In order to find a job, the black technology was announced at the beginning

Chapter 57 It turns out that Ye Chen is not only talented, he is also handsome

Chapter 57 It turns out that Ye Chen is not only talented, he is also handsome

In the end, Ye Chen didn't tell them what to build next.

Instead, they directly took out a brand new design drawing.

A design drawing of epoch-making technology, even more advanced design drawing than the Wanderer Mecha.

Ye Chen handed the design drawings to twenty scientific researchers without any distrust.

"You all have a look, this is the design drawing, don't make a fuss."

These people were all transferred by Dean Li. Ye Chen didn't need to worry about anything bad happening, because why wouldn't the authorities review the people who could appear here?

Everyone looked at the design drawings in doubt, and at first they were chatting and laughing, but after a few seconds, the scene suddenly became quiet and completely silent.

The 0 scientific researchers handed over by Dean Li to Ye Chen, including ten men and ten women, all opened their mouths wide and turned into '[-]' shapes, their faces full of disbelief.

Even holding the blueprints in both hands tremblingly, their hearts were already turned upside down. It took about a few minutes before they woke up like a dream. When they realized it, they all gasped.


Scary blueprints.

【Entry-level Falcon Transport Ship】

The content on this design drawing not only details the strength of the ship, but also introduces the specific data in detail, and fully marks how to manufacture it in the manufacturing process.

A female scientist swallowed her saliva, pushed her glasses again, raised her head and asked in horror, "This is this?"

Everyone else had the same expressions, as if they were eager to know whether Ye Chen was going to build the thing on the design drawing.

They only understand very little about the things on the blueprints, but that doesn't prevent them from being fools.

It is impossible for the fields touched here to belong to this era, at least it is estimated that it will take five centuries before it may be possible.

But now Ye Chen actually came up with a design drawing of a spaceship that is more advanced than a manned rocket, which is not shocking.

Ye Chen nodded slowly and said: "That's right, the Falcon transport ship, an entry-level space ship."

'Gulu' was the sound of swallowing saliva.

Everyone stared at him blankly, their minds were blank.

Perhaps at this moment, Ye Chen standing in front of them is not a human being at all, but a god.

It is most appropriate to describe him as a god of technology, and only in this way can he forcefully explain why he can always come up with various world-leading black technologies.

Ye Chen said calmly, "Are you confident?"


The confident answer reflects their determination, and everyone is full of fighting spirit.

Ye Chen nodded, and said again: "I'm not a stingy person, just ask me if you don't understand the design drawings, but you must make a work log, even if it is a screw, how much accuracy is required, and where it should be placed, you understand ?"


Ten men and ten women responded loudly.

They understand that this is an opportunity that can't be met, and even if they don't succeed in the end, they will definitely benefit a lot from building a spaceship that is several times ahead.

And ten female scientists among them suddenly realized that ten of them finally understood that Dean Li was so earnest before he left.

He said that he should seize every opportunity to dedicate himself to science.

Now, can we interpret Dean Li's words as trying to find opportunities to mate with Ye Chen and create a more powerful next generation?
Ye Chen turned his head, looked at inexplicably, and asked, "What do you guys mean by looking at me?"

"It's nothing."

Several female scientific researchers blushed.

It was only then that they discovered that Dr. Ye Chen's appearance is actually very handsome despite his rare talent.

Ye Chen said: "That's it, engineers and technicians must not be allowed to be negligent in the manufacturing process."

Fortunately, everyone is a person who has never been ambiguous in doing things.

After two days of getting familiar with each link, a certain workshop in the launch center of the base was busy again.

The Falcon transport ship is under construction.

Everyone is not idle.

Although this is a black-tech transport ship, it is an extremely blunt and difficult technology for everyone except Ye Chen, but they still endure all kinds of ignorance and go to ask Ye Chen for advice every day.

This day and night.

Ye Chen's dormitory ushered in three young female scientists, who looked almost a few years younger than Ye Chen, and could be described as girls.

Regarding the doubts of the girls, Ye Chen also explained them in detail.

"The propulsion system of this transport ship looks like this. With the Ark reactor as the core, the engine provides kinetic energy for the output. It is not a traditional manned rocket. This is an entry-level transport ship that can fly in space."

"So that's the case." The three girls looked at each other and smiled.

Ye Chen asked: "Is there anything else I don't understand?"

The three girls did not ask technical questions this time, but asked questions about their private life, and said, "Dr. Ye Chen, you are not young anymore, are you really single as Dean Li said?"

Ye Chen nodded.

The girls blushed and said, "Then look at the three of us. We are all engaged in scientific research, so we should have common topics."

Ye Chen's smile disappeared suddenly, and he said, "You are all good people!"

The three girls stood still and couldn't react.

How to fatten four?

After finally mustering up the courage to tell us that he is a good person, wouldn't you try to get in touch?

It's really useless to use the new moves I learned in the movie recently!

"Hurry up and go back to rest, I have other things to do."

Ye Chen issued an order to chase away the guests.

The main reason is that he was afraid that his body fused with the T virus would be embarrassing if he didn't hold back, and it would be embarrassing if a few monsters came to life soon.

The three girls saw that Ye Chen said so, so there was no need to stay and make people bored, so they said goodbye and left.

After everyone leaves.

Ye Chen opened the computer browser and opened web pages one by one.

After a while, myths and stories from all over the world came into view.

Ye Chen is used to this kind of life.

It wasn't until half a year later that the life of leading people to build falcon transport ships during the day and browsing myths and stories from all over the world at night was over.

Because the Falcon transport ship took a year, perhaps due to size and technical problems, it was completed in two years less than the Wanderer mech. It was quietly lying in a workshop in the launch center of the base.

The Falcon transport ship abandoned the image of the traditional man-made rocket and changed it to a rectangular shape, somewhat similar to a truck, with a length and width of about 20*10 meters. It is equipped with a directional thruster and can hover and land at any place. Several square meters of activity space.

Ye Chen strolled out from the Falcon transport ship and said to everyone: "We can't relax on the rest of the parts, we need various tests and inspections, and we can't be negligent."

"Understood!" Everyone showed great enthusiasm.

After two months of continuous improvement, and after a long period of careful polishing by everyone, the Falcon transport ship has just been supplemented to the point where it is almost perfect and has almost no flaws.

Fortunately, the scientific researchers, engineers, and technicians here have rich experience, otherwise the Falcon transport ship would have to be pushed back for at least half a year.

On this day, all the inspections and tests have been done.

Just short of the final test flight.

Ye Chen said very solemnly, "This falcon transport ship is going to take a test flight in the afternoon. I will say hello to the Tenth Legion later. It's just a matter of the test flight personnel."

Obviously, there are only a few people who are currently qualified for the test flight job.

Except for Ye Chennei, only the [-] scientific researchers entrusted to him by Dean Li are competent.

"I'm willing to take a test flight, if you don't succeed, you will die!"

"Count me in."

"And I."

Everyone's emotions were very high.

Ye Chen nodded, and finally, after drawing lots, five pilots were selected for the first test flight.

"During the flight test, if the system alarm sounds, come back quickly."

"Can you go to space if the system doesn't have an alarm?"

"I don't recommend it."

It was another short conversation, and it seemed that the test flight was very hasty.

Someone frowned and asked: "Dr. Ye Chen, we are a special department, and we all know about the secret manufacturing of Falcon transport ships, but why is there no leader for such a big matter as the test flight? It stands to reason that even if it is kept secret, Dean Li should I'll be there."

Everyone was very puzzled, this level of secrecy, even Dean Li of the Academy of Aerospace Sciences can't know?

Ye Chen pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Do you all want to know why the test flight is about to take place, but no leader came?"

A handsome female scientific researcher pushed her glasses and said, "That's right, we all want to know why, even if it's a secret job, it's impossible to keep it so secret, right now it's going to be a test flight, but no one came , and no instructions."

(End of this chapter)

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