Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 625 - repeating history

The military scientists on the spaceship found Sun Wukong and asked him to help melt the alien junk they had collected. At present, resources are limited, and they can be used as they can. Some of these broken aliens are armors damaged and irreparable by the enemy, and some are useless metal parts removed from the spacecraft.

The purpose of melting them is to make warheads. Whether it is artillery shells or bullets, the material of their warheads is very important and determines the lethality of the weapon. The stronger the warhead used, the better it will penetrate the enemy.

Human weapons are not useless, but human materials are too weak to penetrate alien armor at all. But to learn from the barbarians and to control barbarians, the wisdom of human beings is infinite. Give full play to subjective initiative and turn waste into treasure.

The old pig patted his chest and took over the job: “My monkey brother is very capable, but when it comes to playing with fire, I am the true master of the master. When I think about cooking, the fire is not easy, and now I will give it to you. Show your hands.”

Sun Wukong is really not good at playing with fire.

Zhu Bajie always brings his own fire when cooking, so now he uses it to help mankind melt the alien metal.

Bo Mengmeng looked at everything and had to admit that human beings are indeed a nation that is well versed in war. She even helped carry the produced alien metal bullets. This was the first piece of information she got, that humans were using their metal to make equipment, and humans were constantly absorbing the technology of the Ark in the war, which was really scary. .

This war cannot be dragged on, because the more time passes, the more ways humans have to hurt their fellow citizens.

The alien metal bullets were not discovered by their own soldiers, but imported from abroad. Sophon restored human communication, and the Central Theater began to contact the resistance forces of other countries, understand the global situation, and exchange experiences with each other. Foreign soldiers discovered that alien metal bullets could be used to kill aliens, so the Central Theater also quickly notified the war zones, and all unused and broken alien metals were used.

Now the whole world is fighting. Of course, the situation of mankind is really bad. Survivors all over the world can only fight guerrillas, and they have no ability to organize a decent counterattack. So the victory in the Eastern Theater was called a miracle by survivors in other countries.

With the restoration of foreign communications, the Central Theater also learned that many overseas resistance bases have been destroyed in the recent period of time. There is a mysterious force that is eyeing it, and the rebels outside the country all think that this must be another evil plan by aliens, and everyone must be careful.

Can you avoid Tomoko’s attack?

After knowing this information, resistance groups around the world were alerted, but the attack was still unavoidable. Even Tomoko was not sure where the attack came from, such a strange blow made the generals who had been relaxed for a long time immediately tense their nerves. They know that the aliens are coming again, and this time they have changed their attack methods, quietly attacking the gathering place of the resistance army by invisible means.

Invisible enemies are always the most fearsome, and the ship’s guards have also been reinforced at the notice of the central theater.

But the attack did not come, and the tranquility before the storm made people feel uneasy and breathless.

When the storm was about to come, Kent had nothing to do, and even left the spaceship and went for a walk in the mountains. When he created this trial planet, there were still dinosaurs on the planet, but unfortunately they were all eaten by the cultivators who came to the trial because it was so delicious. Her own daughter has also left traces on the trial planet, but after a long time, the words she engraved are long gone.

There are memories of Kent in every corner of the planet. Of course, he is not a nostalgic person. He has an idea. Aliens plant spies among human beings, and he can also plant a spy for aliens.

He happened to have a very suitable candidate – the six-eared macaque.

At that time, the six-eared macaque couldn’t see that Sun Wukong could get the right fruit, so when Sun Wukong was driven away, he became a fake Wukong and prepared to form his own team of learning scriptures.

The fake Wukong and Sun Wukong of the six-eared macaque finally distinguished the true from the false in front of the Tathagata, and were caught by the Tathagata with a golden bowl. In the novel, in the end, the real Wukong killed the fake Wukong.

However, in the real world, the six-eared macaque was not dead. He disappeared after being detained under the golden bowl. In fact, he was teleported away by the main **** space.

Kent eavesdropped on Hongjun back then, which made Hongjun have zero tolerance for eavesdropping, and later established the rule that the six-eared macaque “does not pass on the law”. The miserable situation of the six-eared macaque also has something to do with Kent.

In fact, the potential of the six-eared macaque is not inferior to that of Sun Wukong, but he is unlucky. He had endured three great calamities with great difficulty, but in the end he was almost wiped out when he wanted to take refuge in the Western religion. This kind of experience made the six-eared macaque feel that the Dao was unfair, and even in the main **** space, he could not reduce his anger.

Kent knew the cause and effect at this time, and naturally knew that he and the six-eared macaque were also destined.

After thinking about it, Kent waved, and a golden monkey that looked similar to Sun Wukong landed in front of him.

The six-eared macaque didn’t dare to be disrespectful when he saw that Kent possessed the virtues of a saint, and could only kneel in front of Kent tremblingly: “Please be merciful to the He naturally knows Kent, he listens to the Three Realms, and occasionally he also listens to Kent movement.

“Six-eared macaque, I know that you can listen to yin and yang and know everything even in the main **** dimension. You should know that the human race is in danger now. But the human race was created by Nuwa, and it has a great cause and effect with me, so I want you to help others. The power of the family.”

The six-eared macaque was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. He knew that his opportunity had come: “Once you listen to the sage’s instructions.” , but seeing his peers have become highly respected Da Luo Jinxian, he missed the cultivation frenzy of the prehistoric universe because of the phrase ‘the law does not pass on the six ears’. Although he has made some famous tricks by virtue of his talent, he has never been able to break through the threshold of Da Luo Jinxian. This time the saint has a mission, and he knows that as long as he completes it well, it will definitely bring great benefits.

Kent felt that the current scene was familiar from more than 3,000 years ago, but it was Nuwa who was standing in his position at that time, and the one kneeling below was not the six-eared macaque but the nine-tailed demon fox.

This is the saint who decides the fate of a race and a country with a wave of hands.

Fang Zhou and humans, Yin Shang and Western Zhou, six-eared macaques and nine-tailed demon foxes are also spies, and they are also trying to subvert one side’s forces. It was the same saint who shot, also for personal reasons.

According to different estimates, only the six-eared macaque is a stinky monkey, and the nine-tailed demon fox is a banshee.

“Sure enough, history is always repeated.” Thinking of this, Kent couldn’t help but complain about himself.

The six-eared macaque didn’t dare to talk nonsense, and didn’t know what Kent was thinking. If he knew that he would refuse to carry out the mission, because if history does repeat, his fate would be tragic.

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