Infinity and Magic

Ch 90: What I wish to see

*Anos's POV*


I moved my gaze to the golden frame of the mirror. It was fortunate that I could tear my gaze away, probably because I hadn't really seen what the mirror was showing.


My eyes dropped down to the Claws surrounding the mirror and the words carved around it.


"Kaltek oan-gliir-che slaath-ket, dol jul-ket zul-kine." I let the words twist from my tongue, though they didn't feel right, as if my tongue didn't have enough space to say them properly.


Yet the language was familiar in a sense. I seemed to have spoken it the best I could've with a human tongue.


'Maybe it isn't supposed to be spoken from a human tongue?' I considered.


There were languages that weren't made by humans, most prevalent would be Fair Speech, from the Fae, though it was always a bit mixed since Vampires, Dark Ravens, Ghouls, and every elite member of any magical species that was sentient enough to speak and understand speech learned it.


Thus Fair speech was very homogeneous when speaking with the only difference commonly found being the dialects of it and the accent of the different species.


On the written form it was wildly different, every species had tried to twist Fair Speech in some way, adding words, ironing out non-required words.


Of course, there were also a lot of unknown languages. Goblin speech was pretty big throughout the 12th century though that was rarely heard if at all nowadays.


Vampires wrote in Bloodstones sometimes but never spoke to another creature in that language.


There were lost or forbidden languages as well, Chimera screech was a forbidden one because it would turn the spit in the speaker's mouth into acid and poison and they'd die before they learned how to say 'Hello'.


Wraith was a lost language, never being recovered though the Ministry was willing to sell an arm and a leg to learn that one during the Wizarding Wars.


I would remember these words, perhaps I could find something in a book. Learning won't hurt.... Provided it doesn't turn my mouth into flames or something.


'Probably better to learn it while drinking some safety potions.' I turned sour at that thought and looked to my right to see Harriet still staring at the mirror.


"Is it that good?" I asked, smiling.


"What?" She said absently not tearing her gaze away.


"What the mirror is showing, of course. Because if you don't stop then I think your eyes will drop out." I said chuckling and she looked away from the mirror for a moment at me and laughed.


"I don't know. It's showing me, people, standing together. I think one of them is my mom." She replied, looking at the mirror again.


" And who else?" I asked, looking at her.


" There's someone else next to her. I think that might be my dad." She continued quivering.


"And are you there?" I asked not looking anywhere else but at her.


'Don't want to look into the mirror. I don't want a stupid mirror to be my undoing.'


"I think I am. But it's not really me. It's me allgrown up. There's someone next to me too, I can't see the face though." She said disappointed.


"Well, that doesn't mean much, it could be anyone. You can see something besides their face?"


" Yeah, really really long hair past the shoulders and clothes with dark and golden coloring." She said, confused.


" Huh, definitely a wizard if he wears something like that. Well, wouldn't be the first wizard with a weird color palette." I said chuckling, my own at least had other colors mixed in.


" How do you look?" I questioned, we'll have to stay for a bit anyway.


" Long hair, still black. Same green eyes. I'm taller than now, grown up. I don't have my scar." She answered, but the last part seemed to fill her with relief.


" I wasn't asking that. I mean do you look happy?" I said still considering her face, she was focused on that mirror and I could see her hand twitch to touch the mirror, to see if it was real.


'I can't be the one to tell her about what the mirror shows. Dumbledore will have to do that.' I decided.


"I suppose so?" 


"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow, though it wasn't visible through the cloth on my face.


"It's probably me in there but I can't exactly say she seems happy. It's not really me. She's smiling so she's probably happy I suppose, but I can't just tell much more than that." Harriet replied and I mulled the words over.


" Well, that's not really an issue. Let's go." I said getting up. 


"Huh? why?" Harriet looked genuinely confused at the suggestion of leaving.


" If we're too late we'll miss class tomorrow," I replied but she didn't budge from the mirror's front. 


" But it's not even been that long since we got here?" She asked, looking at me now.


'Wow, that's extremely concerning. She even forgot that we have holidays and there's no class tomorrow?' I marveled at the result of the mirror.


This thing definitely had more than a 'Few' people lose their minds in front of it. 


" You mean it hasn't been that long since we sneaked out of the Common room when everyone else had already gone to sleep, and then walked down to the library, walked through it, then ran off and hid in this room and talked about what you saw in the mirror?" I questioned and thankfully kept her eyes still on me. 


"Oh, that. Can't we stay for a bit more?" She requested and I just shrugged.


"Would it make it any easier to leave in a minute more? More than that it's just a mirror Harriet, if you like that image then I can promise to get you something even better than what's being shown in there," I replied.


Well, I couldn't exactly promise that kind of gift but at the same time, it was possible to get it.


"Uh what no." She replied quickly.


"Huh why?"


"You already gave me a gift, remember, I can't just keep taking things." She said, looking at the floor.


"Pff none of that was a bother in any way Harriet, you're my friend. Well actually the wolf I gifted you is a gift for me too in a way." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.


"How?" She looked up confused.


How she wasn't ever weirded out by the cloth over my eyes was something I would never know.


"Well the wolf can protect you, and I think there's more than a few people I can imagine you setting it on. The best part of it all is that it can't be seen by those you don't allow it to." I said chuckling at the mental image of Vernon losing his mind.


"But we can't use magic outside of school." She replied but still, a smile crept up to her face.


"Well, Dudley doesn't have to know that. And you just have to make sure the wolf doesn't actually attack them, no proof of the crime." I spoke happily and she giggled.


"Well, I think that'll be fun." She said after a while.


"Well let's get your cloak, it'll be more fun after we've slept and I've drank some coffee. I'm sure we can discuss some more suitable plans for our ventures." I said picking up the cloth and covering both of us in it as we sneaked out of the room, much more relaxed and happy. 


The mirror was still there, and Harriet might still visit it but still, I felt a bit better that she was not so worried about everything, no mention of the Dursleys except for a fun conversation.


'Well, that was more because I burnt the gift they sent to her.'


Who sends a letter with veiled insults of her being alone. And a gift of the most detestable looking 1 pound bill. Why go through that effort?


I had been fuming after seeing that but decided to just destroy the letter into smithereens than even mention it, and the bill was left alone as the only gift. Better that way.


With thoughts of drinking something good I made my way towards the common room but still, my hand went up to my neck.


Author's Notes: Here's another chapter. Join me at my Patreon to read ahead and support me, if you wish to.

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