In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 3 Figuring Things Out

Chapter 3 Figuring things out

*That morning*
After waking up after a long night, I went back to practicing with my quirks. I had gained a new quirk, [RivetStab] from completing my first quest. It allows me to create extensions from my fingers. I tested how strong it was by shooting the extensions at an empty wooden crate. They pierced the wood easily. It's definitely dangerous enough to kill someone.

I have been unable to figure out what the story is at the prison I escaped from. I'm not willing to risk going into public often until a lot of time has passed. People might recognize me after all. So I'll wait until I either find out from an old newspaper or wait long enough for things to blow over before I rent a computer and look it up.

Since last night I've had time to figure out how my system works. I have been asking questions about it and have figured out how to open my status. Here's how it currently looks.

Name: Axel/???
Level: 1 - 0/100
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 150

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: N/A


[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire.]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. It requires physical contact to activate but is not required once a connection has been established.]

[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]

[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]

[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]

[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]

[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]

[RivetStab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]

[Strength enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]

[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]

[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]

[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]

Skills: N/A

Perks: N/A

That's a lot to process. I got 50VP from completing the quest, but I started off with 100VP to begin with, so now I have 150. There are some things I didn't expect. Skills, and blessings.

'System, please explain the skills and perks.'

{Affirmative. Skills are miscellaneous abilities granted by the system. Perks are perks granted by the system. A few examples would be [5xLearningSpeed], [AllWeaponMastery], or [LuckPlaysARole]. They aren't genetic. They are abilities granted by the system that allow one to do things others cannot.}

I've been practicing with my abilities since I woke up. Mostly just getting a vague sense of what they can do and what their limits are. [Overhaul] is a complicated quirk. But it has incredible potential. I just need to train until I can use it to its full potential.

Pushing that thought aside for now, I instead decided that I needed help from others like me. Mutants. I have a few memories that imply the existence of mutants, but that's no proof. I need to find mutants. And possibly take their powers as my own to see if I can. But how am I going to do it? I'm not omnipotent and I can't snap my fingers and get a brilliant idea.

As I think this I snap my fingers as a joke, but stop immediately afterwards. Before immediately face palming.

"...I suddenly have a great idea..."


It wasn't a great idea. I just remembered something obvious. Why did I get [Scanning] in the first place? It's an ability that can only be used to find people with powers and know what they are after all. And that's what I'm going to use it for.

After some time, I succeeded. The plan was simple, mutants would likely be acting like normal people. And anyone who might be part of the Morlocks would have to come to the surface for food and supplies. What do these people have in common? They'll all be walking the streets at some point. And I can take advantage of this. By combining [Scanning] and [Search] I can find out who is a mutant, and place a marker on them to track their location. By doing this I can find the Morlocks, other mutant groups, or other mutants in general. Which leaves me with many options.


I have been wandering the streets all day using [Scanning]. How [Scanning] works is that it can see peoples 'energy.' And this energy looks different depending on whether they have an ability or not. It's useful to figure out if someone has an ability or not. But it can also be used to figure out what type of ability they have. It allows me to see people's energy, and their energy behaves differently if they have powers. And I can get a sense of what type of power they have by observing their energy.

It's a very useful ability to have. So far I have only found two mutants, but chances are I'll find more before the day is out.

'System, are you storing the data?'


I've been having the system analyze and store what I'm seeing with [Scanning]. In the future, I'll be able to know what type of ability someone has just by looking at them.

I've also found out another interesting thing by listening in on a conversation. There is a mutant ghetto in New York. It's where mutants are sent after their powers awaken. And from what I've heard, it doesn't sound good. There is violence between the mutants and regular people all the time. Usually, it's the normal people who started it, but the mutants are always made out to be the aggressors. There's that sensation again. Am I missing something? It feels like I'm forgetting something... About mutants? Maybe, but there's something else... Before I can think more about the subject, I see another person whose energy looks different. Wasting no time, I place a marker on them.

But something unexpected happens. They stop the moment the marker is placed and look directly at me.


We lock eyes for a moment before he starts walking towards me. He is of Asian descent and looks like he's been in multiple fights based on the scars visible on his arms. He was able to sense me place a marker and even single me out of the crowd. He likely has a power related to telepathy or sensing one's influence. I'm worried that he might be a telepath and sensed something though. Should I stay and talk or should I run?

'System. Can you detect if someone is using telepathy on me?'

{System tool required to be purchased in order to block minor telepathy}

'No! Crap, what do I do? System, can you sense any telepathy at all?'

{Affirmative. I may be able to sense its influence, but not block it.}

'What does it take to get the tool?!'

{50VP. Your current VP is 150.}

'It just keeps getting better huh? Alright. Just buy the tool!'

{Affirmative. System upgrading...}

I look back up at the guy who is approaching. Deciding I should stall for as long as possible, I start walking away. Looking back I can see the man following me, but walking a little faster. We continue walking for a while until I turn left and walk into an alley. I walk around halfway in and turn around. At the same time, the man walks around the corner and into the alley.

Alright... Now I just have to try and talk it out peacefully...



Yay, a third chapter... Today It was painful to write... But I won't drop it. I'll go all the way and write an epic story! 

*Smashes keyboard in frustration*

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