Invade the Other Dimension

Page 281

At least the first step of the battle was relatively successful.

Lin Ye is afraid that even if there are high-performance mobile phones running, the beta army will choose to bypass them.

What's more, I'm worried that the attractiveness of the mobile phone is too strong, and it will attract the betas who are heading towards the friendly front. At that time, facing the betas far exceeding the expected number, they will need more firepower, and even sacrifice for it. more people.

The satellite images on the big screen made Yu Jian Mingye very puzzled.

Beta's gathering behavior is completely as if attracted by something, and by observing the reactions of the command and others, it seems to be within their expected range.

What does it take to attract betas?

Yu Jian Mingye guessed that Hua Guo had mastered a certain method.

If the empire also masters this method, it will be able to reduce more fearless sacrifices in the future to eliminate betas.

"Beta has entered the predetermined location, whether to carry out operations according to the second-step combat plan!"

After going through all kinds of troubles and rolling through three minefields, the beta group continued to accelerate towards the defense line formed by the expeditionary force.

The satellite showed that the first assault class also began to accelerate slowly and gradually distanced itself from other types of betas that followed.


With Lin Ye's agreement, the several 122 cannons that were deployed on the front line just to attract Beta Rays to fire still roared.

The cannonballs are equipped with high-performance chips that are performing high-speed and complex calculations, just like the running mobile phones arranged in a minefield. The function of these cannonballs is only to let the light species emit lasers to destroy them.

Disperse the shells as much as possible, so that the light species in more places can attack.

Although ordinary warheads can also achieve the same effect, but in a rigorous manner, these specially modified warheads are still used.

For a beta of 2.5, generally speaking, the number of ray species is kept at around 250, but these [-] ray species are obviously not in the same place.

If they were in the same place, they would be the ones who would be happy.

Although it is difficult to break through at first, as long as one of them lands in the position of the light species, it will become bigger and easier after that.

Beams of dazzling white lasers pierced the sky, one after another decoy shells were shot down, observation vehicles, observation points arranged in advance, and space satellites all began to collect relevant data and transmit it to the computer in the command room.

Calculations are made based on the trajectories of these rays, and the approximate positions of each ray species are marked.

"These three ray positions are within the range of the self-propelled artillery. Now order the mortars on the front line to fire and shoot out the shells as quickly as possible."

Within the range of [-] kilometers of the ray species, even if these shells can't hit the beta group at all and can't cause any damage, as long as they appear in the ray species' vision, there is no doubt that these ray species will definitely fire.

Therefore, even if beta has an IQ, sometimes it still doesn't know what to shoot down and what not to shoot down.

Moreover, it is also mixed with the alluring bait of high-performance chips.

A series of laser beams in the air hit the cannonball, and a loud explosion occurred.

The highest rate of fire can reach 1 rounds per minute. As long as there are enough shells and the barrel is not overheated, the rate of fire can be compared with that of light.

The shooting speed of the light species five times a minute is completely inferior.

What they were worried about was that these shells could not hit the beta group, and the ray species would not attack. In this case, the attack of the ray species would fail if the mortars on the front line were saturated within [-] kilometers.

Therefore, only the artillery on the other artillery positions can be used instead. The cost and material consumption caused by this are not at the same level. Moreover, the firing speed of self-propelled artillery or towed artillery cannot be compared with that of mortars. Insufficient, can only increase the number of artillery, and because it will lead to an increase in the number of artillery, the increase in the number of vehicles, the layout of artillery positions and a series of problems.

In fact, the staff made a suggestion to directly deploy mortars on the mountains on both sides ten kilometers away from the front line, and use intensive firepower to attract light species to attack.

Beta groups don't like mountains. Even if betas are interested in the troops on both sides, the overall direction of advancement will not change. Moreover, in order to avoid beta attacks on the troops on both sides as much as possible, the defense line will also use a large number of high-performance computers. Use enough bait to force the betas to focus on the defensive line.

However, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of the eventuality. This is almost a shelling that goes deep into the enemy's rear, and there is almost no security guarantee. Even if a thousand betas go straight to the troops on both sides, there will only be death to meet them.

PS1: If you have any questions, please ask them directly. Anyway, there are various considerations, and there may be some unreasonable places.

PS2: The next month’s reward, 120 blades plus 2k, the time will probably start from February NO.12, there is no cap, anyway, Shuke Gao V and Drill V give away two chapters of free blades on the first of each month, currently The number of follow-up subscribers is about 1000, so, uh, if you do a little calculation, you can add a few more.As for tipping, I don’t recommend it anyway, it’s better to read some other paid novels for this money!After all, only 40.00% of the tip reaches the author in the end.

that is it!Thank you readers for your great support, I won’t be late tomorrow morning, just treat me as a fisherman on weekends!

Chapter 492 Destroyed

After repeated deliberation, Lin Ye finally rejected this suggestion.

There is too much luck in this proposal. If this order is really issued, it will be tantamount to letting the troops who perform these tasks die.

When it is not necessary, it is not acceptable to let troops perform mortal missions.

As the supreme commander, he not only considers how to better destroy the enemy, but also needs to consider keeping the soldiers alive.

Seriously, Lin Ye couldn't treat soldiers as pure numbers and consume them as consumables.

Moreover, if he really did this, Lin Ye was also worried that he would go down a completely unknown path.

Ruthless, indifferent, facing the fresh life lost the reverence and cherishment of the past, is he still him!

Therefore, comparing the two proposals, Lin Ye still prefers to place mortars on the front line to induce the rays within the range to fire.

Even if the Rays don't fire, they still have other plans.

But this time, the plan was clearly successful.

Lin Ye also showed a look of peace of mind.

With the increase in the number of attacks by the ray species, the locations of these ray species have been precisely located.

After the two sides began to consume each other, each soldier took turns to send the shells out in exchange for the laser beams of the light species, and both sides were competing for endurance.

As long as the light species is forced to enter the cooldown before the assault class is close to the warning line, it will be their victory.

If not, then the tactical aircraft brigade must be deployed, nearly [-] tactical aircraft will take on the role of destroying the assault class at the risk of being shot down by the light species.

"Order the artillery to fire immediately!"

When the light laser density in the sky began to drop sharply, the headquarters issued the next order as quickly as possible.

"Rapid fire, release!"

The artillery, which had already aimed at the ray position, finally started shelling after receiving the order.

The 122mm gun with thirty times the caliber immediately detonated from the muzzle with a huge sound, and there was even an anti-armor submunition in it.

As for the light species with the weakest defense in beta, even the simplest assault rifle can effectively annihilate it.

However, the attack method of the ray class itself makes the long-range attack ineffective, and the melee attack is because there are a large number of other types of bodyguards, so, generally speaking, the ray class is very safe.

But now, when the light species has entered the cooling time and cannot effectively intercept them, the long-range attack of the artillery is useless. Although the light level behind the beta group also launched an attack, the number is not large. Obviously here cannot be completely intercepted.

As long as one shell falls on the ray species position, it is enough to kill a large group of ray species.

If one is missing, one more cannonball will fall on the position of the Rays, and the strength comparison between the two sides will quickly tilt.

After all the light species in front of the beta group that threatened the artillery on the front line were completely wiped out, the artillerymen could adjust their coordinates to launch an assault-level artillery attack on the accelerated hurricane.

After the assault level is eliminated, the follow-up beta can be eliminated.

In this way, the difficulty of the task assigned to the tactical aircraft unit will be greatly reduced.




Seeing the explosions on the screen, Lin Ye felt more at ease.

There is nothing more satisfying than the splash of bullets.

This means that the ray species in these places have been wiped out.

Yujian Mingye, who was silently watching the big screen, felt a new way to eliminate betas. The comparison of the number of enemies and friends, the distance between each group, the position of the light species, and the elimination situation were all displayed on the screen. no more.

The tactics are novel, and it’s not considered a novelty. Using artillery to kill the light species, the assault class, and the beta are all methods used by all countries. However, the only difference is that the expeditionary force used a lot of mines and shells to achieve the official goal of fighting with the beta. Before contact, reduce the number of betas, eliminate the light species, and the purpose of the assault species. From the beginning of the minefield so far, no tactical machine has been used.

The tactical aircraft deployed on the front line are still on standby.If it were the Empire, the tactical aircraft unit would have already started the task of hunting and killing the light species behind the enemy lines.

This made her, as a guard, not know how to feel.

Generally speaking, the method adopted by various countries is that the tactical aircraft troops go over the assault class, look for the light species, and hunt them down, and then, the artillery and bombers enter the field to eliminate the beta's vital forces.

The expeditionary force used artillery shells to force the light species to enter the forced cooling time, concentrated heavy artillery to destroy the light species, and then launched other actions.

It can be said that the casualties of personnel have been reduced to the maximum value, and all that is paid is the consumption of a large number of shells.

I have to say that it also gave Yujian Mingye a good hint.

It's just that, using excessive shells to attack the light species, she can only sigh when she thinks of the current industrial output of the empire.

The reference value of this method is very high, but it is based on the premise of having sufficient industrial output. Now the output of various factories in the empire is already saturated, and the number of industrial machines and equipment is limited. big constraints.

At the same time, all arms and units are short of military supplies. If the method of expeditionary force is adopted, then under the current conditions, the military industry will have to be adjusted to increase the production of artillery and shells, which will lead to the loss of other units. decline in production.

In order to train more artillery personnel, the training of personnel in the remaining units will be reduced accordingly.

There are so many things involved.There are so many that even if the empire wants to do this, there is still a lot of resistance.

And, really, it always had the feeling that it took the Defenders down a notch.

The assault class at the head of the Beta group has advanced to ten kilometers from the front line, and is also very close to the warning line. The current assault class only needs at least 3 minutes to reach the front line.

Now that the ray species at the front of the beta colony have been wiped out, the rocket artillery battalion arranged behind the front can fire and focus on attacking the assault class.

Fighting against beta also requires a time difference, calculating every minute and every second.

The [-] betas were kept at a distance of about [-] kilometers because of the excessive mountainous terrain in Japan.

There is a gap in the attack range between the light species distributed among them, and after that, the assault-level acceleration will increase the distance from the rear beta.

The various mountain highlands also play a role in obstructing the vision of the rear light species.

Fight for the time difference, and take advantage of the ray species behind to catch up, fight for the artillery to destroy the assault class closest to the front line, and create favorable conditions for the front armored forces to destroy the beta as much as possible.

The self-propelled artillery battalion that had finished the bombardment began to retreat, went to the next position, and after arriving, began to fill the ammunition to prepare for the next wave of destroying the rays.

The towing artillery is because the action relationship is still adjusted after the coordinate parameters are adjusted by the computer, and the muzzle is adjusted to the assault level to continue firing.

The repetitive filling of the mechanical version still puts a lot of pressure on the personnel, but no soldiers complained, sticking to their posts and firing shells one after another.

Their bombardment will not stop without orders, or when the shells are exhausted.

Towing the artillery is not maneuverable, and the shooting method requires manpower, but the advantage is that it can output stably. As long as there are people and enough shells, the cannon can be fired.

The rocket launcher and self-propelled artillery are after the shells are consumed, there is an indispensable firepower gap for a period of time to fill the ammunition.

Generally speaking, wars against humans are not too big of a problem, but in the face of fast-paced wars like beta wars, it's a bit of a problem.

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