In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 6 – Time Skip (Part 2)

It’s finally my last year. Next year, my letter would surely come. Right now, I’m 10 years old. It’s 1988, and in the last three years, I’ve been preparing as much as I could. If I say so myself, I think I’ve made quite the improvement.

{Utevo Lux}-I thought, and immediately, a small light orb appeared in front of my hand. After a little thought, the orb started floating over a book I was reading, while it also diminished the light it was giving, so it illuminated only the book I was reading, and nothing else.

I learned this little trick of diminishing the potency of the light while I was trying to come with different ways of using the illumination spell. What’s more. I also learned that I could incant some spells without actually saying them. More like, I just had to think of it. But I’m not able to use all the spells like that. Mostly just a few utility ones. Among all my spells, for the moments, I’m only able to chanteless incant the illumination spell, the magic rope, and the lower ones like magic patch, scorch, and buzz.

I guess it has to do with my amount of magic power, or in my case, my Magic Level. Which, by the way, went all the way up to 19. And, how? You might ask. Well, I got a small catch to it. And that is. That using one spell continuously isn’t the secret. I mean. In many OTS I would just put the spell with a higher amount of mana requirement and start casting it again and again and again. Each time I wasted mana; my Magic Level experience would go up.

But. Here, it worked differently. It’s not about using magic power. It’s about mastering spells. The more spells I learn and know how to use. The more my ML would increase.

For example. Using Utevo Lux multiple times wouldn’t be any better than using it, and learning how to control the amount of power that goes into the spell. If any, it would be even worse, as learning a new trick with Utevo Lux would help me increase more my Magic Level.

In a certain way, it sure makes more sense to increase your Magic Level understanding your spells, that brainlessly incanting them. This is why, using different spells would help me get more ML, and learning new tricks with them, makes it even better.

The only problem is… With my attack spells, or those that are too noticeable, like the levitation one. I barely have any chance to test them. As using them in my room is dangerous, and using them outside would attract attention from everyone.

So, I have to wait for times where there’s no one. Like that time when I escaped my room to try using the levitation spell to go over the roof, and then make a leap of faith as if I was some kind of assassin.

What’s worse. The more my level increases, the more dangerous or noticeable the spells become… My new list of spells include:

Poison Field Rune or Adevo Grav Pox. A rune-making spell that allows you to create a field of poison, which I haven’t been able to use for a few reasons. Including the fact that I’m saving as many points as I can for the moments.

Then I have the flame strike, the ice strike, and the death strike. All the same type of spell as both Exoris I had before. You just have to change the element for Flam, Frigo, or Mort, and you got yourself a nice spell. Again. I haven’t tried them. Well, except for Exori Mort, which I tried one night outside in the garden… It was an amazing, and also fearful experience, it shot a black missile that somehow resembled smoke. It hit a small patch of flowers and the ones that were impacted… Died… They withered. I don’t know if it would instantly kill someone… But I’m not going to test it either…

Heck… I even remembered the rune making spell called Instant Death Rune… If it works as its name implies in this world… That would as well be the counterpart of Avada Kedavra. And it isn’t the only spell that would surely be considered dark magic…

Going back to the spells I learned, there are also the Fire Field Rune and the Energy Field Rune, which are the same as the Poison Field Rune, and thus, have the same problem. Another problematic spell is the Light Magic Missile Rune and the Destroy Field Rune. Both have the problem of requiring a blank rune to use it. And as I said, I’m saving my points, making it impossible to buy a blank rune from the store.

There were four more spells that I was able to use. These ones don’t require a rune. But from them, one was even more dangerous. Fire Wave or Exevo Flam Hur, a particular spell that creates a fire wave. I haven’t tried it yet… But I’m pretty sure that if I get to use it here, London would have one building less in the worst-case…

This finally leaves me with three spells that I’m able to use worry-free. Well, two and a half spells.

The first one is 'Utani Hur' or Haste spell, which is kind of great. The spells use the wind’s power to increase my speed. Allowing me to run faster than even an adult. I haven’t tested it too much yet, but from what I’ve learned, I can also decrease the augment of speed that it gives me using less magic power.

And finally. The most useful one, or at least I think so. It’s Utamo Vita. This is just a beautiful spell. It forms a magic power shield around you, and whenever something hits you, it would decrease your magic power instead of your own health.

In this world, though, it indeed creates a slim transparent film around your body, almost undetectable if it wasn’t for the magic power undulating on it. Once cast, the shield stayed for tens of minutes until it disappeared on its own.

Trying to test the spell, I grabbed a knife and tried to cut my skin. But I didn’t feel any kind of pain. At much, what I did feel was my magic power fluctuating. Meaning that it decreased a little bit, though, not that much to be noticed.

I mean… It’s kind of understandable, after all, I used a knife and it was only trying to cut my arm, so the damage isn’t that big. But was the only thing close to me which I could use for the moments.

Finally. The last spell, was kind of like a half spell… As it was only a cancelation spell, Exana Vita, that cancelled the Utamo Vita spell, making the magic shield disappear at my order.

All in all, I had to test the spells I knew again and again, trying to learn new forms of using them, like for example, dual casting, using other spells while using the levitation spell. I’m glad to say, that I could do it.

Of course, I only could after a lot of time training. As I had to command the levitation spell at the same time I cast another spell, so it was really hard to do. And until a few days ago, it was impossible to make modifications to spells like the illumination one while levitating, as I would have to control two spells at the same time, so I had to conform with small modifications at the moment.

I also tried it with the haste spell and the magic shield. But since they were both pretty passive skills, it wasn’t that hard as with the levitation spell. You just incant them, and you’re free to do other things, they would do other stuff.

My great discovery was using both the levitation spell and the haste spell, as it would actually increase my speed. Not that much, but if before I was walking, now I was trotting. Though my vertical speed did increase a lot, so I could get to higher places faster.

When it came to occlumency. Well. I made advancement. First. I have to add that occlumency was added inside my Magic Book.

I don’t know how it works. But one day while I was restructuring a few things in my mindscape, a system message appeared.

[A new spell has been added into your Magic Spell Book]

And yes. I can see them inside my mindscape too. But, that’s not important. What it is, is that I hastily took out my spellbook and opened it all the way towards the last used page. Right beside the last spell, a new one was being carved with light.

First was the name, all the way on the top. Occlumency.

When I read the name. I was shocked. First, because it was a waste. Occlumency… What would that be useful for when I already know how to use it? But then… The magic page filled completely, and I was flabbergasted. Not only some weird runes appeared around the representation of the spell, which was a face with eyes closed and a padlock on the forehead.

It also has a description and what I think is my ‘Investigation’ on the subject. Things I’ve discovered while practicing, and a few details I knew as a fact from the movies.

Then, came another surprise.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! Register a new spell into your Magic Spell Book! Build the foundations for making new spells!]

[100pts have been earned!]

Not only did I complete a hidden quest. It gave me a nice number of points! Which, in combination with a number of quests I’ve been completing these three years, left me with a total of 215pts. Almost half of the necessary amount to buy my first wand.

Then. Going back to my practice in Occlumency. First. I not only made a bigger city than before, kind of the size of New York but also put inside a lot of security. Not only civilians, little by little I started including other forces. From Stormtroopers to monsters and magicians from different games. I even added a military airport.

All around the city, I constructed a big wall, with turrets, archery towers, sniper towers, and a lot more things. I also constructed a magic dome around. It was like the shield that appeared around Hogwarts in the last movie of Harry Potter.

That was like the outer core. Out of it. I finally could make a set of fake memories within this orphanage. Things like me reading books, or having dinners, or just attending to classes. I even falsified some memories of me playing with other kids. It was all to confuse those that came inside my mind to look for my memories. All this training also gave me a really great memory. Not eidetic, but still a great one.

Now, the last thing that I did during these three years, was physical training. I started to run in the garden every morning at 6:00 AM when all the other kids were sleeping. And in the night, before going to the bathroom, I started doing some exercise, push-ups, sit-ups, abdominals, and whatever came into my mind. The rest of the day it was either reading new books or training my spells to increase my ML.

“Now… Just one year left until I can get to Hogwarts. Once that happens, I’ll be able to move freely here and there. Learning more spells from the books needed for classes, increasing, even more, my ML, and probably completing more quests in the castle to finally get my own Wand of Vortex.”-I talked with my mind on the future.

“Though… If I’m being honest… It would probably be better for me to start with the wand I’ll get from Ollivander’s… That way I may use the points to buy a few blank runes… Well, I’ll think about it once I have the wand I’m supposed to get in this world. For these months that are left, I should keep working out and increasing my knowledge.”

{Also… I should probably make a list of whatever I can remember from the movies and the fanfics I read of Harry Potter… And write down important facts that could be useful…}

With that last thought, I turned off my illumination spell, sent my Magic Spell Book into my inventory, and went to sleep.

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