Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 111: Alexa (SS)

After Dropping Anna to my hidden base, I hurriedly back to take the strengthless gart into Alexa and Damian outside Al manor vicinity. Looking at gart empty eyes, both of them sighed helplessly and stared at me intriguingly as if asking what really happened out there.

I just gave them a wry smile as an answer and asked them to bring him back to his Inn.

After walking with them for about 10 minutes throughout the town, we arrived in front of a reasonable price-looking inn.

Alexa told me that this was the Inn Gart usually stayed in this town.

Upon entering the Inn, Alexa and Damian asked me to wait for a while and brought the defeated and soulless Gart to his room.

Looking at Gart who had his two hands lifted up by his two party members and helped him walking toward his room, I suddenly realized why these two people following him behind before.

'It seems they understand Gart's recklessness and decide to follow him up if by chance Gart's was defeated and unable to move. What a good party~'

After being amazed by the Galiust Sword's Party camaraderie, I decided to sit at one of the tables that placed in the inn's restaurant-like thing and wait for the two of them to back here and explained the true reason that made Gart in that pitiful state.

Some adventurers who sat and drinking their booze suddenly became silent and staring at me in wonder. Some of them started to whisper into each other and pointing toward the leaving Gart direction as they started gossiping in low voice.

'Sigh… it seems the rumor about our duel will be transmitted to all over the town tomorrow…'

I relaxed my frowning temple by massaging it with my hand, soothing the slight headache in my head because of these troublesome things that happened in a row today.

As I started worrying about what happened to Gart after this event later, I heard a step of two people walking down from the stairs.

With my enhanced sense, I knew it was Damian and Alexa's step. 

Upon turning my head, I saw the two of them coming toward my table with a complicated face.

After a while, they sat in front of me silently.

As usual, Alexa silently gazed at me while Damian started chatting with me with his usual smile.

Damian started the conversation in a lighthearted manner and talked about light topics to ease the tension and awkwardness between us. 

He asked me about my well-being and my day, the usual light conversation that an acquaintance usually did when starting the conversation.

During our conversation, Alexa just silently gazed at me with a deadpan expression as usual. But I don't know why, I sensed a hint of bitterness in her eyes. I glanced at her for a while and back to talk with Damian after thinking it's useless to think about something that I really don't know where to start.

After getting ourselves slightly more comfortable, Damian suddenly changed his expression a little and asking me.

[Sir Alex, if you don't mind it, could you tell me what really happen between your duel with our party leader a while ago?]

'Sigh… finally, he started asking this thing…'


[It's my blunder… even though I already make our duel private, I didn't know that the gap of our strength is enormously big… so… I unconsciously defeat him with three strikes in front of Anna… I'm sorry, it seems I destroy his pride without me knowing it…]

Hearing my answer, Damian stunned and made a complicated face as he staring at me.

He sighed in helplessness and turned his head toward Alexa who staring at the table absentmindedly.

'Hm? I wonder why she became absentminded all of a sudden…

whatever, since I already finish my business here, Let's go back, the day already become darken too'

[Damian, Alexa… If there's anything else, I'll excuse myself. Since it's already night, I have to go back now…]

[Ah, thank you for bringing Gart back, sir Alex]

Damian politely bowed his head to me after standing up from his chair. As for Alexa, she came back to her sense as she staring at me silently.

I nodded toward the two of them before standing up and walking off toward the inn exit.

But after just taking a couple of steps from the inn exit, all of a sudden, a slender hand grasping my cloak and stopped my feet.

Just by looking at the feminine hand, I knew that it was Alexa who stopped me.

I turned my head to the back and saw the deadpan Alexa staring at my eyes.

As our gazes met, I intriguingly staring at her and asked about her purpose for stopping me suddenly, here.

[Alexa, is there anything you want to talk to me about?]

[Please accompany me to have some drink today, if you're not busy]

[huh? What is it, all of a sudden?]

Without giving me an answer, she started grabbing my hand and pulling me somewhere in the middle of the town direction.

'This woman… sigh… whatever, let's just accompany her for a while tonight…'

In the end, I decided to let her be and being dragged by her without complaining.






Inside a crowded bar full of a drunk adventurer, I dumbfoundedly looking at Alexa who started rumbling about her complaining her pent up emotion to me

[Can't you believe it!! That Gart, even though I'm the one who knows him the longest, but he chooses Anna over me!! can you believe that bullshit?!!!]


Glug glug* gulping alcohol sound


Alexa sloppily drinking her ale from a big mug and wiped the foam in her mouth with her hand sloppily, before continued complaining once again

[What did he see from that Anna? As expected, did she more attractive than me? Did you really think like that too, Alex?]


[What?! As expected, you really think that way?!]


[Hm? Speak louder! I can't hear you!]


'gugh… this woman, how can her personality suddenly changed drastically when she drunk? Whatever, let's keep my mouth shut and speak less, in a situation like this, a woman tends to be scarier and found any fault at you even though you didn't mean to…'

Glug glug*


[Hey! Give me more Ale!]

Alexa drinking and drained her Ale in one last gulp before asking more from the bartender who timidly looking at her with a very reserved and careful expression.

Looking at the bartender's expression, it seemed it's not the first time she became wild and willful like this.

I could see the bartender carefully served one more mug of Ale to Alexa and tried to not get on her nerve skillfully.

Glug Glug*

After getting a big mug of Ale from the bartender, she unhesitatingly drinking it in a big gulp.


[Alex, do you think I attractive?]

[yeah… (if you're not drunk)]

[Hm? What did you say? I can't hear you properly~]

[I-I mean, I agree that you're attractive…]

[Then, Why did Gart reject my feeling?!]


[Why? Why did he choose Anna more than me?!! I'm the one who always beside him all this time… hic... sob.. sob…]

Alexa started sobbing after voiced her heartfelt feelings, with a slightly hoarse voice. She put down the big mug aside, before putting her face on the table as her shoulder moving up and down, trembling from her sobbing.

Looking at the sudden sad and sobbing Alexa, my head became blank as I dumbfoundedly looking at her.


As this is the first time I accompany a heart-broken and drunk woman, I didn't know what I should do in this situation.

After thinking for a while, in the end, I decided to pat her back and eased her as far as I could, as I usually do to Chali when she was down.

Sob* sob*

Her sobbing voice sounded within the loud bar and buried in the rowdiness of the drunk adventurer. 

I didn't know why, but when I looked at her in this state right now, she looked really fragile and pitiful.

Her usual strong and cool temperament couldn't be seen anywhere as she sobbing like an ordinary, weak woman right now.

After patting and placating her for a while, Alexa started to calm down and moved her hand on the big mug of Ale once again.

Even though she already stopped sobbing, but her hand didn't stop moving the mug on, to keep drinking without caring for anything.

As I saw her kept drinking the Ale to drown herself in the alcohol, as there's no tomorrow, a question suddenly appeared inside of my head.

'Why? Why did she suddenly dragged me here and confide all of this to me?'

But after thinking about her behavior, as well as the bartender who already used to, of her wildness when she was drunk, a possibility appear inside my head.

'Could it be, there's no one who wants to accompany her drinking again after she asked them once?'

'Looking at my situation now, it's quite possible… so that's why she brings me here to vent all the pent up emotion inside her heart…'

To further confirming this speculation of mine, I decided to ask the bartender about my thought.

[Mister, is she drunk at your place quite often?] 

Hearing my sudden question, the bartender looking at me pitifully as he shrugged at me

[Sir Alex, apparently you seem didn't know about Alexa's quirk. So that's why she can drag you here, I give you my condolance~

And as for your question just now, it's not the first time she dragged someone here and venting all her problem to that someone, that's why all her party members will not accompany her drinking after knowing she become fastidious and wild when she drunk.

Maybe she already knows this and decided to drag you, a new person who didn't know about her bad habit to vent. Sigh… you have it hard, aren't you?]


Hearing the bartender's explanation, I twitching my mouth and became speechless.

'This woman, no wonder she dragged me here…'

I sighed in defeat and started lamenting about Alexa's other troublesome personalities.

After drinking a couple of mugs of Ale and drowned her sadness, she started venting out and complaining about Gart and her one-sided love, upon me once again.

As usual, to stay out of trouble, I just gave her a short answer and nodded to any incomprehensible kinds of stuff she spewed.

Before long, she became very drunk and started to become bellyful from the gallons of Ale she drunk.

Looking at this pitiful sloppy woman, I decided to pay the bill and helped her to walk out from the bar before patting her back to soothe her condition.

Just as my hand soothed her back, she started vomiting hardly, puking out all the inside of her belly.

'Huh… let's bring her to the Lamia's Scale Inn.

since I didn't know where this woman stayed after all.

Looking at the Gart's Inn from before, I'm sure this party have their own respective Inn to stay in their own preferences'

After soothing Alexa's condition, I carry her muddleheaded self on my back and walked toward the Lamia's Scale Inn direction.


what a troublesome woman...'

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