Invincible Double Treasure: Super Awesome Tsundere Mommy

Chapter 1105 - Crash into the sea

Biquge, the fastest update of the invincible Shuangbao: Ao Jiao Mummy Super Powerful latest chapter!

Before Meng Changxin finished talking, Lu Jueyun hung up the phone.

I clicked on the phone screen, and I saw the news pushed by various social apps a few minutes ago. The titles were all: a serious car accident occurred in the east section of the Jiangcheng Cross-sea Bridge, a large truck collided with a car, and the car fell into the sea.

Lu Jueyun only felt a numb scalp for a while, and he quickly opened Weibo.

Sure enough, some netizens on Weibo released the video recorded by the driving recorder and monitoring. A red car was hit by a retrograde truck and turned a few circles before falling directly into the sea!

Although the car that crashed into the sea did not have a clear license plate number, Lu Jueyun clearly saw a yellow on the side door!

That is the decoration that his gang Mo Zixuan put on!

“Impossible, absolutely impossible …”

Lu Jueyun shivered uncontrollably while holding his mobile phone. He dialed Sumichue’s phone, but he heard a response that he could not connect!

He immediately hung up the phone and redialed another one, “Immediately let Zhang Ju arrange enough manpower and be sure to salvage the crashed car and people as soon as possible! If there is something wrong with the car, you will all be buried with me!”

Although Lu Jueyun stood five meters away from the three children, his anxious tone and coldness emanating from his whole body made the three little buns look at each other.

“What’s wrong with Uncle Jueyun? Seems angry?”

“I don’t know, the phone I just answered was from Meng Meng.”

“Something must have happened!”

Lu Jueyun hung up the phone and turned to calm.

He walked over to squat down and looked at the three little ones, “Uncle is in a hurry to deal with. Your grandma Meng will come over immediately, and you will go home with her first.”

“Uncle, what about my mummy?” Su Zimo asked.

“Grandma Meng said that there is something wrong with your mum company. She was busy first, but she might not be able to come for a while. We will go back together after the busy time.”

“Oh …” San Xiao only glanced at each other without asking more.

They could see that Uncle Jueyun was very anxious and could not delay his business.

Lu Jueyun drove the car as fast as he could.

He has been calling Sumicher’s phone, but the annoying response will never change.


He smashed the steering wheel hard, and Jun’s face was never seen before.

Sumi Xue, you must be fine, right?

You are such a tough woman, how could you be hit by a car?

Even if you crash, you crashed someone, right?

Su Mixue, you **** answer the phone!

Cross-sea bridge, accident scene.

Because it is the main road of traffic, the security line only encloses the stage of the accident at Qiaotou. More than 20 policemen at the scene are directing the traffic and have begun to pass through.

Cranes and various rescue vehicles are already in place, but because the bridge is six or seven hundred meters high from the sea, the car that fell into the sea has long disappeared!

When Lu Jueyun arrived, the crane had started to salvage, but after fishing for a long time under the water, he could not find the car that fell into the sea.

It’s too deep!

Seeing Lu Jueyun running over, Zhang Ju, who personally commanded the rescue here, hurriedly greeted him, “The second younger, has confirmed the situation of the vehicle and the driver who fell into the sea, it is indeed your friend Miss Su Mixue, she is in the car one person.”

Lu Jueyun clenched his teeth and closed his eyes tightly, “Since I’m sure, why haven’t I been saved?”

Seeing Lu Ershao’s eyes closed and opened, they turned red, and he seemed to be bleeding. Zhang Ju nodded again and again, “It is already being rescued, but the sea is too deep. At present, the crane is trying to find a way to lift the car first. Rescue personnel of the diving are also preparing to launch to find people. “

Lu Jueyun raised his wrist and looked at the time. “Forty minutes have passed since the incident. Can people still live below? There are no cannibalistic animals under this sea area. Let me go down and see!”

He said that he was going to the beach and was stopped by Director Zhang, “Second Young Master, we understand your mood, but there is a procedure for rescue. If you go on like this, it will cause trouble for the rescue. You still believe us …”


As he was saying, a young man in uniform was afraid to come over and report to Zhang Ju, “The crane has found the car that crashed into the sea, and now it has started to go up.”

“Well, pay attention to safety, you must hang it up at once!” Zhang Ju ordered to finish, busy said to Lu Jueyun, “You see the second young, this is not progress … Hey, hello, second young, you can watch, thousand Don’t get into the water … “

Lu Jueyun stood by the railing, overlooking the situation below.

On the shimmering sea, the long arm of the crane reached into the water, and the red car silhouette under the water could be seen faintly.

Lu Jueyun grasped the guardrail with both hands, because the joint was too blue and white.

At the moment, his face was as gloomy as the bottom of the sea, a deep and anxious like never before.

Su Mixue, think of Xuanzi Mo, you must come up safe and sound for me!

“Police, comrades of the police, I would like to ask the information of the people who fell into the sea …” A familiar voice came from afar.

Lu Jueyun looked up, and Pei Cheng was anxiously asking the police.

He drew back his gaze and once again focused his attention on the red car that had just been lifted out of the sea by the crane.

In an instant, his heart seemed to be hooked under the ring and hung up all of a sudden …

Twenty minutes later.

When the car was just released, Lu Jueyun rushed over first.

But … the car was empty!

What about people?

Suddenly, Lu Jueyun was sad and happy.

She was not in the car, indicating that when the car was in the water, she struggled out, which was better than being in the car.

At least, she is very likely to be alive now!

“Zhang Ju, she must have got out of the car when she was in the water. Hurry up and arrange for someone to go to the water to find it!” Lu Jueyun grabbed Zhang Ju’s arm, his tone urgent and excited.

Zhang Ju nodded again and again, “Our rescuers have already launched into the water. Please be restless. Since Miss Su can escape under the water by herself, it means that the collision caused her not serious injuries, and she is probably still alive now. ! “

“Okay! I won’t disturb you, you have worked hard, try to find people before the dark!”

Lu Jueyun was about to leave, and Pei Cheng ran over. “President Lu, the police said that you have arranged for them to search and rescue on my side. I thank you for Michelle.”

Looking at the last time Pei Cheng who saw the gentleman Sven, at this moment, because of the anxiety, he opened his coat and his hair was messed up by the sea breeze. He suddenly felt very upset.

This man, why should he be so worried about that woman?

“Why do you thank her? You have the ability to let her thank you!”

He finished coldly, turned and strode forward to the meteor.

Pei Cheng was a little confused, “Mr. Lu, this is also worried about Michelle?”

Time passes by minute and second.

Lu Jueyun had already arrived at the seaside, looking at the burning clouds in the distance, the depression between the eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

The sun became dark as soon as the sun went down, and rescuers who could dive back and forth several times went back and forth several times without seeing Su Mi Xue.

It can be said that the sea area of ​​one kilometer was found, and she was not seen at all …

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