Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 550: Ryun


As night fell, and others all separated to think on their own, Ryun finally allowed himself the time to take a look at his notifications. A lot had happened, and he didn’t have the chance to see all the changes.

He pulled them up in order.

New titles available:

The Fifth Dao—Way of Aspect

The Way of Oblivion


The Fifth Dao—Way of Aspects

Be the fifth in the world to give shape and form to an Aspect of Essence; harness and create the Way of an Aspect.

+5% to all base stats, 1000 Immortal Essence

The Way of Oblivion

Establish a Way of Oblivion, formalizing the rules of the Aspect.

+10% to all base stats, Formalization of Oblivion (World Change), 1000 Immortal Essence

His was the Fifth Way, it seemed like there were more people out there who had achieved it ahead of him. He hadn’t expected that. The notification itself, though, that was expected. He had created Oblivion as a Way that absconded with all rules. An Aspect that existed, would always exist, that was beyond such things as Time or Space. Something that contained all possibilities.

He didn’t get a Grand Perk for his achievement. It was unfortunate. He thought that he had done more than enough. What he did should’ve warranted it. It seemed like the Framework disagreed. Still, he wasn’t done with the notifications, so he continued.

The next notification was about his loss of Ayin, its removal. Another expected thing. He had burned the skill from his Soul, had used it to empower it beyond what he was usually capable of doing in order to save Tali. He still didn’t know if he had fully succeeded, but he didn’t regret it. He felt the hole in his Soul where it used to be, his Soul had healed, closed over it, but the skill had not returned. It never would.

He continued forward, pulling up the next notification.

New titles available:

The Sixth Dao—Way of Aspect

The Way of True Death

The Last Forest


The Sixth Dao—Way of Aspects

Be the sixth in the world to give shape and form to an Aspect of Essence; harness and create the Way of an Aspect.

+5% to all base stats, 1000 Immortal Essence

The Way of True Death

Establish a Way of True Death, formalizing the rules of the Aspect.

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+10% to all base stats, Formalization of True Death (World Change), 1000 Immortal Essence

The Last Forest

Your achievement, drive, or effort is recognized.

+100 to base intelligence, The Last Forest (Grand Perk), 10 Celestial Essence

If he was being honest, he hadn’t expected True Death to be formally accepted like this. For all intents and purposes, Selia, Erdania, and Ryun were the only sources of True Death. They effectively served as the plane of the True Death Aspect. People could cause True Death through interaction of other Essences, by killing a Soul in a way that prevented it from reaching the Afterlife, but they couldn’t actually draw in True Death, they couldn’t create it in any other tangible way.

The perk, he had expected. When the forest had come into being, he had felt like it was a power that was born out of him. He moved to his screens and took a look at the new perk.

The Last Forest (Grand Perk)

Summon the Last Forest, the Domain of True Death. It is powered by your Soul, it suppresses all connections to Aspect Planes and personal power usage from those that the Aspects of True Death focus on. The Effects of Presence of Eternal Hunters impact anyone within based on will. Any death within is a True Death.

It was about what he had expected, a domain that served, for all intents and purposes, as the Plane of True Death, only one powered by their Souls. He would have to experiment, see how it worked. Could he use it on his own? Without Selia or Erdania? If he could what would be the limits. Would the effects of the Presence of Eternal Hunters be diminished if he used it alone.

A lot of things for him to worry about.

He continued to the next notification.

Axiom of the End established—Error—

Authority Expansion—Error—

Ascension to the Throne of the End; Divinity of the End—Error—

He didn’t know what all of it meant, though he could make many assumptions. Their conversation with the Dealmaker had hinted at things. But he knew that he wouldn’t be able to learn the truth until he grew in power. Until he reached the peak of all three focuses.

The next notification was one that had pushed through his filters, the one that he had just before the Dealmaker summoned them. It was supposed to be the last, but now he saw that there was one more, a new one.

—Reverting state—

—Integration Complete—

Perk changes implemented

New title available:

Piece of the End

He frowned, and then pulled up his full screens and found the new title and perk.

Piece of the End (Grand Perk)

You have begun the Ascension to the Heavens, but the Heavens are not there. A piece of the power ahead is yours.

Your Authority over all Essence within your Aura Domain is significantly increased, the strength of your intent and meaning is additionally magnified by your willpower.

Your Authority over the End related Essences within your Aura Domain is near perfect.

This perk and related title are hidden from all sights, but yours.

So, he did get something. The Dealmaker had said as much. He didn’t know what they had lost, or why. But again, he was looking forward to finding out.

He took a look at his full screens and noticed that there were more changes. His Oblivion perks had mostly been renamed to End, with a couple exceptions, some changes that he didn’t quite understand the meaning of.

The one that was probably the most drastic one was his Aspect. It had changed from Oblivion to the End.

End Qi (Aspect Perk)

You may draw in any End related Essence and convert it to Qi. Draw in speed of Essence within your Authority is significantly increased. Your Qi passively enhances your being with the concepts of the End. You are immune to all tracking or scrying methods. Any attacks against you will lose a portion of their power based on the difference between their and your understanding of the Essence used. You are immune to directly influencing movement restriction effects. You have no presence that can be sensed by anything or anyone. +35% to vitality, +60% to wisdom and intelligence.

He wasn’t certain what it mean, but if he was reading it correctly he could now utilize all Essences related to the End. Could convert them all into Qi. He would have to experiment, since his core was still filled with Oblivion, and some True Death, though he could feel as if he could do more with it.

Perhaps now he could just use any Essence that was related. He wondered if Fire could be considered related to the End, it destroyed in some shape. True, the result was a transformation from one state to another, as all things were, but ultimately Fire caused an End of one type of existence into something else. He would have to think about it a lot more.

He was also pretty sure that Selia would be able to use Fire, if she had gotten through the changes in the same way he had. Her previous Aspect was related to Fire, and while it did destroy, it could also create. If her Aspect was now Legacy, they would have some overlaps. He wondered what Erdania’s would be like.

He would know soon, both of them were now doing the same thing he was, going through their notifications and looking at the changes.

Ryun took a deep breath. A lot had changed, and he had a lot of thinking ahead of him. But for now, he wanted to get home, see how Tali was doing. He had spoken with Ereclaw and the only thing he knew was that she was with the healers.

But he was relieved that she was alive at least. Anything else he could deal with in the future.

Ra’azel had escaped, and that was a thread that had to be cut short. He was not going to allow him time to grow in power. He had a lot to do.

He moved to close his windows, and then paused as something occurred to him. He moved to a different window and took a look at his Class tab. His eyes widened as he saw a new choice now available for his Class.



Shard of the End (Div)

You are a piece of Divinity, growing to encompass all of the End. The Throne of the End awaits.

He narrowed his eyes, and then with a thought made a choice, taking up the new class.

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