Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 520: Zach


Zach, quickly activated his boosting perks, increasing his power, then he used his [Arsenal Wings: Wind] to give himself greater control and speed in the air. He knew that he would need it. Directly above him, he saw Nayra and Eratemus charging at Kaeliss Cloudwrought. He moved to aid them, then paused as he felt a great amount of power being used. He glanced to the side and saw the ravzor woman, Telissa Oakcalled, she was bright in his Soul sense.

He could feel her Soul flowing out of her body, tiny pieces burning up to power her armor, like the rest of them. But what made him pause and turn to her was something else. A bigger part of her Soul was flowing out of her, like a river, seeping straight into her.

Then, she pointed it at the ground, and Zach knew that he should’ve acted before. The ground rumbled, then burst open as plants grew upward, melding together into a thick weave filled to the brim with power and intent of a powerful Soul.

A giant made out of wood suddenly towered over him, in the image of a ravzor woman, it raised its hands tipped with sharp claws. Then swung at Zach.

He blinked out of the way, appearing to the side. With a quick slash he sent a blade of wind that hit it in the shoulder and barely made a scratch. He was surprised that it was that strong. But he could feel pieces of a Soul infusing it, making it stronger than its Essence alone would suggest.

His Armor of the Aspect Foundation was filled with Time, Wind, and Mind Essences, boosting his power over the three Aspects. His |I Analyze and Predict| was active from the start of the battle. He saw the tiny shivers over the titan’s body and knew that it was about to retaliate.

Sharp roots burst out of its back, lashing out toward Zach. He focused on his skills and with a beat of his wings dashed out of the way. With |Perfect Field of Frozen Time| he blocked as many of the attacks as he could, a few still got through. The speed at which they grew and lashed out surprised him. He cut two down with his blade, but one slithered through and stabbed at his chest.

It hit his armor and sent him flying back, his spiritual tool holding. As he beat his wings to stabilize the cooldown on his ability ran out, and his speed and maneuverability dropped. The titan had recovered, and it was already pouncing at him, moving faster than he expected it to.

A clawed hand the size of a house blasted through the air, and Zach prepared to burn another blink to get away.

Before he had to use it up, an equally large fist smashed the wood titan in the head, picking it up from the ground.

Zach felt a twist in the gravity, and the wood titan didn’t drop to the ground, instead it floated helplessly, trying to twist itself around as it was caught in a field of reversed gravity.

A giant made out of flesh jumped on it, and fists the color of stone smashed into it with enough power to punch straight through the wood. Zach felt the power of a skill in that strike, and by the fact that the power that animated the wood seemed to be fraying near the wound Erdania had just inflicted, he assumed that it was her Essence Breaker skill.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Zach watched as Erdania in her Gravity Titan form changed her gravity field again, and the two titans crashed into the ground, Erdania on top of the wood titan.

He blinked across space, appearing next to the woman controlling it.

“Stop,” he yelled. “You can still make a different choice.”

He didn’t expect an answer, not yet at least. His sense of time told him that danger lurked ahead, so he moved first and attacked with [Arsenal Whirling Wings: Mind].

She raised her staff to block, but she was too slow. Time worked for Zach, his attack had already reached her shoulder by the time her staff was in the way. He connected, and power flared. Armor against blade. He blinked as his attack didn’t do what he expected it to. The runes on the surface of her armor brightened, and Zach was pushed back by a kinetic pulse. Still, the mental portion of his attack passed through. He felt her connection to her titan lessen, and continued his attack.

That armor was a lot stronger than the last time he had encountered it.

He twisted mid air and used [Arsenal Binding Chains: Soul]. Power and Soul wrought chains appeared around her, and he felt her armor try to protect her, to break them, but his Soul was powerful. He pulled, sending her flying toward him.

He had to disable her somehow, to take her out of the fight. He didn’t want to kill, not yet. He had to offer a chance, everyone deserved one.

He decided to try and overwhelm the armor. He lashed out attacking in quick succession.

He pulled out three spirits out of his Last Sovereign of Terra, each filled granted the power of one of his perks.

The great masters of Earth attacked, unleashing the attacks in combination with his own.

Master Yiuha cut Telissa’s helmet with her bronze sword, unleashing a Dazzling Strike and blinding her.

Master Salvator Fabris stabbed his rapier at her hands, using Double Wind Strike to strike at both wrists at the same time.

Master Miyamoto Musashi swung at her back, releasing all the power Zach had stored in Consequence.

Zach stabbed his blade at her chest, unleashing a Shattering Song as he did so.

The Unchained’s armor burst into action, its runes blazing with power as her Soul was ripped apart to fuel her defense. Red disks intercepted their attacks, redirected the kinetic energy out into the air around her.

Then a wave of energy rippled out of her, blasting his spirits apart and sending him tumbling back. Bark grew over her armor, swallowing her whole in an instant. Then she grew, becoming twice as large as she was before, a smaller version of her wood titan.

Growths appeared all over her, and then she fired wooden spikes straight at him.

He grimaced, then changed his blade to its Nature Aspect. With his will and power he reached out to the spikes. Intent battled intent, and his pushed through enough to divert most of the spikes off course just enough.

He slapped the others out of the air, then changed his blade to Frost and blinked next to her.

From his True Link — Our Powerhe pulled on Naha’s perk, Shadow Paragon’s Blow.

With |I Focused And Saw All Flaws| he targeted the flaw he observed in her armor, with |I Strike Through Time| he struck through the river, to a point before she used her power to grow a shell of bark around her.

As his blade descended, a massive area of space twisted around him. He noticed it immediately, his Ripples of Time and Space blazed inside his mind with the magnitude of it. His head turned toward the source high in the sky, Berion, then quickly away. He attempted to blink away, but Space bound him in place, he wasn’t able to react in time.

The giant titan of wood appeared next to him, its fist barely a breath away from him. It struck him and pushed through, blasting him deep into the side of the mountain.

His spiritual tool took the brunt of the attack, but he felt the impact deep in his bones.

Zach shook his head, then pushed himself out of the hole, crawling out to see Erdania tackling the wood titan to the ground. Tellisa fired on him the moment he peeked through, spikes flying in his direction.

Zach focused and purged the Wind and Mind Essence out of his armor. Then he opened his up to Time and pulled the power through, filling his spiritual tool. It was time for him to stop pulling his punches.

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