Invade the Other Dimension

Page 283

The agreement is a restriction to prevent Xiang Yuexi from leaking secrets, and his threat is also one.

However, compared to these, Lin Ye hopes that Xiangyuexihu will keep her ears to the outside world and devote herself to research.

The researchers of Muv Huaguo also hope to confirm it as soon as possible.

The scientific researchers who participated in alternative3 can't come out, let alone the people of muv Huaguo know any facts about Huaguo and their expeditionary army in another world.

The existence of Shexia and her mind-reading ability really made them have to guard against it.

The fortress species with a height of 66 meters is used as the carrier of the ray species and at the same time is the rechargeable battery for the ray species.

Generally speaking, it is used to protect ray species and open up battlefields.

Its huge body was supported by five pairs of sharp giant feet. There was a maggot-shaped egg sac growing on its abdomen, inside which was a thick and long tentacle. The tip of the tentacle was a huge sharp horn.

It's like the sharp needles on the tail of a wasp.

This spike is the largest weapon of the fortress class. If you are not familiar with its characteristics, you will subconsciously think that you can successfully hunt him as long as you avoid its front position.

But in fact, the fortress-level spikes are not fixed on the tentacles. The maggot-like egg sac will be ejected from the tentacles when needed, and the sharp angles connecting the tentacles will spread out in all directions. Within the attack range, none of the navy's warships can withstand its blow, not to mention the tactical planes and tanks whose defense power is much smaller than that of the warships.

With a huge body, even if it is compared with a tactical machine, it is equivalent to less than one-third of a child, and its deterrent effect on people is the most powerful existence.

Even if the fighters who originally belonged to Unit 404 had seen even bigger and dangerous species, that was based on the premise that the two sides would not attack each other, and even if they did attack each other, they would still occupy a dominant position.

And in this fighting battlefield, there are hundreds of fortress species, and there is also a lot of psychological pressure.

Not to mention the other soldiers of the expeditionary force.

However, there were already various premonitions in this regard. Under the shout of the commander, the soldiers who were in astonishment finally came back to their senses.

I was repeatedly reminded how to deal with the fortress level.

As long as you keep enough distance, you can aim and shoot with the artillery.

The huge size of the fortress has certain advantages in many aspects. If it has a carapace with a hardness of 15 on the Mohs scale like an assault grade, the difficulty of eradication will be greatly increased, but now on this battlefield, the huge size is also This means it is more likely to be hit by shells.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Da da da……"

A few tanks first opened fire to greet them, a few tank guns shot directly, the huge body began to sway, and then the nearby tactical aircraft began to replenish their guns. The 36mm mm has little lethal effect on the fortress class, so 120mm was also used. shells. (I didn’t find any relevant data on the J-120 artillery. Based on the principle of convenient supply of weapons and ammunition, I chose the caliber of [-]mm.)

Although it is not certain that there is a ray species among the fortress species, as long as the fortress species appears, it also represents the possibility of the ray species appearing.

Therefore, as long as the fortress species appears within the field of vision, the fortress species is also the first to be eliminated.


When the last ray position was covered by artillery fire, and there were only a few white lasers in the sky that represented the existence of ray species, everyone in the headquarters knew that this battle had begun to usher in the first step towards the dawn of victory. .

The artillery has already started attacking the follow-up beta group, trying to use artillery fire to wipe out as many beta forces as possible, and the battle on the front line is going relatively smoothly, and the rest is only a matter of time.

"Let Estes and the others dispatch according to the predetermined plan."

The artillery strikes avoided the location of the remaining rays because they wanted to capture them.

Living ray species are difficult to capture, and even if they are captured, as long as they can't make it go into a dormant state, it may cause huge casualties.

The light species that exists in Alaska in the plot, the heavy light species is because the lair that landed in Canada was cleaned by nuclear bombs and then fell into a deep sleep due to unknown reasons, so it was captured and carried out various experiments.

And it is very difficult for them to obtain living test specimens, but dead bodies are very simple, but the value of dead bodies is too low.

That's why Lin Ye thought of sending Hei Tong over, using her Teigu Hachifang to kill the light species, and obtain enough light species that can move freely as if they were alive.

The tests at the soldier level and the tank level have been successful, proving that the role of Bafang is still no problem, but the mental burden is more serious than in the world of killing girls.

Then, as long as they use Bafang to kill the light species, wait until it succeeds, and conduct various experiments and data tests, it will allow them to get more accurate numbers about the light species.

Zhanmei World has opened up a deserted island as a venue for such experiments.

Not only the light species, down to the most basic soldier level, up to the brain level are all within this range.

It's just that due to the limitation of the number of eight-fang dead bodies, we can only start with the most needed type of light at present.

Looking at the group of betas covered by artillery fire, Yujian Mingye knew that the battle of the expeditionary force had come to an end. To be honest, this was the first time she saw how simple and easy it was to eliminate legion-level betas.

The expeditionary force consumed a large number of shells, a small amount of equipment damage and casualties, and wiped out more than [-] betas. It can be said that since the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, this is an undoubted victory.

If the whole front is like this, it would not be a problem at all to eliminate the betas that landed in Japan, capture Cheorwon's lair in North Korea, and completely eliminate the possibility of Japan being invaded by betas.

However, the battle situation on the central and northern front was not good, and soldiers were sacrificed every minute of the anxious battle situation.

However, the information they can get is mostly feedback from satellites, and there is no more specific information.

The Joint Command did not send the specific combat situation in the north-central area, and they did not take the initiative to contact there.

After all, the battle here is not completely over yet.

PS: The book friend wrote a side story about the ending, which should be released this week, and a new volume will be created. At the same time, when uploading, I will control the number of words within a thousand words and release multiple chapters. Therefore, readers, don’t worry about spending money things.Chapters uploaded within [-] words will not be charged for VIP.

If there are other readers who are very interested, they can also write it. If it is a spoof, uh, I feel that I have read it before I say it!

that is it!

To add, let's see what the readers think. If there are more objections, then I can only say sorry to that book friend.He has already posted it in the book friend group now.

Chapter 494 Request

"Colonel Lin, I hope you can spare some troops to support the north-central front. The battle there is severe. If you don't send reinforcements to the front, the beta will probably break through."

The battle on the southern front is actually not over yet, the remaining beta's may not be too much of a threat, but as long as they are not wiped out, they may cause huge damage.

Armored units, tank units, and infantry are still trying their best to wipe out the betas.

Yujian Mingye knew that his request was a little too much, and the idea of ​​"being broken through the front line" should not have been said. After all, as an imperial soldier, how could he doubt that his army could not withstand the attack of Beta, but in order for Lin Ye to send The army passed by, she still said so.

Everything is for Lin Ye to agree to transfer troops and send reinforcements there.

"Second Lieutenant Yujian, you have also seen that the battle here is not over..." It was not Lin Ye who spoke, but Liu Jianhua, political commissar of the Expeditionary Army.

It is too early to say that the central and northern front is about to collapse. If it is really going to collapse, not to mention Yujian Mingye, they will take the initiative to send personnel there, and the reserve team left is to deal with the crisis in this regard.

But from the information obtained, there is no trend of collapse.

After all, once the central-northern front collapses, they will also be caught in a beta situation in the rear, which is something they don't want to see.

"It has been five hours since the start of the battle. The soldiers on the front line are now holding up their equipment supplies, drinking saliva, eating some compressed biscuits, and immediately throwing themselves into the battle after replenishing the ammunition and fuel. Hours of high-intensity combat, everyone needs to take a break. Moreover, they are still clearing out beta', and sending them away from their combat positions is completely irresponsible for their own lives and irresponsible for the southern front. Once some betas break through the southern front and enter the rear, this will completely put the refugees who are still transferring in the rear into danger."

The reason why Liu Jianhua took the initiative to say this was mainly because he was worried that Lin Ye was not stable enough.

Too young to be easily emotional.

There are no two hairs on his mouth, and he is not reliable in his work, but since Lin Ye has been given the rank of Colonel Lin Ye and given him a corresponding position, no matter how he feels that there is a problem, he must accept it.

Therefore, at this time, he stood in an opposing position to express his attitude.

Although Liu Jianhua didn't say much about Lin Ye's daily behavior, it can be seen that Lin Ye still pays a lot of attention to Yu Jian Mingye during these times.

It is no problem to transfer some troops to support in the past now, and it will not affect the battle situation on the southern front too much.

After all, the overall situation has been decided, unless everyone is transferred away stupidly.

This situation is simply impossible.

His objection is that the soldiers really need to rest. Even he who has been staying at the headquarters feels tired, let alone the soldiers who have been fighting non-stop.

No matter what, although it is a friendly army, it is not a country. When it is not necessary, he still does not want to send troops to support before the joint command makes a formal request for assistance.

At that time, it will be embarrassing to say "we didn't take the initiative to invite you to come to support".

Finally, weapons and ammunition cost money.Although there are mountains to rely on, the military supplies supported by Huaguo in another world are also things obtained by the hard work of the broad masses of the people.

Anyway, up to now, tens of thousands of shells have been fired, and he doesn't know how much it will cost.

Based on the principle that saving a little is a little,

Therefore, Liu Jianhua took the initiative to speak up and refused.

Thrift is a virtue, he has not forgotten.

Of course, he didn't say no.After all, the two sides are still friendly forces, although in the battle of Gwangju, Japan tricked them a wave, making the elite of Huaguo sacrificed in North Korea in vain.

But because of this, it is impossible to turn a blind eye and not provide any support when the other party is in a desperate situation.

But it's not that the other party hasn't had this situation yet, and they haven't sent any request for assistance, so it's completely normal not to provide assistance.

"However, please rest assured, Second Lieutenant Yu Jian, after we finish clearing out the betas on our side, and after the soldiers recover their physical strength and energy after resting, as long as the United Command sends a message that we need support, we will definitely send reinforcements as soon as possible. support."


Yujian Mingye gave up hope for the political commissar of the Expeditionary Army.

How long will it take to clear up and how long will it take to rest and recover.

This is just a statement that the 50-year-old political commissar rejected.

As for the request information from the Joint Command, she has already sent several copies of the relevant information both openly and secretly, and sent the battle situation of the expeditionary force that is coming to an end, but there is only one reply from the other side.

What does this mean? Because the front line can still be defended, these betas can be eliminated with the existing military strength, and there is no bloody collapse, so there is no need to ask for support. just some senior officers of those headquarters doing this for their so-called face and military merit.Or are military officers from several countries wrangling...

Really... damn it!

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Jian Mingye's heart bleeds.

It's just asking for support, and it's not something to be ashamed of, why can't you do this!

Could it be that, for those officers in the headquarters, the life of a soldier is really not as good as military merit!

Obviously as long as they ask for support, more people can survive, but why not do this, the high-level of the imperial army, the high-level of the American military, or the high-level of the United Nations army...

She didn't know, she wanted to dial her sister's communication number, but would it be useful to dial it!

"Colonel Lin..."

She wanted to speak, but the words got stuck in her throat.

What Political Commissar Liu Jianhua said was the truth, she knew very well, because he had been paying attention to the whole process from the beginning of the battle to the present.

She has clearly seen the guards returning to supplies, the tired expressions of the tank members, and the soldiers on the artillery position beating their arms to relieve muscle fatigue in their spare time.

"The southern front has been stabilized. Even if some troops are transferred, it will not have a major impact on the suppression work. I ask you to assist the central and northern front here, even if it is just ordinary long-range artillery support."

The distance between the two is 35 kilometers, and it will take half an hour for the armored troops to rush there. What's more, compared with long-range artillery strikes, letting the armored troops participate in the battle often leads to sacrifices.

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