Invade the Other Dimension

Page 268

And the other Iceberg Queen, who always exudes a cold aura, feels even stronger.

When Hua Guo had such a person, why did he not have any information.

It's time for those guys from the Ministry of Intelligence to go out and fight beta.

"Lieutenant Colonel, do you want me to break the contract and damage the family's reputation!"

The ancient inheritance, the honor of nobles, and the dignity of warriors often care more about promises.

And Yujian Mingye also knew that the other party's request was not too much, just to be a member of the liaison team, and the empire also needed to send personnel to serve, but the personnel were replaced by her.

Of course, she was also thankful for what she had added at the time. If it was useless to add that she stayed in Huaguo as a member of the contact group, then if the original condition had been met, she would have fallen into a dilemma.

On the one hand, it is her own principles that lead her to value her promises and make her want to fulfill them, but the result of doing so is to make her feel guilty towards the empire and the family.

Staying in Huaguo is actually equivalent to joining Huaguo. The issue of identity is actually not a big problem. As long as Lin Ye wants it, a phone call can solve it.

Yujian Mingye believes that Lin Ye has this ability.

"No, Miss, I'm just worried."

"You don't need to worry about me. Here, Huaguo soldiers will be responsible for my safety. You can rest assured. I will contact His Royal Highness Huangwuyuan to inform you about this matter. I think His Highness will agree. .”

My sister should agree.

Moreover, as a liaison officer, she can immediately feed back information that she considers important to her sister.

Although other people can do it too, there are only a few people including her who can directly contact my sister.

She has a feeling that being here may be a turning point for the future of the empire.

She also felt a little strange why this turning point, this premonition of hope, would come from Hua Guo, or this man.

In this world, the country of Hua can be in despair. Only the United States, which has a complete industrial system and agricultural system across the Pacific Ocean, is the most likely to change the status quo of the empire.

Moreover, the empire and the United States have signed a security treaty.

The U.S. military is still resisting the beta's aggression together with the empire.

She doesn't like America, but that doesn't mean she sees the US leaving because she doesn't like it.

PS: Forgive me for being too busy with the code words and forgot to upload. I will make some revisions to the inappropriate places before and after, so as not to affect the subsequent reading, please rest assured.The company drew a lottery, and I didn't win anything. I'm already desperate!

Chapter 477 Technology

Let her choose between Huaguo and the United States. According to the reality, she should choose the United States, but why her intuition tells her to choose Huaguo.

Yu Jian Mingye didn't understand, especially after seeing this man and the group of soldiers in individual armor, her thoughts on this aspect were strengthened.

It's just individual armor, and at most it's just a small-scale gain of local advantages. If you want to defeat Beta, relying on an elite army alone is not enough.

Or is it that the opponent's new military uniform gave her confidence in Huaguo.After all, clothes and horses depend on saddles, and the new image of an army can indeed give people a new feeling.

Of course, Yujian Mingye clearly knows that no matter which one is, it is another country after all. If the empire is to be truly strong, it must rely on the empire itself.

Especially in terms of military equipment, it needs to be independently developed, even if the equipment they develop is completely inferior to other countries, such as the United States.

"I see, Miss, then I'll go back to contact and go through the relevant procedures."

The duel is over, and he has no reason to stay here anymore. As a member of the defense force, he also has a lot of affairs.

If it wasn't for Yujian Mingye's stay here and Chongzai Kyoko's return, the rest of Xiangyue Xihu couldn't be completely trusted, so he could only stay.

"Well, sorry to trouble you, Lieutenant Colonel."

"Since the duel is over, General Lin, I will go back too."

She was very curious about the physical fitness displayed by Hei Tong, but even though it was the land of Japan, there were Chinese soldiers standing on it, and it was a large group, and the number of personnel and equipment was constantly increasing.

She didn't intend to use abnormal methods to conduct research at all, and she also felt that it was impossible to use formal methods.

Moreover, the two of them are in the honeymoon period due to technical and identity confidentiality reasons, and Xiangyue Xihu doesn't want to destroy it.

"Dr. Xiangyue, I hope we will have more cooperation opportunities in the future."

Seeing the flickering smile on Xiangyue Xihu's face, Lin Ye knew that the other party finally got the phone he wanted.

I hope she will immerse herself in the research and pay less attention to them.

In this way, the possibility of discovering the fact that the two worlds are connected will be greatly reduced.

Now the later they are exposed, the more active they are.

"Captain Mao, send me the doctor."

"Chief, understand!"

Like Eiji Iwatani who left before, Kazuki Yuki also received 200g of tea from them as a gift.

As a member of the Huaguo cultural circle, Japan's love for tea is no higher than that of Huaguo people.

Especially when the Asian region is almost occupied by beta, 90.00% of the tea forests in the world have been ruthlessly destroyed.

However, after Japan has lost part of its land, the remaining planting area cannot even be used to grow major crops such as rice, wheat, corn and potatoes, so there is no extra land to grow tea.

Of course, there must be some of a personal nature, but that kind can be ignored.

In addition to glancing at the black technology obtained from the other two worlds in this world, they have huge advantages in some aspects of electronics and nuclear weapons, and another technological advantage is related to everyone in this world.

Agricultural Technology.

If hybrid rice technology is used in this world, with the rice planting area currently occupying almost 60.00% of the world's arable land, all the rice seeds they provide can increase the world's rice production by at least [-] points.

This represents how many fewer people could go hungry.

Huaguo once announced this technology, and the transfer of technology to the United States was only a mere 20 US dollars. Even though 20 US dollars was very valuable in those days, it was completely worthless compared to the changes it caused to agriculture.

Not to mention the importance of food in this world.

Lin Ye is looking forward to what good things they can get from the remaining countries with this technology.

The most advanced technology may not be available, but the next generation can still strive for it, and technology must be used to achieve the greatest benefits.

Similarly, this technology can make Japanese high-level compromise on many things.

As for the Soviet Union, Lin Ye wanted to use this technology in exchange for all the materials and experimental equipment of the Soviet Union's Alternative 3 project, but it was not enough after thinking about it. The hybrid rice technology was still a bit inferior to these.

The Soviet Union will not take advantage of this.

"Second Lieutenant Yu Jian, can you speak Chinese?"

Lin Ye wanted to know about the girl's mastery of Chinese. Based on his guess, the other party should have a certain basic knowledge of Chinese.

"A little bit, I learned it when I was a child."

If she can't speak Chinese, wouldn't she be the same as a deaf person if she stays here as a liaison officer?

The other party will notify her in Japanese when there is a need again, but if there is something hidden in the middle, she will not be able to detect it immediately, and some important information requires her to be able to speak Chinese.

"That's good!"

Having said that, Lin Ye hopes that this person can't speak Chinese.

"Of course, if the general thinks that I'm not good enough, then please ask Lieutenant Chitong to teach me. I think Lieutenant Chitong's language skills are enough to be my teacher."

After blocking the language for a while, Yu Jian Mingye spoke in somewhat unproficient Chinese.

The words are not fast, but the articulate is very clear, and because of the tense relationship, the gentle tone makes people listen very comfortably.

"Since they all speak Chinese, don't call me a general. I'm just a school-level officer."

Pointing to the military rank on his shoulder, Lin Ye didn't want to see such unnecessary compliments.

It doesn't matter if the other party speaks Japanese. After all, the other party's country does not have this military rank, but if they speak Chinese, they must act according to the affairs of Hua Guo.

"I see, Colonel Lin."

"Second Lieutenant, I want you to change into our military uniform, you don't need to wear armbands."

The epaulets are used to mark the military rank and are essential. Lin Ye doesn't really want to see the other party wearing the armbands with the Japanese flag logo, so it's better not to have them.

Anyway, when the time comes, a notification will go down, so that everyone can pay attention.

Seeing that Yu Jian Mingye was hesitant, Lin Ye could only add, "The military uniform is only for identification purposes. As for the armbands, I will recreate a special one for the members of the contact team. What do you think, apart from the "contact team" on it? Beyond a few words, there will be no words about the army you belong to."

"I see."

There is a big difference between the military uniforms of the Imperial Defense Force and the current military uniforms of Huaguo. Moreover, the current military uniforms of Huaguo have two styles, one is the old style, and the other is the new style of military uniform that only appears here. The military uniform of the guards is not suitable here, especially because of her status, she should not wear it.

Yu Jian Mingye could only nod in agreement.

Chapter 478 Request

"In order for me to take on the responsibility of being a member of the liaison team, I hope Colonel Lin can agree to my request and allow Lieutenant Chitong to be my Chinese teacher."

If possible, she would rather have black pupils.However, after a short contact, Yu Jian Mingye also knew that Hei Tong's Chinese level was not much better than hers, and she was completely incompetent as a teacher.

Therefore, Yu Jian Mingye focused his attention on Chi Tong. As Hei Tong's older sister, she was carrying two sabers, and her indifferent face faintly revealed the aura of a master.

She doesn't think that Chitong's swordsmanship is worse than that of Heitong.

Simply asking to teach her swordsmanship will definitely not be accepted, so she can only start with proper Chinese teaching, and after getting acquainted, she will ask Chi Tong and Hei Tong for advice in private.

Although the two of them were a little cold and people couldn't open their mouths to get close, Yu Jian Mingye still wanted to give it a try.

"This won't work. Chitong is in charge of my security work. Except for the necessary rest time, she is always by my side. She doesn't have extra time to take care of your teaching request, Second Lieutenant."

Yu Jian and Xu Chao have gradually retired from the guard job and started to assume other responsibilities and tasks.

Whether it is physical fitness or reflexes, Chitong is better than others, and he is definitely a qualified candidate as a guard.

Moreover, because the girl's identity and body shape are more likely to be ignored and underestimated, this advantage is also something that Yu Jian and Xu Chao do not have.

"I see." Yu Jian Mingye thought for a while and understood why Chitong was appointed to this job, "If this is the case, then I can only learn by myself."

In fact, her Chinese is not bad, as long as it is not some slang, she is fine.Since Chi Tong couldn't do it, and Hei Tong couldn't use this reason, she thought it was better to just give up the proposal.

"I will arrange for others to teach you. No matter what, I can't make you feel unhappy as a guest, Miss Yujian Mingye."

Lin Ye noticed Yu Jian Mingye's downcast appearance, so he opened his mouth and said.

Anyway, Lin Ye wished that they would immerse themselves in Chinese learning all day long.

"I'm very unhappy!"

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