Invade the Other Dimension

Page 288

But now, although the muv Huaguo's warships are a bit inferior, they can still conduct training and actual combat.

And their new warships are also being manufactured, and they can be put into use after they are manufactured.

Lin Ye's carrying capacity of 20 is enough to bring a warship to the muv world.

But before that, Zhuang Yanguo and others had to get familiar with the battle and the world.

"I see, Chief."

Zhuang Yanuo accepted it directly.

Thinking about fighting across the world really makes people unconsciously excited.

But the only pity is that the naval aviation unit may not have the chance to play, but instead it is a humanoid weapon that can fly in the air.

Zhuang Yanguo is somewhat interested in this kind of weapon.

"Chief, who is the current person in charge over there?"

Since he is the person in charge of the naval fleet, there must be a person in charge of all Chinese soldiers above him.

Moreover, in the brief introduction, he also understood that the army as the protagonist in that world was the army.

"Your acquaintance?"


If it's just the high-level army he knows, then he must not become an acquaintance.

The definition of an acquaintance is based on mutual acquaintance between the two parties.

But there seems to be no army personnel with a good relationship with him, and a higher rank than him!

"Yes, acquaintance..."

Ye Tianping was looking forward to the expression that Zhuang Yanuo would show next.

"Lin Ye..."


The name is so familiar, but who is it!

"It's him, Lin Ye..."

Ye Tianping aimed the tablet's screen at Zhuang Yanguo.

A soldier wearing an army uniform that he remembered quite well.

The young lieutenant who was obviously from the Central Guard Regiment came to the aircraft carrier to study.

Chapter 498 Report

"Chief, if I remember correctly, he is Lieutenant Lin Ye, who was dispatched by the Central Guard Corps to train aircraft carriers to learn carrier-based aircraft a few months ago!"

What's the matter with the two bars and four stars on the shoulder.

Who can tell me that in just a few months, I was directly promoted from lieutenant to colonel.

Hua Guo has a strict set of standards for military rank promotion, and this guy's promotion speed can't be described as a rocket.

There is a difference of five levels in the middle, which means that it takes less than a month to upgrade to a level.

Just kidding!

"That's right, but it's not a lieutenant, it's a lieutenant colonel. He was already a lieutenant colonel at that time. As for the fact that he is now a colonel, I think you can guess the reason. Obtaining military merit on the battlefield is the easiest thing. "

Ye Tianping was not surprised by Zhuang Yanguo's current reaction.

Even with a strong background, it is impossible to reach such a point in a few months. Therefore, it can be said that Lin Ye's military rank is now obtained through level-by-level approval, and there is no fraudulent link.

Zhuang Yanguo nodded in agreement as if understanding.

This is indeed the case.

Soldiers in peaceful times want to be promoted, in addition to being strong enough and having stronger connections, they rely more on time to gain qualifications.

But the war years are different. Risks and opportunities coexist. Risking your life to participate in the war can also accumulate military merit faster and promote you.

Although promotion of military rank is not the goal, promotion of military rank is the best affirmation for a soldier.

In other words, this young officer who had trained under his own hands had already made enough contributions.

"I understand, Chief, I will fully cooperate with Colonel Lin Ye's work and ensure that any order issued by the country and the Chief is completed."

Surprise is surprise, surprise is surprise, even if the other party was his subordinate not long ago, but now that he has become his direct superior, Zhuang Yanguo will fully cooperate with his work.

Ye Tianping nodded.

They are all excellent talents who have been selected by the country. Maybe Lin Ye's age and qualifications make them uncomfortable, but they will also be dedicated to their duties and do everything they need to do well.

Even if there are people like the kind of people who make trouble secretly and sing opposite scenes in the army, it is impossible to come here through screening.


"Weiyi, Weiyi, just got the news that [-] beta's have been wiped out, and the Kyoto front has been successfully guarded."

Recently, my freedom has been restricted, and I can only stay in the room, read books and chat.

However, there was an hour for the two of them to go for a walk, although they would be accompanied by someone.

But this time, because Weiyi was obsessed with learning Chinese, only Shangzong from the mountain city went out alone.

While walking, he heard the latest battle situation.

Fifty thousand betas were wiped out.

It's no wonder that the sound of guns and guns from tens of kilometers away could be vaguely heard last night.

It turned out that humans and betas started fighting.

"Huh?" Huang Weiyi, who was turning the page just now, was taken aback when he heard the news, and looked at the chief executive in the mountain city with doubts in his eyes.

fifty thousand? Beta?Was wiped out?

what!It was [-] betas that were wiped out,

Huang Weiyi, who had finally withdrawn from his studies, came to his senses.

"Don't just stay here, really, how can someone like you become a guard!"

If the reaction is not fast enough, it is entirely possible to be attacked by beta and cause the body to be destroyed.

How could Huang Weiyi, who has a natural stupidity, pass the guard test and become a guard, and she is still an even better guard than her.

But thinking of the previous competitive psychology, the current mountain city has always let go.

She felt how naive her thoughts were.

Even if it is stronger than Weiyi, so what.

prove yourself?

No, the best place to prove your worth is on the battlefield, in the number of betas eliminated, not anywhere else.

"That's too much! Azka-chan, I put all my heart and soul into training and fighting, so I won't be distracted."

Huang Weiyi who heard the words was slightly dissatisfied, pouted very unhappy.

"However, the front line has won, but the two of us..."

Thinking of the situation of the two of them, Huang Weiyi's mood became even more depressed.

The comrades-in-arms fought bloody battles on the front line and contributed their strength to defend the country and the people, but the two of them were restricted in their freedom and stayed in this room.

Although it is said that he asked Hua Guo to get a few Chinese learning textbooks and is studying.But no matter what, as guards, they still feel that they are wasting time now.

They belong on the battlefield, not here.

However, in recent days, the application for a meeting with Lin Ye has been delayed again and again.

There is no rejection, just that there is no time now.

But this kind of endless waiting is also a kind of psychological torture for them.

"Weiyi, there is a liaison officer from the Japanese side here in the expeditionary force, and this person is Miss Yujian Mingye, a direct descendant of the Yujian family of the Wushe family."

As a member of the samurai family, how could he not get to know the family members who are loyal to the family.

In addition to the contemporary patriarch, the direct lineage is the focus of attention.

She hadn't seen it with her own eyes, but when she was walking, she overheard chatter that let her know that the expeditionary force had contacts from the empire.

At that time, she really wanted to directly ask where this person was, or find an opportunity to find her, but in the end she gave up.

She's only making their existing situation worse by doing so.

"Then we..."

"We can only wait. Now we have nothing to do but wait!"

The calm and rigorous Shancheng Shang always had a cold expression.

Huang Weiyi closed the book.

Now they really can't do anything.


After the results of the battle situation were calculated, Lin Ye explained some matters and handed over the command of the expeditionary force to political commissar Liu Jianhua.

He now needs to bring the black pupil back. The construction project on an isolated island in the new district has already been completed for the beta test, and what is needed now is the beta in place.

And the black pupil Teigu Hachibo has eight puppets, four rays, one fortress, one interceptor, one assault, and one soldier.

If it weren't for the quantity limit, doubling the number of betas of each type several times would not be enough, because those biologists have already sharpened their knives and made preparations for research.

Even if he got all the information about the beta research of muv Huaguo, it was only information on paper.

Even under the leadership of several senior and authoritative academicians in biology, most of the researchers who participated in the research did not even read these materials.

Because they are worried that after reading these materials, they will be led astray by the analysis results on these materials.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, these materials have not been checked.

After they have some research results on beta, they will compare and think about the data of the two sides.

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