In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 28 – Thank you! Walker!

After getting out of the ROHT, I went towards the Great Hall for lunch, after all, I had a lunch promise with my friends.

{This is getting goddamn tiring.} I thought to myself while walking inside the Great Hall.

While walking here, every time a student looked at me, he opened his eyes wide, as if there wasn’t any other black-haired boy in this school’s freshman year.

“Hey, Logan. What’s the face for?” William asked me while I sat down.

“Nothing… It’s just that I somehow feel tired with this weird attention I’m getting.” I shook my head while picking some roasted chicken.

“Are you crazy!?” Roger suddenly said. “I would love to have that attention!”

*snort* Go and fight some fifth-years then.” A sudden voice interrupted Roger. It was Lyra who was also sitting close to us.

“Could you stop interrupting me, Lyra?” Roger glared at her.

“When you stop saying stupid things, maybe.” She glared back.

“Okay, okay, stop.” I intervened. “And whatever you wish, dude. Take the whole attention from me if you wish to.” I said to Roger.

“As if I could do that!” He chuckled. “Who told you to duel to upperclassmen on your own if you wouldn’t want to receive attention?”

“Look. I was quite angry at the time, and they just ticked me off the wrong way, okay?” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know, Logan. This time I’m on Roger’s side.” William said with an awkward smile.

“Huh?” I looked at him.

“You are?” Even Roger couldn’t believe him.

“Well…” William scratched his head. “You know, you wanted to fight that upperclassman, Tulip Karasu, remember?”

“Oh, right. So?” I asked, not really understanding his point.

“What were you expecting after that? If you won, I mean.” He looked at me with a lifted eyebrow.

“He’s right, Logan…” Lyra also said with an awkward smile. “Though I don’t know why you would like to fight a sixth-year.”

“Had my reasons.” I shrugged, before eating some more, while also putting a few things into the inventory with quick hand-tricks. The more I do it, the more I start to learn how to send things into the inventory with just a few hand movements.

“He wanted to know more about the curses.” Roger said.

“The one that is petrifying students?” Lyra asked surprised.

“Exactly.” Roger nodded. “We thought about asking our upperclassmen, but…”

“Of those we knew could have some info, only Tulip said something.” William intervened.

“Well…” I smiled awkwardly. “To be fair, we only asked two of three. And only in hour house.”

“That’s true.” William shrugged.

“Still, I don’t get it. What does it have to do with asking her for a duel?” She tilted her head.

“She said that if I defeated her, she would tell me more.” I shrugged. “At first, I didn’t think about actually doing it, but with what happened to Jake…” I smiled awkwardly.

“Oh… Right…” Lyra had an apologetic face. “So… Did you fight her?”

“No.” I shook my head. “When I went to talk to her about the duel, she said it was a joke she made, and that she didn’t think I would actually accept it.” I shrugged.

“Yeah… I thought so…”

“Oh, well. It doesn’t matter. I’m sure the professors would do everything that they can to solve the problem. If not, I’ve heard that there are a few students that are apparently working to solve it.”

“Yes, I’m sure Jake will be back with us soon.” William nodded.

“He sure will be back!” Roger shouted. “That guy and I were thinking about entering our quidditch team next year. He can’t lose so many flying classes!”

“Pffft…” I almost laughed.


“Instead of worrying about flying classes, you should be worrying about your potion homework.”

“Oh, right! I forgot!” Roger clutched his head.

*sigh…* He doesn’t have any salvation…” Lyra shook her head.

“Come on, let’s go to the library. After all, I promised you I would help you, right?” I said to Roger while standing up.

“Thanks, man! I own you one!” Roger stood up.

“You do, Roger. You sure do.” I smirked at him.

“I’ll go with you guys. I want to review some things for tomorrow's classes.” William also stood up.

“Um… Can I go?” Lyra suddenly asked shyly.

“Mm?” We all turned to look at her. “Sure, why not?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Thanks! I have a few things I want to review for charms. And I thought that maybe you could help me, Logan?”

“Sure, no problem.” With those last words, we all went towards the library, on our way out of the Great Hall, a few glances were directed at me, but as I was in a bigger group, it wasn’t that much of a problem.

“You really are receiving a lot of attention.” William said after he noticed the number of glances.

“Yeah… Even a few older girls were looking at you with interest in their eyes!” Roger said.

“You’re hopeless…” Was Lyra’s answer to Roger.


“As I said before, Roger. You can have all that attention for all I care…” I let out a big sigh.

We were inside the library until at least 4 PM, helping Roger with his homework, while I also helped Lyra with a few charm lessons that she was having a few problems with. William also helped both Roger and Lyra from time to time, while at the same time reviewing a few things for tomorrow's classes.

Once we got out of the library, I said goodbyes and told them that I would be going to my room to read a few books and that I would probably miss dinner.

{After all, I still have a Time-Turner to find.} I thought while walking towards the 7th floor.

On my way there, I found Tulip in one of the halls, talking with another girl that had disheveled attire and short, spiky pink hair.

“Oh, hey, Logan!” Tulip said with a smile.

“Hi, Tulip, how are you?” I answered with a smile on my own.

“I’ve been good. What about you? I’ve heard what happened yesterday.” She smirked.

“Wait! Logan? That Logan!?” The girl that was beside her suddenly said.

“Um?” I tilted my head.

“You’re the freshman that beat two fifth-years!”

“Oh, she’s Tonks, don’t mind her, she just loves to play tricks on people, and listening to your story made her laugh quite a lot.”

“Come on! A first-year beat two fifth-years! You can be excited about that, Tulip!” Tonks said to her friend, before turning to me. “So? How did you do it?”

{Tonks? Why does it ring a bell? Oh, right! Nymphadora Tonks! The one that marries Lupin and dies at the final battle.} I thought to myself.

“Um, you know? I’m quite occupied, I’m sorry.” With an apologetic smile, I went past them. “A pleasure to meet you, Tonks! Good to see you, Tulip!” With those words, I went running towards the 7th floor.

Once inside the Room of Hidden Things, I started to look around once again. As fast as I could, this time not stopping to look at every item I found but focusing on finding the time-turner.

I even used levitation to find on the top of the mountain of items just in case. It was amazing the amount of stuff you could find in this place.

“This is endless…” I sighed while sitting down in one random corner of the room, hours after I started looking. “At this point, I won’t find anything soon…”

I’ve been searching for hours, both up and down, but without luck.

“Maybe I shouldn’t look for something with strong magic? But the contrary?” I tilted my head but then shook it. “Nah, there’s no way. It has to be something with strong magic, or how else would it be able to turn back time. Well, let’s better keep looking. I still have a few hours before midnight.”

Once again, I started to look around. I found a lot of things, but nothing that could be called a time-turner. To fight my boredom, I even started to pick anything that looked like gold and silver, just to have enough to sell in the muggle world.

“That’s it! I give up!” fifteen minutes before midnight. I finally gave up. “I’m never finding this stupid time-turner.”

I know it’s stupid. Trying to find it on the first day of looking for it. But I thought that having the ability to detect magic items would make it easier.

*Sigh…* I better go back to my room and sleep. Tomorrow I have classes and it will be another day.” With those words I start walking through, and right when I passed through one big and quite wide pile of items, I suddenly saw a weak blue mist coming out of them.

“Mm?” The mist looked weak, but not as if it was from a weak item, but as if it was slowly dissipating after moving away from the item. *sigh…* Fine. Just one more try!” With those words, I started pulling items from the pile, one after the other, being careful not to let things fall over me.

“This is a pain…” I even had to use Wingardium Leviosa a lot, thankfully, now I’m able to make at least ten items levitate, even more, if I focus enough. Each time I moved an item, the mist grew stronger. “Maybe…?” With little hope, I started pulling and levitating things out of the way.

After some time, I finally saw the origin of the intense and deep-blue colored mist. It was a small pocket watch, with a really, really old design, attached to a chain that looked a lot like a necklace. The pocket watch had the typical long and shorthands, and small digits that marked the day, month, and year in the upper part of the pocket watch, right under the number 12.

“Hoh… Maybe…” Grabbing it, I started looking at it. It wasn’t exactly the same kind as the one used by Hermione, but maybe it was a time-turner. “System, can you tell me if this is a Time-Turner?”

[It may as well be.]

“What does that mean? Can’t you tell? Or you just don’t want to answer me?”

[At least try to investigate a bit more, will you?]

*tch…* After clicking my tongue, I started looking at the little pocket watch, and right when I turned it around, I found something engraved on it in a small cursive letter.

[This shouldn’t be used. It’s just a reminder of my greatest moment, for once I’m dead.

If you find this. Please don’t use it. Changing the past can cause great problems, as I myself have been a witness to the problems it can cause.

But if you, like me, still think about using it. Be sure not to turn back more than seven hours. Even then, this Time-Turner can only turn back to the beginning of the day.

It was my greatest invention. And my greatest failure at the same time.

Use it wisely.

     T. Walker.]

“Mm… Yes.” I nodded. “This sure is a Time-Turner. See, System? I don’t need you.”

[Do you know how to use it?]

“…” I looked at the pocket watch for a few moments. “Pfft… O-Of c-course, I-I d-do…”

[Wow, you really sound convincing.]

“Right!?” I answered almost immediately. “So… Just to check if you know… Can you tell me how is this used?”


“Did you sigh?”

[No. And it looks easy to use. Just think of it as a real pocket watch.]

“Mm? Wait. It does mark the hour…”

[And you just noticed?]

“Shut up. I was distracted…” With slight embarrassment, I looked at the clock. “Mm… If it marks the hour, I just have to move the time towards the time I want to, and it should get me back there, right?”

[Give me back those 10 points I gave you earlier.]

“Oh, well, whatever. I’ll test it tomorrow. I don’t think it’s broken by the great amount of magic it has.”

Finally, with a Time-Turner in my hands. I went out of the place, using my invisibility spell to go unnoticed into my room.

Tomorrow was going to be a day full of testing. After all, I already thought of a way to use the Time-Turner. I just have to pass the entire day with my friends, and use it right at the end of the day to go back to that morning and start abusing the RoR for real!

{I’m a genius!} I thought before going to sleep.

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