Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 356: Catch the Moth

Brimming with energy, filling his every cell, Miles charged once again. The queen was still dumbfounded. It was the first time anyone blocked her deadliest attack. For a short duration, it seemed like it was stunned.

Miles was attacked by many lightning attacks by now, and the armor was filled with elemental energy too. The golden lines all over the armor were shining with blinding lights. With a single command of him, the energy would be unleashed, but Miles was waiting. The queen hasn’t used its ultimate yet, and he didn’t know what type of ultimate she had. So, he waited.

The queen shook the dizziness off and looked at Miles with hatred. Its exoskeleton was caved in many places, there were some scars on her body but what caused it to be pissed off most was its energy. It used its deadliest attack and it took a toll on it, now it didn’t have too much energy.

Before Miles could approach, the queen screamed with everything it had. Miles knew it wasn’t good from the emotions the scream was carrying. Although it didn’t mean it, the queen used energy thus Miles was able to pick the meaning of the scream.

“It summoned its underlings!” Miles cried out in panic. He wasn’t sure if he should be running away or killing it before the others came. Before he could decide, a lightning discharge spread out from the queen. It covered a ten-meter radius and locked Miles inside.

“What is this?!” Coin asked in panic.

“Seems like we are trapped.” Miles cursed under his breath as he looked at the barrier stopping him. Although it looked solid, he could see lightning flowing inside. His instinct alone was begging him to keep his distance from the barrier. That shit was deadly.

“Is this a zone?” Coin asked but Miles shook his head.

“This is an ultimate.” Miles willed his energy to the armor and the golden lines shone even more. In the next second, as if a sun was born on the battlefield. The energy inside the armor changed its color to green. At first, Miles thought it was the wood element but in the next second, he jumped back in panic. It was a toxic elemental discharge that originated from him, surrounding the area. Because of the Queen’s ultimate, it was also trapped inside a 10-meter radius area.

“Shit, this is bad.” Miles wanted to kick something out of frustration. He wasn’t immune to poison, even if it originated from his own power. And because it was him who created the poison, the ultimate armor wouldn’t register it as an offense, thus wouldn’t create a new element.

“SCREEEECHHH!” The queen also shouted in anger. It thought the poisonous gas was a suicide attack of the detestable human because he was cornered, but little did it know, Miles was also freaking out. The hole opening to the ant nest was still open as the queen wanted its underling to crawl out from there. Now, the poison was moving there as well. The queen wanted to help them but all it could do at the moment was to kill the human and hope for the attack to end.

“Cancel the barrier, you idiot!” Miles shouted in monster language but to no avail. The queen ant was too raged to think logically. If it had canceled her own ultimate, the gas would dissipate into the atmosphere.

“Damn it!” Miles shouted as he jumped. The queen attacked like a berserk and wanted nothing more than to kill Miles. Luckily, because of the anger, its moves were much more predictable. Miles could lead it anywhere he wanted, so he made use of the footwork and let the queen enter the poisonous area as much as he could. At the same time, he constantly used wind energy to protect himself. Although it would cost him some energy, he could create a wind barrier around him but at the moment, he still didn’t need it, and it was better for him to use the wind to push the poisonous gas away from time to time.

“Vibrations are increasing. Ants are close.” Coin warned him, but Miles couldn’t worry about it for the time being. He didn’t know how ants were still coming when the poisonous gas filled the hole, but he had no time to ponder over it. He kept on attacking and retreating.

But soon, small heads appeared on the hole one after another. Tens of ants crawled out from the anthill and started to surround him. Although all of them had green spots on their exoskeletons proving that they were poisoned, it still was dangerous for Miles. Now that he was surrounded, he couldn’t kite the queen towards the poison and it was more resilient than he thought as it was still fine despite inhaling large amounts of poison.

“My ultimate is still weak.” He snorted as he looked around. He was trapped in a small circle. From ground to air he had 10 meters, he could jump but some of the ants could fly. He had two elements while ants only had the lightning element. “I am screwed.”

While Miles was wallowing in self-pity, bird cries filled his ear. He looked above but failed to see anything due to the lightning barrier closing the area. But in the next second, something amazing happened. A giant sword of wind cut the barrier from above. From the opening, Miles saw tens of birds floating outside of the barrier, looking inside in rage.

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