Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 130: Welcome to Dungeon City, Alabatrost

After taking two days on the road, our magic car caravan passed through the forest and prairie, arriving in the proximity not far from outside of Dungeon city Alabatrost.

Like how the tourist who always curious about a new place, I passed my head out of the Limousine window to get a glimpse of the Dungeon city.

Looking at the high towering wall, as well as a high rise pillar-like structure reaching the cloud further beyond the wall, my heart started thumping in excitement!

'Is the sky-high pillar thing was the Dungeon from the rumor?' 

As I still excitedly gazing at the Dungeon city from the distance, The entourage of our magic car continues moving closer to the city direction, making the gigantic city wall, as well as the scenery outside the city gate, became more visible.

Ma… with my enhanced five senses, I can see it clearly even from far away though.

Speaking of the city gate, for whatever reason, I saw the people who lined up in front of it, as well as the guards, started making commotion when they spotted our magic car caravan.

The driver, the silver wolf members, decided to slow the speed of the magic car before stopping not far from the city gate.

[Master, did we continue to pass through the city gate as it is?]

The driver, one of Silver Wolf members, opened the small window of the blockade that divide the passenger seat and the driver seat and asked.

Looking at the commotion in front of me, I decided to give a command to the others to get out from the magic car.

[Let's get out and enjoy the city scenery leisurely~]

With my statement, the others nodded in agreement before getting out from their respective magic car, one by one.

The Silver Wolf members who driving the Humvees to escort us, also getting out from their respective Humvees, seemingly understand my intention.

If I thinking about it further, it's quite inappropriate to pass the gate with my car since we're not merchant nor noble, so it'll be better if I store the car in my inventory skill, enjoying the city scenery leisurely with our two feet.

With this thought, I tried to store the magic car in my inventory.

However, the glimpse of the heated engine of the car that started to smoke paused my action.

'Sigh… it seems there's a limit to an engine made by common steel to run the magic energy for a long time continuously. Come to think of it, Chali said I can find a rare ore like mithril and other fantasy ores inside the dungeon anyway, so let's think about solving this magic car engine for later~'

I decided to not dwell on this engine problem further and stored the magic car in my inventory to respect the city guards who do their duty to checking everyone who wants to enter the town properly. 

Contrary to my humble act, the people who make some commotion in front of me, think different.

They became flabbergasted and shocked after knowing me using Space&Time magic blatantly like this.

Umm… it's not that I want to show off my ability, but it's just already become my habit to store something in my inventory.

'Whatever, it's not like I want to hide my true strength and act like some cliché protagonist in a light novel to begin with'

[Let's go~]

I nonchalantly sign for the ladies behind me to go and line up to get our turn to enter the city, even though the line up became a mess as the people already make some commotion from our sudden arrival, making the end of the queue became confusing.

While I wait patiently together with the ladies, all of sudden, the group of people on the back in front of us who already curiously looking in our direction, making a commotion, split up, as they seemingly making a way to someone important.

Different from the reaction they have when seeing us, this time they just whispering lowly as they trying to hold their rowdy action and behave.

Before long, the culprit of the one who made these people became docile and lowered their voices became slowly visible.

With a group of guards following behind, a group of people wearing gorgeous and clean attires slowly walking toward our direction.

With just one look at the way these people walking, I know they're a group of nobles.

The one leading them is a graceful middle age, human man, who has some white hair on the side part of his black hair, holding hand with a cute Lolita wearing a meticulous noble dress, which was seemingly his daughter.

Upon these two people arrived in front of me, the noble as well as the guards behind them, stopped.

The guards became tense for some reason, and the nobles strangely looked at me politely.

'Hmm? Did these guys know my identity? Ah… right, I came here with magic cars, I'm sure the rumor about me having a mysterious carriage already spread around the kingdom these past few days, it couldn't be helped if they know about me'

'And that guards, why are you guys so tense?'

I curiously followed the guards' nervous gaze, ended up looking at the Silver Wolf members who wore their white Assassin Cre*d costume- I mean battle suits, with Silver metal wolf mask covering their faces.

'Ah… so that's how is it, it seems they just become vigilance after seeing their uniform. Hmph! These guys sure didn't have some taste in fashion! How can a cool looking attire like that make you guys suspicious!'(Author note: looks like Alex's chuuni remnant blinded him from observing how suspicious and secretive the Silver Wolf members are…)

As I am engrossed with my own thought, the middle-aged man started bowing at me gracefully as he greets me.

[Welcome to the Dungeon city, Alabatrost, The Immortal Dragon, and the companion, I, as the lord of this city, extremely honored with Sir Alex arrival~]

Hearing his overly polite, and exaggerated words, I twitched my mouth unconsciously.

[Ahh... City Lord, thank you for spending your precious time to greet us. Since we just visit here to sightseeing and exploring the dungeon, I think you don't have to act politely like this. Please just treat us as a group of adventurers like normally…]

[This one didn't dare, Sir. Alex greatness… as well as the Silver Wolf prestige, already widely spread throughout this kingdom, so of course, I can't treat a Grandmaster and a strong group of people under you like ordinary adventurers…]

[Sigh… stop it, will ya? I just want to explore this city peacefully, I'm sure you will understand what I mean by this right?]

Hearing my abrupt retorted, the city lord flinched, looking at the Chali, Silvi, the Twin, as well as the Silver Wolf member behind me one by one, before giving me a stiff smile as he nodded at me in affirmation reluctantly.

Looking at his uncomfortable expression, I sigh and decided to ease the stiff atmosphere between us.

[Sir… City lord… umm]

[Sir Alex, you can call me Mr. Bastian, excuse me for not introducing myself before. My name is Bastian Von Acheli, the Marquiss who govern this city and the surrounding town and village, and->

As the City Lord Bastian looked very nervous and trying to start a new troublesome speech, I hurriedly trying to cut his words.

[Ah- ah, yes, yes please be at ease and don't be so nervous, Mr. Bastian is it? Mr. Bastian, you can calm yourself more and act normally with me, since I'm not that good at speaking with formality and complicated etiquette(It's different if you're sexy MILF tho), so please just speak normally with me, okay?]

Bastian eased his stiff smile a little and nodded amiably.

Looking at him that already slightly eased his nervousness, I continue to speak.

[And Mr. Bastian, I intend to buy a house and property in your city, so please take care of me from now on, as a humble resident of your city]

[Of course! This is an honor to me, Bastian, for a Grandmaster powerhouse like Sir. Alex to stay in this city! I can give you, Sir, a recommendation letter, with this Sir Alex can go to Land and Property Management Office of this city to get the most strategical place property and suitable mansion for Sir~]

[Ohh~ then, I'll humbly accept your favor, hahaha~ Then, excuse us, we want to sightsee the city before going to buy the house later, It's really nice to know you, Mr. Bastian]

[Ah! Sir. Alex, since it's the first time Sir to come to this city, how about staying at my manor as a guest?]

[No, no, I didn't want to bother Mr. Bastian further. We plan to stay at an Inn for the time being. Thanks for the goodwill though~]

[Understood, then I will send the recommended letter in Sir stayed Inn later~]

[Um, it's no problem~, then Excuse us, Ah, for Mr. Bastian cute daughter, nice to meet you little lady~ and see you later~ hahaha~]

I nodded at Bastian and patted the head of the behave cute little girl beside Bastian gently as I bade my goodbye.

When I just patted the Little girl, Bastian suddenly twitched his mouth.

Not only him, but the nobles behind him also had a complicated expression as they moving their gaze between me and the Lolita.

As for the Guards, their expression cramped, and behave really tensed as they glare at me with a shocked expression.

Even the people who lined up and making commotion a while ago, opened their mouths, wide in surprise, as their pointing at me with an unbelievable face.

'What is it? Why did you guys change your expression abruptly, isn't I just patting the child… Don't tell me!'

As a realization suddenly hit my nerve, I hurriedly appraised the cute Lolita in front of me.

Seeing her status, I hurriedly removed my hand that patted her from her head, twitched my mouth, and turning my head to Mr. Bastian as I had an apologetic expression plastered on my face.

By just looking at her total status that only could be found in an adult, in this world, I know that I misunderstood her identity.

[Ah… Since Sir. Alex cut me before, I didn't introduce Sir to my wive yet… she is my wife, Urshulla Von Acheli…]

And So, Bastian introduced the little loli, I mean, her wife, to me awkwardly.

[I'm sorry Mr. Bastian, please forgive my ignorance]

Before Bastian could answer, Urshulla suddenly speaks as she's lifting her long skirt in an elegant manner.

[Ah, I don't mind it, nice to meet you Sir Alex~ I hope you will enjoy your stay in this city~]

[Of course~


Then, I'll take my leave here and lining up to get my turn…]

[No no no! S-Sir Alex, y-you don't have to line up, as the city lord, I permit you to directly enter the city, please~]

Hearing my words, Bastian rising his shoulder, shocked, as he spoke to me nervously.

[Well... Then, I'll take your kind offer]

I bowed my head slightly as a sign of thanks.

The ladies beside me and the Silver Wolf behind me also slightly bowed their heads to appreciate the City Lord's kindness.

[Once again, thanks a lot, Mr. Bastian… Let's go~]

With my voice, I and the others hurriedly walking off toward the gate and enter the city with an uncomfortable face.

Along the way, the people whispering among themselves and looking at me like looking at something amusing.

'It can't be helped right!! I didn't know that she is a dwarf!'

'Yes, officer! It's that middle-aged man I just met there!'

'Anyway, why there're so many lolicons in this world…'

With this thought, I held my embarrassment and walking away from the people in front of the city gate, escaped from the unbearable awkwardness.

Ah, If you guys asked did I appraise the city lord and the nobles behind as well as the guard, the answer is yes!

Since I can't find something special on their status, and I already had all of their skills, I just stored them to my skill storage and paste them to someone(The people who worked under me) who needed it later.

Leaving that aside, Dungeon… I hope I can find a lot of interesting thing in there~

With this expectation, I taking my step into the Dungeon City Alabatrost.

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