Invade the Other Dimension

Page 276

"You should have guessed the purpose of my coming here, so I don't want to say anything more. I will give you half an hour to organize your personal belongings and return to the headquarters with me."

After Cui Yifei was surprised, she began to recall what Lin Ye said.The faces of the other five people were also full of surprise and doubt.


How could they guess the purpose of Lin Ye's coming here.

A total of 36 tactical aircraft from the two squadrons are arranged here, and all of them are J-[-]s.

In order to support them, muv Huaguo really paid for it.

After all, Lin Ye knew that there were still a large number of J-[-] tactical aircraft on the bay island.

Generally speaking, it is appropriate to mix and match new models and old models.

However, this time a large group of 54 tactical aircraft were all J-[-]s, and Lin Ye was somewhat touched.You must know that these weapons and equipment personnel were dispatched before they proved that they were from Huaguo, another world.

PS: I originally wanted 4k, but the time is still too late, so I can only go to 2k.

Chapter 487 Name

The same series of tactical aircraft, but because of the performance gap is still very large.As the guards of J-[-], it is not something that can be done in a short time if they want to familiarize themselves with J-[-] immediately and exert their combat effectiveness. That is to say, these sent guards are either elites or have great potential.

As Lin Ye, who has piloted J-[-] fighter jets, he still has a lot of affection for "J-[-]", especially when he first came here and was asked if he would fly J-[-], it made him even think about it now. What to say.

Their J-[-] has entered the Dao army and started serving. I don’t know what happened to the J-[-] tactical aircraft in this world.

At this stage, Lin Ye guessed that the J-[-] tactical aircraft should be in the research and experiment stage, and the prototype aircraft might already be available.

If the two countries cooperate in all aspects, they can fully participate and provide technical support to the J-[-].

Electronic technology, knightmare mechanical structure can also refer to some parts, the body shape can also be reduced, and it can also be designed specifically for beta nests...

By the way, if it is possible, it can also invest in the stealth technology applied to the Chameleon armor. It would be even better if the stealth technology that can be obtained from the United States for F22.

Um, don't think about it.

Thinking of so many things, Lin Ye also felt that it was a bit difficult.

Moreover, if it is really made, the cost may be frighteningly high.

He is not a scientific researcher, so it is enough to mention his own ideas. As for what to do, how to do it properly is something that a scientific researcher should consider.

"Sir, I don't know what we should know."

Cui Yifei raised her hand to speak at this time.

Recalling the words that Lin Ye asked them to stay at that time.

The sentence "under the age of 16" let her know the reason.But she didn't want to accept it.

So what if she is under 16 years old, she is the head of the guard school, she is much better than a guard who is over 16 years old on the tactical plane.

They can go to the battlefield, why can't she and them.

As a soldier, she would never accept this as an excuse to send them back to the rear or even to Bay Island.

Coming to Japan as a member of the expeditionary force was an opportunity she had worked so hard to get, and she didn't want to go back like this.

Moreover, he only felt that the reason why the young senior colonel in front of him, who was full of political ideology against China, asked them to return was not because of their age, but because of the relationship between the two sides.

"You are under the age of sixteen, and it is not suitable for you to go to the front line. Therefore, I will arrange other positions for you. Since you are outstanding students of the guard school, I believe that you can also perform well in other positions."

Lin Ye said that he didn't believe the pure words of comfort.

They specialize in technology, and the six of them spend most of their time learning about tactical aircraft. There may be first aid and battlefield communication training, but they are still a little short.

Since Cui Yifei is going to let a few people leave the front line, and because of her role in collecting information coordinates of the new world, she can only be placed in the headquarters.

If these people are suitable, they can also be arranged to the China-Japan Liaison Group to act as Chinese liaison personnel.

"Thank you chief for your trust and trust in us, but I'm sorry, what we are most proud of is the tactical aircraft skills we have mastered. Although we know other skills, it is a waste to put us in those positions."

The other party is his own chief, and the one-level official crushes people to death, not to mention that the other party is a full six levels older than himself.

This is beyond description.

Therefore, even if you want to express your willingness to stay and fight as a guard, you need to choose your language and tone.

She is only 15 years old, but she still has a relatively mature mind.Especially since he was educated by the army since he was a child and grew up.

"Moreover, as guards, as soldiers, we swore an oath to destroy beta as defenders of the country and the people. Therefore, we beg the chief not to transfer us from this post, we want to stay on the front line as a guard to eliminate beta And to contribute our own strength, even if one day we will die in battle, this is where we belong.”

"Yes, sir, we are always ready and even gave our precious lives for it."

Lin Ye fell silent, did you say something high-sounding?No, the sincerity coming from the depths of the girl's eyes is completely telling the truth that everything the girl says and does is true.

Cui Yifei and the other five guards were all ready to sacrifice.

At this time, Lin Ye hesitated whether to continue asking them to go back with him.

"Aren't you afraid?"


"Aren't you afraid of death?"


After asking several questions one after another, the girls just closed their mouths and stared at Lin Ye silently with their eyes.

"Did you come to this base and see the appearance of those dead comrades with your own eyes?"

In a captured base, it is almost impossible for the body to be intact. Even the guards who were shot down inside the tactical aircraft would be ripped open by the betas that emerged from the cockpit and be...remnants, blood foam


And in this August, no matter how high the latitude is in Japan, the weather is hot.

The remaining limbs, no matter how small in number, have already begun to emit a stench. If they come here for a few days and don't deal with them, the smell cannot be covered by this mask.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, the eyes of the six people lowered slightly. They remembered their reactions when they first came here and started to deal with it.

Nausea, nausea, and vomiting, especially the blood-stained fragments of the enhancement suit, let them see what they will look like after they die in the future.

But even so, under the order, they are looking for the nameplates that represent the existence of these sacrificed predecessors.

This is the first lesson Liu Huanhuan, the captain of the brigade, gave to these young guards who came to the front line.

"Chief, we participated in the processing work, and personally recovered the nameplates of the predecessors. Our initial reaction was unqualified, but we still overcame the timidity and discomfort in our hearts and became strong. So, Chief, again Give me some time and we can do better."

"Second Lieutenant Cui Yifei, if you were asked to name your team, what would you choose!"

He could ignore any of their opinions and order them to go back, but seeing the performance of these six people, Lin Ye decided not to do so.

"Of course it's time to be fierce and provocative, but also passionate 'Storm Squad'."

At this moment, Cui Yifei is as gorgeous as a flower.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth curled up.

"When you become truly independent guards, I agree with you to use this title."

After the six people were stunned, smiles appeared on their faces.

Chapter 488 Visit

"Next, take a few of us to visit the hangar!"

This is also an incidental purpose of Lin Ye's coming here.

There are J-[-] from Huaguo and Ruihe from Japan in Shuguang base, but there is no guard and related technical personnel.

It's just that it's not appropriate to board the plane based on the relevant information, not to mention, no matter what, that J-[-] is also a muv Huaguo's thing. It would be a bit embarrassing to rashly mention that the personnel were seen in the past.

"Understood, chief!"

Of the six-member team, only two temporarily acted as tour guides.

After all, apart from Chitong who followed Lin Ye, the rest of the staff did not go together.

Six people acted as tour guides, but it seemed a bit much.

It's not the first time I saw it, but Lin Ye was still a little shocked when he saw the tactical aircraft standing in the hangar.

Some aspects of technology in this world are indeed at the forefront of China.

"How much time does it generally take from the beginning of relevant training to the final formation of preliminary combat effectiveness?"

But it is a complicated thing, the more troublesome it is to operate, even if there is a mental connection device to reduce the pressure of operation, in fact, compared to driving a car, a tank is still more troublesome.

"Before the unification... Huaguo guards were only trained for one to one and a half years. After the training was over, they went to the front line and improved their combat experience through actual combat. However, since the loss of the mainland, the training time has been extended for half a year. The specific time will be determined according to the actual situation of each student."

Thinking of the young senior colonel's love for China, Cui Yifei said that she would not mention the name "United Front" anymore.Although, as a soldier belonging to the other side, she should be more firm in her 'United Front' position.

But remembering that the right to leave and stay of the six of them is in the hands of the senior colonel, Cui Yifei still gave up.Moreover, I faintly feel that this does not seem to be an unacceptable thing.

Moreover, her father also belonged to the faction close to Huaguo.

Before I came here, I was also told that it is good to be reminded to do what a soldier should do, and not to get involved in political matters.

"And, Chief..."

When it comes to training time, Cui Yifei is full of confidence.

"I completed all the training items in ten months and achieved excellent results in each item."

He didn't go on, but Lin Ye saw the joyful and proud expression of the girl in front of him, and he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

"That's right, that's right, Chief, our eldest sister is the best student of our class. If the war with Beta hadn't come to an end, she might have gone to the front line to eliminate Beta long ago."

Another girl seemed to let go of her restraint at this time, put her hand on Cui Yifei's shoulder, and said to Lin Ye in a proud tone.

"Eldest sister..."

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched. Although he had heard it before when he was making up, but he heard it in reality, and he still called it in front of himself, who was clearly a superior. This black-haired girl's nerves are so nerve-wracking.

"No, chief, I'm not..."

"It's nothing, and it's not a formal occasion. Besides, I'm only 20 years old, and Chitong is only 16 years old. I'm not much older than you, so there's no need to be too cautious."

Shaking his hands, he signaled that the two of them don't need to care too much about their military ranks.

Just visiting is not enough, some things still need to be tested.Of course it won't be him.

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