In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 45: Disgust

Hashirama sat in the Hokage office the next day, his expression a mixture of emotions - embarrassment, pain, and a hint of resignation. His body was almost entirely covered in bandages, a testament to the events of the previous day.

The thought of seeking out a medical ninja for his injuries was out of the question. After all, how could he possibly explain the nature of his injuries to them? The very idea left him feeling utterly mortified.

In fact, Hashirama felt that he couldn't face anyone in the village at the moment. The embarrassment and humiliation of the previous day's events still hung heavily in the air.

With a heavy sigh, he couldn't help but recall the passionate and intense "exercise" with Mito, an experience that had left him both physically and emotionally battered. 

The fierce face of Mito when she rode him as he was tied to the bed. The mixture of pain and pleasure that he felt.

The memory brought a complex mixture of feelings to the surface, leaving Hashirama in a state of confusion as he contemplated the events that had unfolded.

Hashirama's thoughts were a swirling mix of emotions, and he couldn't help but acknowledge the strange complexity of his feelings. 

The pain that he had endured during their passionate sessions was undeniable, but there was an inexplicable part of him that found it strangely satisfying to remember.

It was a new and somewhat perplexing experience for him. 

Their time together had always been intense, but for the first time, it had left him with a sense of fulfillment.

Turning his gaze to his brother Tobirama, who seemed to be studying a massive mountain rock in the corner of the village with unusual interest, Hashirama couldn't help but snort in amusement. 

With a resigned sigh, he returned his attention to the mountain of paperwork on his desk. 

Tobirama, on the other hand, continued to find solace in whatever intriguing discovery he had made on that rocky outcrop, choosing to ignore his brother's turbulent thoughts.

' Don't look at me brother, it was all for the greater good.' 

Back in the Tsukimi's dimension everyone was gathered inside a room as theyjust finished watching a whole series of a movie together.

Tsukimi's dimension provided a temporary respite from the outside world, and after an enjoyable movie marathon, Gyuki found himself yearning for a change of scenery. 

" Tsukimi—ni-san I want to go outside and explore a little. I am getting bored here." Gyuki spoke approaching the Golden fox who was observing several of his clones practicing different applications of space and time. 

" Hmmm, sure go ahead but make sure to keep yourself hidden and safe." Tsukimi turned towards him as smiled a little. 

Nodding his head Gyuki left in a hurry as a portal opened in front of him. 

" Is it fine, to let him go like that? What if he gets in trouble?" Kurama asked with slight concern as he approached Tsukimi. 

"Don't worry, he has grown strong too. Besides, I don't want to cage anyone; they have their own lives and places they want to be in. I can't shelter them forever," Tsukimi sighed, looking into the distance as his golden fur fluttered with the passing wind.

"Mhmm, but you'll have to handle me for a lifetime because I won't be going anywhere," Kurama spoke with a grin, only to be smacked by Tsukimi's tail.

"I will take care of everyone forever, but if they want to leave, I won't stop them either," Tsukimi smiled in response to Kurama's words.

"Tch, not like I want to stay here forever anyway," his words caused Tsukimi to roll his eyes as he smacked his head once more.

In the dimension that Tsukimi had created, the atmosphere was peaceful and serene, a stark contrast to the tumultuous world they had once inhabited. 

Here, they found solace and companionship, away from the conflicts and battles that had defined their past.

As they continued their conversation, Tsukimi and Kurama basked in the tranquility of their secluded haven.

It was a place where time seemed to slow down, allowing them to reflect on their experiences and the bonds they had formed.

"Want to watch what happened to Hashirama yesterday?" Tsukimi inquired.

Hearing his question, Kurama grew curious and nodded in agreement.

Tsukimi waved his claws, and a screen appeared, displaying the events that transpired after they had left the scene.

The screen revealed a battered and bruised Hashirama Senju, who appeared to have gone through quite an ordeal. 

He was covered in bandages, and his expression held a mix of discomfort and embarrassment.

Kurama and Tsukimi observed as Hashirama, the powerful First Hokage, seemed to be nursing his wounds and facing the aftermath of a challenging experience. 

The tension in the room was palpable as they watched in silence.

Kurama couldn't help but comment, "He certainly had quite a rough time, didn't he?"

Tsukimi nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the display. "Yes, it seems like he went through quite the ordeal. I wonder what happened."

As they continued to watch, the scene unfolded, revealing more details of Hashirama's struggles and the unexpected events that had taken place.

Tsukimi waved his claws once more and the scenes shifted to the start of the event after they left the place.

As the scenes of Hashirama's escapade played out, the expressions on Kurama and Tsukimi's faces underwent a dramatic transformation.

What had started as a moment of amusement at Hashirama's predicament quickly evolved into a mixture of pity and confusion.

Hashirama's behavior, particularly his demeanor in bed, left them both in a state of bewilderment. Mito's reaction, a combination of disappointment and sadism, further deepened their sense of confusion.

It was as if the roles within their relationship had been flipped, challenging their preconceived notions. 

The powerful First Hokage, who had commanded respect and admiration from many, appeared to be a different person entirely in these intimate moments.

Kurama exchanged a glance with Tsukimi, their thoughts aligning as they struggled to reconcile the image of Hashirama they had known with the vulnerable figure displayed before them.

It was a moment that left them questioning the dynamics of Hashirama and Mito's relationship and pondering the complexities that lay beneath the surface.

They felt a deep sense of disgust towards Hashirama and his actions.


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