick asked.

“I told you, professor! It was him who attacked us from behind!” The guy kept going with that excuse, making Logan frown.

“I’ll have to ask you to calm down again, Mr. Riddick.” Dumbledore calmly asked the fifth-year guy to calm down.

“Professor!” Julie then also intervened with her hand raised. “It wasn’t like that! It was them who didn’t want us to enter the common room! They even took out their wands!”

“Stop! Stop!” Flitwick interrupted. “When we came here, the two of them were trapped in a binding charm! How did that happen?”

 “I did it, professor.” Logan raised his hand.

“See! He did attack us from behind! You have to punish him, professor!”

“I must say, Mr. Riddick, that this will be the last time I ask you to keep your calm.” Dumbledore said, before turning towards Logan. “Is what Mr. Riddick said true?”

“No, professor.”

“But you said that it was you who bound them!” Flitwick said.

“That, I did Professor Flitwick. But I didn’t attack from behind. I may have done it suddenly, but they had their wands out, pointed at me.” He shrugged.

“That’s a lie!” Mr. Riddick shouted. “How could you defeat me being just a freshman!? And two of us at that!?”

“Well, I mean, their wands are over there.” Logan pointed towards the wands that were still on the floor, as no one noticed them. “They fell to the floor after I used the Expelliarmus charm.”

“W-what!?” The guy went pale.

“That’s the true professor! He used Expelliarmus to disarm both of them before binding them!” Lyra said next.

“Is that true?” Dumbledore asked at the other girls.

“A freshman using Expelliarmus!?” While Flitwick was quite surprised.

“It’s true, professors! He did! He did!” Carmen followed.

“Yes! He even did it without a wand!” Julie hurriedly.

“H-h-how would that be possible!? He’s just a freshman!”

“Hey.” Logan suddenly called the guy while tilting his head.


“You’re quite stupid, you know?” He said while furrowing his brows.

“Mr. Taylor, I must ask you to refrain from using such words at other students.” Dumbledore said.

“It’s the truth, Professor Dumbledore.” Logan turned to both professors. “Why would I even make such a lie when all you would have to do to prove me wrong would be asking me to use the charm in front of you. And even then, he still keeps saying I’m lying. I think that’s quite the stupid thing to do.”

*chuckles* The girls, except the fifth-year girl, went quiet.

“You do have a point.” Dumbledore nod.

“Yes! Yes! So, can you show us? You using the Expelliarmus spell!?” Professor Flitwick suddenly asked.

“Well, I don’t have a problem.” Logan shrugged.

“W-wait!” The guy tried to say something, but Logan acted quickly.

“Expelliarmus.” With a flick of his hand, he sent a slightly stronger Expelliarmus charm towards the fifth-year guy, pushing him a few steps back and making him fall on his butt.

“A well-made charm, if I may say.” Dumbledore clapped.

“Yes! You’re quite an amazing wizard if you’re able to do such a spell at this age without a wand!” Filius was quite excited to see that one of his Ravenclaws was so talented.

“That’s true, indeed.” Dumbledore said. “Now, I would like to listen to the whole story, so, if you girls may, could you please tell us what happened?” Dumbledore asked Julie, Lyra, and the other two.

But before they could speak. Someone intervened first.

“If I may, professors… I would like to tell the truth of what happened.” The fifth-year girl suddenly said while standing up.

“Oh? Miss Rossi?” Dumbledore turned to her. “Can you tell us what happened, truthfully?”

“…” the girl nodded, and the next moment started to tell what really happened, with the other girls quite surprised that she was, indeed, telling the truth by herself.

After Elaine Rossi told everything to Dumbledore and Flitwick, they both punished both upperclassmen, giving them detention in the kitchen, while taking points 20 points from Ravenclaw for their action. Though, they gave 50 points to Logan after he demonstrated the Expelliarmus spell.

After that, the students got back into the common room alongside Flitwick. In there, every Ravenclaw student that was currently in the dormitories was present, waiting for them to clarify what happened.

It was then that Flitwick explained what truly happened. Furious about the upperclassmen who tried to bully their underclassmen. Meanwhile, Roland Riddick was red from embarrassment, being looked down on by the other fifth, sixth, and seventh-years who were scowling at him for not knowing how to accept defeat.

Once Flitwick left, Logan talked to William and Roger, explaining what happened and also apologizing for his attitude of today. After that, he just went towards his room, saying he wanted to sleep early today, as he was quite tired.

A few housemates wanted to say something to him, but no one approached him, although a few of them had a really competitive fire burning in his eyes.

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