Infinite Journey

Chapter 29 - calm and peaceful

He took out a set of clothes from the wooden box, and quickly replaced the worn clothes on his body.

It was only then that Tang San let out a slight sigh of relief, temporarily safe.

This place is very remote, and it’s rare to encounter beggars or criminals hiding in the sewers, but to be on the safe side, Tang San still stained his face with mud, so he couldn’t see his original appearance.

After the initial settling, he knew he had to live cautiously for a while.

Time always passed quickly. Tang San, who didn’t ask anything outside the window, lived quietly in this dark underground. Apart from eating every day, he practiced the gold pattern refining method, and a month passed quickly. .

A month ago, he was almost on the verge of hitting the peak, but after a month of hard work, he finally reached the final level.

In the dark underground, there is a little light of fire, that is the brilliance of candles.

Tang San was cultivating in the rays of light, his whole body was dancing with the golden pattern refining technique, with a muffled sound, his skin quickly turned from golden to golden, a trace of golden lines appeared on the skin, the golden pattern was attached to the body, and the technique was at its peak. .

With a twinkle in his eyes, Tang San let out a deep sigh of turbidity: “Finally reached the peak state, even ordinary small firearms are useless to me now, my survivability has soared, it’s time to go out and see what’s going on outside. .”

At the peak of the golden pattern refining method, the film has reached the point of extreme toughness, with golden lines covering the whole body, it feels smooth but tough to the touch, enough to withstand the attack of cold weapons.

After finishing the practice, the very quiet and thoughtful Tang San had the thought of finding out. After all, after staying here for a month, the pursuit of himself may have almost subsided.

But before going up, Tang San had to make all the preparations.

He took out his original ragged clothes and quickly put it on his body. At the same time, he touched a handful of dust from the ground and sprinkled it on his body. His face was stained and black, and at a glance he knew that he was a destitute beggar.

Although Tang San’s clothes were tattered, they covered his body just right, and no one could see his slightly burly figure.

After making all preparations, Tang San walked forward in the darkness, walking towards the exit where he had positioned himself, waiting for the dawn to come.

Ancheng experienced a big storm a month ago, King Kongmen was furious, and sent a large number of troops into the wilderness to search for a rebel named Tang San, but in the end, the sea was stoned, and there was no trace.

Under the various gossip, a strange picture was formed.

Tang San stole the treasures of King Kong Gate, so he caused a big disaster.

Tang San, who stole the treasure, may have already been hacked in the wasteland, so the King Kong Gate has no gain.

Some people even said that someone in the King Kong Gate persecuted Tang San, and they fought back and killed the King Kong Gate, and they will definitely come back for revenge in the future.

There were various opinions, and no one came out to give a fair explanation. It was not until half a month ago that everything came to an end, and the people searching in the wasteland returned again, and Ancheng returned to peace.

Outside a teahouse, Tang San pretended to be a beggar and hid in the corner, listening to the trivial gossip in the teahouse, absorbing the information he needed.

With deep eyes, he secretly said: “Have you really given up? You need to observe it. It’s hard to say that someone guessed that I was in the city, so the traps arranged are the most intelligent people in this world.”

Tang San spent a day wandering around in the alleys of Ancheng, observing the gates of the city and the flow of people in the city, and he really found a problem.

Ancheng’s four city gates were loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Looking at the city gates that didn’t seem to be guarded by many people, Tang San saw a dozen vague figures in the guard room hidden by the city gates.

And on the street, you can see suspicious people walking around from time to time, their eyes wandering, and they don’t know what they are looking for.

Tang San secretly said: “Sure enough, there are still smart people, it seems that they can’t act arbitrarily yet, they need to be careful and dormant for a while.”

“But now I have run out of food and need to replenish it, but buying so much food at once can easily attract attention and need to be purchased separately.”

Tang San noticed in his heart, returned to the sewer, changed into ordinary gray clothes, and washed his face.

After a month, a beard has grown on his face, and he is not a familiar person, so he is absolutely unrecognizable.

Human faces are very special, those with beards and those without beards are two completely different people. The current Tang San looks no different from ordinary people.

After finishing everything, Tang San returned to the exit again, slowly waiting for the evening to come, the sky was getting darker at this time.

The people who got off work filled the streets, and the secret searchers were also exhausted, and it was difficult to take care of everyone.

And this was Tang San’s chance. He quickly left the sewers, went to the food store he had secretly remembered, and quickly bought a lot of food.

Tang San didn’t buy too much food at one time, UU reading www. just bought five days’ worth of dry food, just a bag, not noticeable, easily mixed into the flow of people, and finally disappeared.

From this day on, he would come out of the sewers every five days to buy food, and at the same time observe the movement on the street. After about 20 days, the entire Ancheng finally calmed down, and no undercover spy appeared. on the street.

Seeing this scene, Tang San’s eyes showed a hint of joy, he was like a poisonous snake, lurking in the dark, quietly waiting for the opportunity, now the opportunity finally came, he had to complete the last thing in Ancheng before he could completely Leave the control area of ​​the King Kong Gate.

In an alley, Tang San breathed in the free air and slowly walked towards the King Kong Gate, where there was still a culprit that had not been dealt with.

When he came outside the Jingangmen, it was already evening. The heat was in full swing in the Jingangmen. Tang San was hidden in a shadow, quietly observing the exit of the Jingangmen. His position was in an alley. , This is a very narrow alley, which can only accommodate one person to pass through, and it is difficult to attract the attention of others at night.

More than an hour passed, Tang San patiently waited for the target to appear.

Just when Tang San was about to get impatient, a young man walked out of the gate of King Kong Gate surrounded by a few people.

This person is Zhang Yaofeng, his face is red, it seems that he has been doing well recently, the position of future head is almost a default, and he has been in a relaxed mood recently, especially that Tang San, who has natural supernatural power, was forced by himself. After disappearing without a trace, he was even more happy, his only regret was that he never caught Tang San until now.

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