Infinity from Hogwarts

Chapter 281 The exploratory attack completely failed

"Long-range exploratory attack, start preparing to launch. Since they don't come out, then we will force them out!"

Following the command from the on-site commander, this large convoy disguised as a business convoy instantly changed its appearance.

Various machine guns and gun barrels were completely deployed from various camouflaged parts of the convoy vehicles through telescopic, folding, etc. methods.

Then these completed the deployment of machine guns and artillery, after aiming at the hiding place of Jack's magic secret realm.

At the command of the commander-in-chief, a tentative and covering shooting began.

But then a magical scene happened in the eyes of these special department personnel of the US government who attacked Jack.

In their opinion, those bullets shoot extremely fast, and there are also attacks from a small number of artillery shells.

When approaching the special overgrown wasteland they marked.

Obviously those bullets and cannonballs should follow the most basic laws of physics. Within this short distance, they should always follow a straight trajectory before hitting the target.

However, the scene that made these people shout out to God happened so strangely.

All the bullets and cannonballs approaching Jack's magical secret realm were inexplicably deflected in mid-air.

Thus completely missing the means of protection from the outside of Jack's magical realm.

All the bullets and cannonballs seemed to have been arranged by someone.

They were distributed in a circle around the outside of Jack's magical secret realm, and hit the real open space.

This strange scene caused those who were close to Jack's magical secret realm and were almost hit by these inexplicably deflected bullets to completely lose the ability to react.

It also caused the firearms that were supposed to carry out continuous attacks to become misfired in an instant.

The roar of guns and artillery fire only lasted for a short moment, and then disappeared completely.

In the entire scene, except for the flying dust caused by the explosion and the weeds flying in the sky, all other existences were completely still as if the pause button had been pressed.

In the command vehicle, the vehicle surrounding Jack's magical secret realm has its own monitoring equipment, keeping an eye on the commander at the scene.

Still, he had a lot of experience and was used to seeing life and death, so he came to his senses first.

Then, he roared loudly at the communication device.

The commander's voice finally broke the extremely quiet scene.

"Everyone obeys the order and retreats 50 meters based on the original position!"

He looked at his subordinates who began to retreat in panic after hearing his order.

The commander took a final closer look and discovered a secret.

After the previous attacks were inexplicably deflected, the impact points of the small number of shells were closer to the middle position.

This made the old general, who had been active on the battlefield because of his boldness and carefulness, immediately regain his confidence.

"Mobile the armed helicopters and tank formations on standby for me, and ask them to come to me immediately and start saturation bombing of this devil's abode."

"I can't believe that such a weird scene can still occur in the face of a more powerful, non-stop saturation bombing attack."

Everyone who was awakened by the roar of the on-site commander immediately followed the command of the Pentagon general who was specially brought back from abroad because of this special incident.

Quickly, based on the original, very tight encirclement, they began to retreat.

Before a comparison, the extremely loose encirclement was quickly formed on the periphery again under the command of the commander.

The commander, who was sitting in the command vehicle and had also retreated far away, looked at this picture and saw that the encirclement was much looser than before. Just through simple visual inspection, he could see that these seemingly following his orders began to The retreating combatants definitely did more than just retreat the 50 meters they requested.

It's like they have another commander coordinating them.

The commander's sharp eyes could tell at a glance that they had retreated at least 70 meters.

However, the commander who was sitting in the command vehicle had just secretly ordered the driver to retreat at least 80 meters.

He no longer blamed his temporary subordinates who became greedy for life and feared death in the face of the sudden and strange situation in front of them.

It would be better to retreat a little further, as this would also give the tanks that come after them more room to perform, wouldn't it?

The commander who cherished his life very much could only comfort himself in his heart because of his actions.

After all, he, the on-site commander, was the first to take the lead in retreating.

Moreover, the evacuation distance was further compared to the vehicles used by his subordinates who followed his orders and continued to surround this place.

Under such a scene, what reason did he have to reprimand those combatants who also did not fully obey his instructions?

The atmosphere at the scene became a little awkward because everyone ran away in unison. After retreating, the loose encirclement was reorganized.

The veteran general must be prepared to give an order to make his command vehicle symbolically move forward.

The rescuer finally arrived.

The tank troops and helicopter gunships that received his order finally arrived at the scene with roaring sounds.

It was also the military personnel who later saw the strange situation that had just happened through real-time surveillance footage.

Without the urging of the old general, the tank force commanded by the old general directly ordered his men to start interspersing, spreading out, and filling in the loose encirclement.

His order made the somewhat leaky surroundings become tighter again.

At least, it's not as embarrassing as the previous scene of air leaking everywhere.

The old general sitting in the command car also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

The subordinates he single-handedly promoted are still worthy of being appointed, and they saved his face at a time when all the senior officials were paying attention.

At least his old face didn't completely fall to the ground in front of his colleagues in the Pentagon who were watching the real-time footage.

The behavior of his men made him blush.

The old general breathed a sigh of relief, immediately regained his tough expression, and began to direct the deployment of the scene again.

"Helicopter formation, let me form a circle over this weird place, cooperate with the ground troops, and surround it in a circle."

"Always pay attention to units taking off. Don't forget, our enemies are capable of flying at high speeds."

"I must shoot them down when they are about to escape!"

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