Infinite Potential System

Chapter 50: I Want Them All!

Chapter 50: I Want Them All!

William needed more space for his items. Even with the massive 50 cubic meters of space, William couldn't store all the Beast Materials. They were just too big!

If some Beasts in the Core Formation Realm were already as large as small trucks, William knew he wouldn't be able to store the more powerful beasts.

He knew just where to go. The Cultivation Shop in the Inner City also showcased many Space Rings, but William had ignored them because he was in a hurry.

At the front counter, William was greeted by the same couple. "Welcome again to our Cultivation Shop! Is there anything you need Sir?" they seemed a bit more respectful than last time William was here.

"Uh yes. I am looking for Space Rings." William replied.

"Right this way Sir." the male shopkeeper stepped away from the counter and motioned for William to follow. At a corner of the store, there was a shelf with nothing but Space Rings that were organized by their storage size.

The most expensive Space Ring was 200 Gold, with a storage of 20 cubic meters, while the least expensive was only 10 Gold Coins with a single cubic meter of space. There were around 40 rings in total.

William did some math. He can fit three rings on each finger minus the thumbs, but that might look awkward. 'It can't hurt to get more Space Rings anyway.'

"I want all of them." William male shopkeeper was confused, "All of them? That's..are you sure?"

"I said I want all of them didn't I? Of course I'm sure!"

"O-Ok Sir." the shopkeeper gathered all the rings with his Spiritual Qi and arranged them on the front counter. The shopkeeper did the math for the cost of all the Space Rings, "That's going to be 3680 Gold Coins and 2 Silver."

William wasn't surprised at the cost. Even with the 10 percent discount from his Moneybags Title, It was nearly all of his savings, but William didn't really need money right now anyway. He paid for the Space Rings. "Do you have any necklaces? Just the basic ones will do."

The shopkeeper didn't know what William was thinking, but they became even more respectful after seeing the young tycoon spend thousands of Gold Coins without batting an eye. The female shopkeeper led William to a row of jewelry, where many necklaces were displayed.

They were quite cheap, only a few pieces of gold each. William bought three necklaces and strung his extra Space Rings on them. He wore sixteen rings with the most storage, two on each finger minus the thumbs, making William feel like he should give himself a [1] street name.

"Sir, do you plan on buying anything else?" the shopkeeper returned William's thoughts to the shop.

"No, that's all I need." William thanked the shopkeepers and left the store. He returned to the Array Hall.

The Elder at the front counter didn't change. William still didn't know his name, but it would be awkward to ask. "Do I have any orders today?"

The Elder looked through the Array Hall's orders and shook his head. "There are not any orders for Array Master William, but I have a few. Would you like to take care of mine for half the profit?"

William realized this was a great way to earn some money as well. "Sure, what do I need to do?"

The Elder picked up the orders book in front of him and flipped to a certain page. He turned the book around to show William. Depicted on the page was an Array Puppet and an order for Elder Su. "Another member of the Array Hall commissioned me to create five Advanced Array Puppets in a week. I already have the Puppets, they just need to be inscribed with Runes."

William looked at the order sheet a bit more. The Arrays weren't too difficult. "Sure I'll give it a try."

Elder Su nodded and handed over five blank puppets from his Space Ring. "Don't worry about getting all five done this week. Just let me know where you're at in a few days and I'll finish up the rest."

William returned the nod and took the puppets to his personal room. The defensive Arrays he had created were still there, suggesting no one had entered the room since William left.

He placed the puppets on the ground and referenced the order sheet again. 'So each puppet needs an Advanced Array of Strength, Speed, Barrier, and Killing Intent. The rest of the puppet is made of Intermediate Runes for the movements of each joint. Easy enough.'

William got to work. He was quite familiar with the Arrays of Barrier and Speed, so he created those first. The Barrier Array was placed on the chest area, while the Speed Array went on the back of each leg. William decided to use two Arrays as it only made sense that way.

He did the same with Strength, placing one Array on each arm. The Killing Intent Array was formed on the top of the Puppet's head, and all that remained were movement Arrays for the joints.

"Done!" William sat down after completing the formation of his first puppet. The process only took an hour, but it used up nearly half of William's Mana reserves. Will would need another nine hours to finish the job, but he had plenty of time today so why not.

He used his rest time to buy a dozen Mana Regeneration Potions from the nearby Alchemy Hall, then returned to his work. The second and third Array Puppets were created in three hours.

William didn't want to waste much time, so he drank a Mana Regeneration Potion and created the other two Puppets, using a bit under an hour for each of them. He stored the Puppets in one of his Space Rings and returned to Elder Su at the front desk.

The Elder looked up from his desk to see William, so he checked the time. "It's been six hours, have you already finished the first puppet? How did it go? If you broke one, I can replace it for cheap so don't worry about that."

William pulled out the puppets from his Space Ring. "I'm done, but you might need to make sure I didn't break anything. I changed the Arrays up a bit."

Elder Su looked at the completed Puppets in shock. He knew William was talented, but he didn't expect the kid to be so fast! He checked over the Puppets, finding them to be in even better condition than the order requested.

"These look perfect! You're really skilled to finish up the order so fast, this Elder thanks you!" he handed over 800 Gold as payment for William's work and gave a slight bow. After all, William was a higher rank than Elder Su, it was only natural that he bow.

800 Gold for this, and it's only half the payment?!? This is a Gold Mine! William was ecstatic. He nodded to Elder Su, "Are there any other orders?"

Elder Su was impressed by William's work ethic. He looked through the order book some more, but couldn't find anything else worthy of William's time. "Not today, but I'll let you know if we receive any more, Array Master William."

William nodded. He exited the Array Hall and walked down the street while lost in thought.

I bought the Space Rings I need and made some money with the Array Hall. I guess I should visit the Foam Desert again. William still hadn't learned the Cultivation Talent, so the grind for Potential Points would have to continue.

His thoughts were interrupted by a group of red-robed individuals emitting oppressive auras. At the front of the group was a young man with blue hair and white highlights. He had a playful smile on his face as he looked at William. "Found you."

The young man turned his head and signaled to an old man by his side, who responded by weaving the most complicated Array William had ever seen.

[1] Street name: An Western slang term for a nickname given to a gangster or member of the Mafia.

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