In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 18 Angry mobs, magic, and Nomu

Chapter 18 Angry mobs, magic, and Nomu

Everything is going as planned. It's been a month and Ivan and Anton have been making waves in Hammer Industries. They have gone through many reforms. Anton recovered enough to move around and he gave the blueprints for the Arc reactor, and working together with Justins' top men, they managed to recreate a miniaturized arc reactor. Let's just say Justin did a happy dance to celebrate.

I plan to be in a friendly relationship with Justin and the Vankos, but just in case I purchased the [Self Destruct] quirk from the shop, duplicated them, and then secretly gave it to Justin Hammer and the Vankos' allowing me to control them and self-destruct them at any time if they become a threat.

With all this in place, it won't be long before they have a complete Hammer Industries Iron Man armor. Ivan has also drawn up drone designs similar to those in Iron Man 2. I also had one of Wilson Fisks' subsidiaries contact Justin as the investor I mentioned. When I appeared to Justin and Ivan, the story was that I was a mutant that could teleport working for someone. The investor is just one of his friends. Soon, I'll be making even more money.

I haven't really needed to buy any weapons after I found the cache of weapons in that abandoned warehouse. I gave a small number of the weapons to the men working under 'Fisk' to use. However, they're few and far between. As of right now, I'm saving them.

I plan for most other arms manufacturers to be all but driven out of business in the future. When that happens, they'll all but fully rely on Hammer Industries.

After I had recruited Hammer and Ivan I got a notification from the system.

{Hidden Quest Completed: Use Ivan Vanko to your advantage

Details: Ivan Vanko, the villain from Iron Man 2 is going to be making his move soon. Use him for your benefit. Rewards will be calculated on what you do and how well.}

{Rewards: 2712 VP}

{3109 + 2712 = 5821VP}

Yes, I'm rolling in the VP right now. Completely different from before. At this rate, I'll be able to become an Omega-level even without stealing any mutations. But I'll start looking into other things than X-genes and Quirks now that I have the VP and the time.


When I got back I got a notification from the system telling me that one of my bait had caught a fish. That fish being the Brotherhood of Mutants. The Brotherhood of Mutants is a group I may conflict with in the future, so it's best to contact them now so that complications don't arise later. I've been searching for places and people that I know are affiliated with the Brotherhood. Of which, I don't know any. I only really watched the movies, and I can't remember them showing any. So that option's out.

So I've been watching out for any mutant movements and placing markers on powerful mutants when they appear. Most of the time they were found and recruited by Xavier, but when they weren't they were either killed in some 'accident' secretly 'arrested' and put in some special prison or kidnapped by some organization. But, eventually, someone with the ability to release powerful blasts of kinetic energy was recruited after he accidentally used his ability and caused some property damage before being attacked by an angry mob of mutant haters.

Immediately after that the Brotherhood swept in and rescued him. I had heard about it and had made preparations for him to be rescued by an anonymous person if no one interfered, but luckily the Brotherhood came. The people were very lucky he took the beating and didn't fight back. If he did, there would be nothing but a red mist. An ability that I wanted very very much. I came to the scene after the fact and collected some blood. While invisible of course. I later teleported to my Overhaul clone and gave him the blood and told him to duplicate the X-gene within. I had placed a marker on the guy and now I wait. Of course, that doesn't mean I can't be productive while I wait.

I open the shop menu again and see what's there.


Magical items:

[Minor healing potion: A blue potion made from magic that greatly enhances the body's ability to heal, even allowing a form of regeneration that can heal scars. Stronger potions can even regrow limbs] = 40VP

[Enchanted Dagger: An enchanted dagger that has an enchantment that makes it cut better and much more durable.] = 30VP

[Beginners Book Of Magic: A book that teaches a beginner how to use magic.] 50VP

[Telekinesis Bracelet: A bracelet enchanted with a spell allowing its wearer to use telekinesis with their magic power.] = 120VP

[Magic Enhancement Drug: A drug created by alchemists that greatly increases the user's magic power, but has various side effects that steadily increase with prolonged use.] = 85VP

[Berserker Warrior Serum: A blood-red serum created by a lost kingdom's alchemists. A mix of Hydra and Troll blood mixed with various other ingredients. Its effects cause greatly increased perception, strength, speed, durability, regeneration, and pain resistance. Warriors who use it are nearly unstoppable on the battlefield. Its flaws cause a greatly reduced lifespan, as well as causing the user to become very easy to anger. Its name comes from the rage exhibited on the battlefield as well as the bloodshot eyes and visible blood vessels during battle.] = 390 VP

[Divine Warrior serum: A modified version of the Blood Berserker Serum. It gives greater strength, speed, durability, perception, and regeneration. But it is weaker than the Blood Berserker Serum, only around 30-40% as strong, but it doesn't have any negative side effects.] = 550VP

[Stone of Awakening: A magic stone that helps awaken one's potential as a mage. Uses Mana energy to forcefully open one's senses to magic.] = 850VP

[Crimson Demon Serum: A magical serum created by a massive pervert who was transferred to another world. If injected into someone, it will grant them extraordinary magical abilities. They will also get blood-red eyes and lose their memories. This ability is genetic, so later generations will be born with this ability. Also has a weird side effect of making anyone who uses it have permanent eighth-grader syndrome.] = 1100VP

Scientific items:

[Stimpak: A medical syringe from the Fallout universe. Has the ability to heal even fatal wounds such as gunshots.] = 35VP

[T-60 Power Armor: A suit of T-60 Power armor from the Fallout universe. (Batteries not included)] = 600VP

[Advanced Night Vision Goggles: A pair of advanced night vision goggles from Call of Duty Modern Warfare.] = 120 VP

[Trigger: A drug that enhances someone's quirk. From the world of MHA. Has various side effects, although a lot safer compared to previous versions.] = 60VP

[Quirk Eraser (Temporary): An incomplete testing version of a drug that rewinds someone to a state of being in which they don't have any powers. This effect is temporary, and will eventually wear off however it can cause damage to someone's quirk factor/X-gene and cause permanent damage.] = 75VP

[Quirk Eraser: A completed version of the drug from the MHA world. Created from a quirk that rewinds living things to a previous state. Once injected into someone, it rewinds their quirk factor and erases their quirk.] = 200VP

[Quirk Eraser Cure: A cure to the quirk eraser drug from MHA. Made using the same methods as the quirk eraser just set to undo the original effects.] = 180VP

[ALZ-112: A genetically engineered retrovirus that could cure Alzheimer's Disease. ALZ-112 not only repairs brain cells but genetically enhances them, to the point of being able to give chimpanzees a human level of intelligence.] = 350VP

Now that I have 5821VP I can let loose with spending. I can upgrade the system again, but I don't really need to right now. What I need to do is invest in learning magic. I have already read the beginner's book of magic front to back at least twice. So I'm confident I know what I need to do to get started.


{Added: Stone of Awakening}

{5821 - 580 = 4971VP}

Now is the time. I and my Overhaul double are going to begin our experiments with awakening magic. Not on ourselves of course. At least not yet. The stone of awakening is a stone that awakens the potential for magic in others.

(A/N: I'm going to be taking some freedom in how magic works. It's not exactly clear how it works in the MCU but it does say enough for you to get an idea. And how almost all of the magic power they use is stolen from other realms and isn't their own. But in this fanfic, the way it will work is that they do have magic of their own and it needs to be awakened. It can be expanded upon like a muscle, but ultimately it isn't all that much. There were powerful mages with powerful mana pools in the past, but the method of drawing on other realms for energy became more popular, and almost no one put in the effort to expand their mana pool. The Ancient One is one of the few alive who actually has a powerful mana pool, which is even larger because he has lived so long. And yes, it's a he. It only makes sense that the Ancient One would be a he. The only reason the Ancient One is a she is because of things going on behind the scenes at Marvel. So in this fanfic when Ancient One shows up they'll be a he.

And another thing. The way mana works on the body will be different, although not completely different. I guess that the directors at Marvel missed this, or I'm missing something. Thor is obviously incredibly strong. Why? Because he's the god of... Sparkles. The answer is magic. His being an Asgardian has something to do with it, but being an Asgardian mostly just adds benefits like a much longer lifespan and boosts to other things. Most of the citizens of Asgard are normal people who live a long time. So how is Thor as strong, or stronger than the Hulk? Well, magic. Magic is enhancing his body. But almost no enhancements to the body are shown in Doctor Stange. Sure, most of them focus on casting and not athletics, but those that do focus on basically just athletics with magic items, like boots here and there. Not in the body with magic. Sure there's that guy who used magic to walk, and Strange who could use his hands again, but that's not much. But someone might say it's only the Asgard royal family who can do that. And that might be a possibility. Just look at Loki. But he was already weaker than most of his species already, so that's not exactly proof. But to make things easier, I'm going to expand upon the magic system of Marvel and make things way better than the MCU.

Of course, it's just fanfic so it's no big deal if there's anything too wrong. And if I missed anything or you have any suggestions please say so in the comments.)

From what I read in the book about beginner magic it can take a variety of forms but is usually straightforward. Some people will have a better affinity with certain things, but usually doesn't block them from learning something they're not good at without effort. But there's also a chance that someone can develop a special ability as a result of their magic. Similar to the X-gene, but the X-gene has nothing to do with it. Abilities that don't cause physical changes such as a much higher affinity to something far higher than normal, allowing them to manipulate for example fire without any aid from an artifact or magic circle. This example is the most common. Another is that sometimes someone can see the future. Which is among the rarest. Others include being better at enchanting or being able to sense magic far better, or even see using magic. Although only about 1 in 30 develop an ability. But they usually are extremely minor. But that's what the book says.

But how do I test it? Should I test it on one of my clones? Hmm. I have gained the ability to make another clone recently after my skill level up to level 3. Okay, I'll test it on a double. I create another double in front of me and my overhaul double leaving 3 copies of the same person sitting in the underground lab. We all stare at each other. They're copies and I'm the original, but we all know what the others are thinking. We mentally nod at one another and grab what we need. I don't give my double any powers since we're going to be testing magic on it and it might interfere with it. We take the stone of awakening to an underground room far away from where Morlocks usually go and start setting everything up.

After we set everything up and set the stone on a pedestal, we prepare to start the... Ritual? Should we call it that? Hmm... I guess we should. But before we do, I recall that we could possibly be sensed doing this by other mages like Ancient One. Bleecker street is in New York and it's close enough to be a problem. So, I scroll through the shop until I find something to prevent that. I read through the details and bought it.

{[Magic Signature eraser:
A magic artifact that has the appearance of a cube, but has a series of small buttons with strange symbols written on them. Once activated it will create a barrier that erases any magic signatures from entering or leaving. Also interferes with scrying/clairvoyance magic as a result.]} 150VP

{4971 - 150 = 4821VP}

After buying it, it appears in my hands along with the knowledge of how to use it and a basic understanding of how it works. I press the buttons in the right combination and activate it. Then, we begin the... Ritual.

My Double I'm going to use puts his hand on the stone and speaks a series of words in a different language.

(It's just a series of words that activate the stone, it's not a spell. The command words were among the things that were copied into my mind when I got the stone.)

After he finishes saying the words around 5 seconds pass before the stone starts glowing blue. And then my double starts glowing. But not blue. He starts glowing red, and where his hand meets the stone the colors mix is purple. I can tell through the telepathic link that it hurts like a pinching sensation mixed with a warm almost burning sensation across his whole body, but after around 5 minutes, it finishes. And my double steps back dazed.

'Did it work?' I ask through the telepathic link.

'I don't know' He said.

'Well, you should probably find out' Overhaul double said.

'Um... Can I rest first? I probably shouldn't try it right after' He said.

'Fine. Overhaul, you're in charge of watching him and figuring out if it worked, and starting our research into magic.' I said.

'Alright.' They both said.

After that, I was about to leave before I remembered something.

'Oh right, one more thing. I want you to research the Crimson Demon serum and a few other things and see if it can help.' I said.

I open the shop and find two things. I look at my remaining 4971VP and sigh before buying what I need.

{Added: [Crimson Demon Serum: A magical serum created by a massive pervert who was transferred to another world. If injected into someone, it will grant them extraordinary magical abilities. They will also get blood-red eyes and lose their memories. This ability is genetic, so later generations will be born with this ability. Also has a weird side effect of making anyone who uses it have permanent eighth-grader syndrome.]}

{4971 - 1100 = 3871VP}

{Added: [Divine Warrior serum: A modified version of the Blood Berserker Serum. It gives greater strength, speed, durability, perception, a form of regeneration, and a longer lifespan. But it is weaker than the Blood Berserker Serum, only around 50-60% as strong, but it doesn't have any negative side effects.]}

{3871 - 550 = 3321VP}

{Added: [Magic Enhancement Drug: A drug created by alchemists that greatly increases the user's magic power, but has various side effects that steadily increase with prolonged use.]}

{3321 - 85 = 3236VP}

{Added: [Trigger: A drug that enhances someone's quirk. From the world of MHA. Has various side effects, although a lot safer compared to previous versions.]}

{3236 - 60 = 3176VP}

Added: [Quirk Eraser: A completed version of the drug from the MHA world. Created from a quirk that rewinds living things to a previous state. Once injected into someone, it rewinds their quirk factor and erases their quirk.]}

{3176 - 200 = 2976VP}

I buy the Crimson Demon serum, Divine Warrior serum, Magic Enhancement drug, and Trigger. I assumed that I would only get one of each, but no. I got 3 vials of the Crimson Demon serum and Divine Warrior serum and 5 of the Magic enhancement drug and Trigger. So I have room to test. I hand them to Overhaul and tell him to figure out what he can and if he had to he can completely destroy one of each serum to figure out what he needed to. And after he was done to take a break. Go to a restaurant or something. He's been working almost non-stop for a while now. Hopefully, he can figure out how to replicate them. Maybe get Trigger to work on X-genes. But then again, maybe it already does.

And for my other clone, I told him to take a break at my house. After that, he was going to test out magic with Overhaul. After that, I would use the stone and maybe even Overhaul.

After thinking about it, maybe I should make another clone persona. I have a double replacing Fisk, and I have a double with the appearance of Overhaul, now I can create another double. Should I make another one? No, I shouldn't at least not yet. I might when I am able to create 4 doubles instead of 3, so I can use a double in a risky situation to throw someone off my trail but not right now. And my idea of him starting a cult is just insane. It would probably work, but should I go that far?

After all that I teleported with the double back to my house (The warehouse I turned into my base of operations) and he decided to take a nap. Maybe I should give him an ability so he doesn't need to sleep? I'm sure there's one.

At that moment, the clone shuddered in bed but had no idea why.


After scrolling through the Shop some more I found 5 quirks that it was about time I got. I had put it off, and now I think I should finish rounding out my abilities. After this, it should be all but finished. The five are: [SuperRegeneration] [AirCannon] [HeavyPayload] [KineticBooster] and [Lifeforce]. Super regeneration costs 380VP, Air cannon costs 180VP, Heavy Payload costs 200VP, Kinetic booster costs 150VP, and Lifeforce costs 140VP. So 1050VP in total.

{2976 - 1050VP = 1926VP}

{Added: [Super Regeneration: Allows the user to regenerate from any injuries at high speeds, however, continued cellular regrowth causes a shortened lifespan as a result.]}

{Added: [Air Cannon: Air Cannon allows the user to release a devastating shockwave of air pressure from the palm of their hands. The shockwave can manifest in different forms, depending on the motion the user's arms follow when releasing it. The blast's shape can range from a straight, concentrated air shot to a wide, crescent-shaped air blade.]}

{Added: [Heavy Payload: increases the damage output of the user's attacks. Increasing both normal punches and the effects of their powers if used together. Can be used to enhance the energy/power behind attacks.]}

{[Added: [Kinetic booster: This Quirk increases the amount of kinetic energy the user creates and releases power related or otherwise.]}

{[Added: [Lifeforce: Life Force allows the user to roughly double their life span, causing them to age at a slower rate, making them look much younger than they actually are. The user will look like they're in their 60s when they are really 120 years old. This Quirk comes at the cost of reduced physical mobility and strength.]}

These five quirks combined with my current abilities allow me to for sure solo the Avengers, excluding Thor. Unless they have a nuke or something I should be good. I would like some defense against radiation eventually.

Now that I have Air Cannon, Kinetic Booster, and Heavy Payload, I can use an attack like All For One. The only thing that's really missing is Spring-like limbs. The other abilities he used weren't really essential.

I put off on getting [Super Regeneration] for a while. I don't remember why. But now that I have it, it should be almost impossible for me to actually die. Looking at my now more than sixty abilities I'm pretty sure I can beat Thor if it was a 1v1. Definitely, if I can prepare by giving my doubles specially chosen quirks. But I can be wrong. If it was a fair fight I think I have a good chance. But I doubt I would be 'allowed' to go through and finish him off. Odin would probably interfere. Tch.

But it doesn't really matter. Soon, I will be magically enhanced as well. Now that I have everything, I should begin production. I have created a few as a test, but now I should start creating my first prototypes. I'll begin making Nomu. I have the basic know-how of how to do it with and without the use of [All For One]. But now that I have more quirks than All For One had access to, as well as X-genes and other things like magic and such, it'll be a walk in the park. But now I need to figure out where to make them. I remember that All For One had a main base where the Doctor worked and a secondary base where he lived and Nomu were stored. (The place that was raided before the big All For One vs All Might fight).

If I want to make sure that what I'm doing doesn't get found out and I stay a secret I need to make sure that everything is secret. In other words, all experiments will be underground, and the building as well as the Nomu themselves will be rigged to blow. (Self-destruct quirk)

It will probably cause people to focus on what happened, but they shouldn't be able to trace it back to me and with everything destroyed in the explosion, my secret should be safe.

With this in mind, I had my Fisk-double handle the creation of a Nomu factory. Specifically, finding a warehouse with a big enough basement that no one would investigate.

I also had him task Wesley with finding 'disposable' people. Pedophiles, murderers, and the like. They will be the ones that I turn into abominations. After they are prepared, they'll be in storage for a long time. I have [EnergySaver] after all.

As I'm contemplating this my bracelet that's connected to Brittany's identical bracelet lights up indicating that she wants to talk.


A/N: What a chapter. Things will start to pick up again in the next few chapters. MC won't get directly involved in the invasion of New York, but he will be behind the scenes and possibly steal an infinity stone. But that's a maybe. I haven't decided yet. He probably won't even reveal himself until it's too late.

I've been searching through the MHA wiki to figure out as much as I can and found out about [Power]. It's supposedly the original power stockpiling quirk that makes up One For All. The Nomu Hood had it as well as Muscle Augmentation and that's why he was so unbelievably strong. Whether it's actually the same quirk is kind of vague, and I can't get a straight answer. And if it is, it opens up so many plot holes it could sink the Titanic. So I'm just going to make it a similar yet separate quirk.

And again, after searching through the wiki I found so many quirks and so many potential combinations it's just insane. After finding All For One's page in particular I was disappointed. He had many abilities, but not as much as I thought. He only showed 33 abilities according to the wiki. Abilities he doesn't have anymore included! So yeah, MC can probably win. However, I also noticed a quirk missing from the wiki. During the escape from Tartarus, AFO used a quirk that allowed him to mind control a pilot in order to escape, but it's not mentioned on the wiki. Or at least the one I went to. It was one of the quirks I contemplated the MC acquiring at the start, but decided against it. After considering it for a while, I decided that MC is going to aim for world domination. I mean, why not?


Name: Axel/???
Level: 3 - 0/5000
Age: 21/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 1926

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Lesser)] [PowerAnalysis] [PowerControl]

Bloodlines/Powers: [62+]

[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire (61)]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[Lifeforce quirk - Life Force allows the user to roughly double their lifespan, causing them to age at a slower rate, making them look much younger than they actually are. The user will look like they're in their sixties when they are really 120 years old. This Quirk comes at the cost of reduced physical mobility and strength.]
[Half-hot Half-cold quirk - Allows the user to create Fire and Ice.]
[Heavy Payload quirk - Increases the damage output of the user's attacks. Increasing both normal punches and the effects of their powers if used together. Can be used to enhance the energy/power behind attacks.]
[Kinetic booster quirk - This Quirk allows the user to increase the amount of kinetic energy the user creates and releases, power-related or otherwise.]
[Hellfire quirk (C) - Allows the user to create fire and has resistance to fire and heat. But they must cool down after they get too hot.]
[Cryo quirk (C) - Allows the user to create Ice, and lower the temperature as well as giving resistance to the cold.]
[Super Regeneration quirk - Allows the user to regenerate from any injuries at high speeds, however, continued cellular regrowth causes a shortened lifespan as a result.]
[High Specs quirk - gives the user a greatly superior intellect.]
[Black Lightning Quirk: allows user to create and manipulate black lightning. Allows users to be highly resistant to electricity.]
[Air Wall Quirk: Lets the user create circular shields made of compressed air from their hands in order to shield themselves. The barriers can be layered for greater protection, and the user also has the ability to create a dome barrier around themselves to guard against attacks coming from different areas. They can also use the shield to blast people away or fire powerful bursts of pressurized air able to knock down and stun the opponent.]
[Barrier quirk - allows the user to create a translucent barrier around them.]
[Air Cannon quirk - Allows the user to release a devastating shockwave of air pressure from the palm of their hands. The shockwave can manifest in different forms, depending on the motion the user's arms follow when releasing it. The blast's shape can range from a straight, concentrated air shot to a wide, crescent-shaped air blade.]
[Sloshed quirk - Sloshed causes anyone who approaches the user to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. Those affected by Sloshed become unable to move and act properly. The user can choose who is affected and how affected they are.]
[Consciousness Control X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Mind Influence X-gene (C) Allows its user to mentally influence people to a limited extent.]
[Cell Activation quirk - Allows the user to activate someone's cells causing them to divide and heal them at the cost of their stamina.]
[Energy Saver quirk - Grants the user greatly increased stamina and increased ability to save energy. Also allows the user to get more out of sleep and be able to go in a sort of hibernation mode.]
[Lie Detector quirk - Allows the user to sense whenever someone in close proximity to them lies. Works best with physical contact.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, their clothing, and anything they're holding making them invisible. With intense concentration, it can be used to turn another invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[GrowthBoost Quirk - Enhances the body's rate of growth, as in getting stronger or adapting.]
[Big Show quirk - Allows the user to increase their size by around three times, also increasing their strength. (Doesn't work on clothes)]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands, in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of flame. Grants heat resistance.]
[Multi-tasking Quirk - gives its user a greater ability to multitask.]
[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]
[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a limited extent influence/control people.]
[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and has similar abilities as the Hulk.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people. Can also explode on contact.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[Rivet Stab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength Enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]
[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Leap quirk - Grants the user the ability to jump long distances and fall from large heights without getting hurt.]
[Nocturnal X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better, and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Gives the user eyes all across their body.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually physically seeing them. However, the user can only see, they cannot hear or use any other senses.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its users to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Snake X-gene - Gives the user snake-like traits. Giving them scales, slitted eyes, infrared senses, and a forked tongue.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought. But focuses on fine control rather than raw power.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]
[SuperStrength/AirBlast X-gene - gives user super strength and the ability to shoot air blasts.]
[Mutant Sense X-gene - Allows the user to sense mutants over vast distances. User cannot sense anything other than their direction and vague sense of distance, and only that they're a mutant. They can't sense what kind of power they have.]
[Light Generation X-gene - Allows the user to generate light from their body as well as create small orbs of light that they can control.]
[Demon X-gene - Gives the user small horns and special eyes that allow the user to exert their will on others with eye contact.]
[Big Arms X-gene - Gives the user large muscular arms.]
[Night Sight X-gene - Gives user eyes similar to those of a cat, allowing them to see better at night.]
[Big Jaw X-gene - Gives the user a massive jaw and teeth.]
[Razor Tooth X-gene - Gives the user much tougher, razor-sharp teeth.]
[Bronze Skin X-gene - Gives the user Bronze-like skin. However, they cannot make it go away.]
[Disorient X-gene - Allows the user to disorient a target from a distance, making them dizzy and delirious.]

Skills: 2
[BodyDouble Lv3 - Allows the user to create a double of themselves. They can un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 3/3 ]
[Monarch's Indifference Lv1 - Allows the user to be indifferent to usually stressful situations.]

Perks: 1
[Luck Plays A Role! Lv2 - Lucky things are more likely to happen to you. And you may get special quests.]

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