Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 106: A Certain Day In The Newly Built School (Interlude)

---3rd Person POV---



On a certain beautiful cloudless day, where the blue sky and warm sun radiated the ground under it, a group of children running around freely in the field in front of a school-like building that already finished being built in Alex's hidden base.

After playing for a while some of the group of children decided to rest under the shady tree. Among the group of children, there's a small girl who had white hair and cute little cat ears. 

She was Elli, the little girl that Alex cuddled at the time he pasted the skills for the new inhabitant of his hidden base.

Elli : Ne~ I wonder what the next class ish? I don't want to learn counting one twu thrwee again, fueee~~

Hearing Elli complain, one of the children drinking fruit juice from the small carton box gazed at Elli before reprimanding her

Children 1 : Elli, teacher said Papa build this school for us to learn and being a good adult when we grown uph, you know?

Elli : But I don't want to learn counting, my hwead spwinning around when I thried to count *pout

Children 2 : Rwight! what it ish again? one thwu three five?

Children 3 : Ish four, and then fwive!

Chidren 2 : Ah! yesh four five seven...

Looking at little Elli who bantering and seemingly having fun, the other children began to join their silly banter, worried about being left out by the other child.

As they chatting happily, all of a sudden, one of the Silver Wolf member who became a temporary teacher started calling them from the distance

Teacher : Everyone, please group together in front of Teacher here, today we will have a physical education lesson.

Children 1 : hey! The teacher said today is pisikal edwucation lesson! Isn't that mean we can plwaying with a ball today?

Elli : Hurrraayyy!!! I want to play dodge ball!! Everyone, let's goo!

Hearing that she possibly could play dodge ball today, Elli hurriedly ran toward the temporary teacher's direction. The other kids started chasing Elli in pitter-patter as they moved their cute bodies to run behind little Elli.

Before long, all the kids who were still playing in the field in their small respective groups started grouping into one group in front of the teacher. among them Elli staring at the teacher excitedly in the hope to get permission to playing dodge ball.

But, contrary to her expectation, the teacher started making a speech to inform the children about the dangerous outside world to open the PE class she held.

[Children, listen up to teacher okay? Do you know why mister Alex build this school? It's in order to teach you a basic survival and make you good adults when you're grown up! In the outside world, there's a scary monster and bad people! I guess you already experienced it before how the bad people do to your previous village right?]

Hearing their teacher's insensitive remarks, the children recalled the bad people who destroy their village. Their eyes started to redden in sadness after recalling their dead father who protected them from the bad people when remembering that nightmarish scene.

It didn't know when, but one of the children suddenly started crying before escalating the other child to cry in a chain reaction.

Uuuuaaaaa** sob* sob*

Ueeeeeee Papa! Sob sob*

Looking at the crying friends all around her, Elli started clenched her small fist tightly to hold her sadness from the memory of losing her father. She frowned her head and trying very hard to hold her tears.

As for the temporary teacher, when she saw the scene of crying children she became speechless and didn't know what to do. Recalling her insensitive remarks she just said not too long ago, a guilty feeling suddenly overwhelmed her greatly as she lamenting her stupid and insensitive remarks she just threw to this group of children.

While she began panicking over the situation, all of a sudden, a masculine voice resounded and attract her as well as the crying children attention

[Oi oi, it's just the second day of school and you already make the children crying... sigh...]

A young man suddenly appeared out of nowhere beside the temporary teacher. After realizing the identity of the person beside her, her expression became more ghastly as she bowed her head, deeply to apologize for her mistake

[Master! Please forgive my unprofessional conduct that makes the children cry! I-I will take any punishment you bestow to me!]

[Sigh, nevermind, you're not a professional teacher in the first place… 

Everyone, don't be sad, Papa bringing your lunch box, and you know what? Surprise! Today's lunch box is your favorite wyverns karaage! Hehehe, there's also cute octopus wiener too, so stop crying okay?]

Seeing Alex who suddenly appeared, the crying children stopped their sob. as they further hearing that Alex brought their favorite food today, they became very excited and stop crying at once!

Among them, Elli shouted excitedly as she running and trying to hug Alex


Elli running in a pitter-patter cutely before getting herself cuddled and lifted up into Alex's Embrace

[Oooh, Elli, it seems you're being a good girl for not crying~]

[Papa! Even tho Elli rweal papa already go to heaven, but… but Elli still has Alex Papa now! hehehe~]

Hearing Elli answer, Alex gave her a gentle smile and started patting her cute little head. Seeing these scene, the other children became jealous and started frolicking around Alex to get themselves lifted up and cuddled in his embrace

Children 1 : Papa! Let me up! Let me up!

Children 2 : Papa! I want to eat karaage...

With the kid started frolicking around him, Alex decided to ease their excitement by giving them potato chips and snacks. Seeing that some of the children didn't get the snacks, Alex took out more snacks from his Inventory skill and gave some of the children who already on the verge of crying when they realized that they didn't get the snacks. After that, He started chatting with them cheerfully and cuddled them one by one.

Looking at this heartwarming scene, the Silver Wolf member whose being a temporary teacher waiting in silence near Alex with a grieve and disappointed expression. Even though Alex already told her to not mind it too much, but deep inside her heart, she still feeling down for failing her duty today to be a temporary teacher.

[Okay, today we will play dodge ball, after you guys finished playing you can have your lunch. Teacher, can you give the ball to the children?]

The absent-minded teacher came to her sense after hearing Alex's asking her help to give the ball to the children. She looked at the excited children and moved her gaze at Alex as she found that he winked at her with a meaningful smile.

Seemingly understand that Alex indirectly encouraged her, She gratefully bowed herself at Alex before giving the children her best smile. she took out the small ball before giving it to some of the children who already lift up their hand in excitement

Elli who already excitedly staring at the ball hurried took it from the teacher's hand and started yelling to the other kid in excitement

Elli : Yeeeyyy!! Everyone! Let's play dodgeball in there! Papa! Let's play! Let's play!

Seeing Elli had a big smile plastered on her face, Alex shrugged his shoulder and helplessly followed behind Elli. With her papa agree to join her, Elli became more excited as she started trotting into the fields with the other children in pitter-patter.

Uwaaaiiii waiii!

Upon arriving at the field, the children started running around cutely as they started playing dodgeball cheerfully. With the teacher and Alex joining them, they become more joyful and happy.

From time to time, the teacher and Alex would appease some of the small children who fell on the ground and crying. As the adults, their main purpose was not playing with them but to observe and accompanying the children who were having fun.

After a while, Alex and the teacher decided to let the children played by themselves. The two of them sat under the tree and observe them from far to not disturb them.

Finally getting her chance to speak with Alex privately, the temporary teacher giving her thanks to Alex for encouraging her and covering her blunder a while ago

Temp. Teacher : Master, Thank you for helping me out of the messy situation a while ago… I'm sorry that I make some blunder by making the children cried…

Hearing her heartfelt feeling, Alex just gave her a gentle smile before speaking to her

Alex : You know, the main purpose I build this school isn't for creating a stiff education system. Yes, I can't deny that education is the main thing for school, but for the children who have gone through a bitter and traumatic experience like them, a good environment where they can enjoy their youth and play with the other child is more necessary right now…

Alex peek at the temporary teacher and found she was still listening carefully at his words before continuing

Alex : You already feel that experience before right? I mean… about the bandit cruelty. The same thing happens to those children, maybe they still can't fully digesting that experience at that time, but they still lose one of their parents in that tragedy nonetheless. Just be extra careful when dealing with the child, and you'll be fine to go, miss teacher~

Hearing Alex's explanation, she aware that her approach when dealing with the children earlier was wrong and kind of insensitive. She began to understand that dealing with the children wasn't the same with the adults.

Maybe since she grew up without dealing with one, she became clueless and ended up making a terrible blunder. She retrospected this experience and forged it inside her head to be extra careful with the children later.

Temp. Teacher : Thanks for the Master guidance~

She bowed her head deeply toward Alex in admiration and awe as she giving her gratitude.

Seeing her exaggerated gesture, Alex just smiled awkwardly at her as he responded to her sudden gratitude

Alex : It's good if you understand… anyway I'm not that great at dealing with the child either, I just know some basic knowledge that these little guys love some snacks.. Let's work together and make this place warmer, okay?

The temporary teacher lifted up her head before nodding her head in affirmation toward Alex.

Haaah… hah…

Elli : Hah... Papaa!! I'm hungwryy~

Group of Children : Papa! Hungwryy~~

Elli suddenly running toward their direction before shouting in a short breath. The other kids followed behind her coming one by one and started complaining about their empty tummy in resonance.

Looking at the sweat covered their tiny head, Alex realized that these children already running out their gas as he smiled amusingly at them.

To not make the little children who only know to play and eat, he hurriedly took out the lunch box from his inventory skill before distributing it to them one by one.

After getting her lunch box, Elli hurriedly claimed the space in Alex's lap and started acting in a spoiled manner with him. Seeing this scene, the other child became jealous and started crowded near Alex.

Alex who had children frolicking around him, shrugged his shoulder tiredly as he had given up and decided to eat together with them

Giggle giggle*

With a burst of bell-like laughter of the happy children, they started having a warm and cheerful lunch under the shade of the tree.

Today, the day in the school is peaceful as usual~

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