Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 138: Thing Isn't Always Going According To Plan~

The next day, after waking up, I met with Chali, Silvi, and the other who was already waiting for me in the mansion living room.

With the Twin who has a reddened face, following behind me, I Meet them in there.

Looking at Chali who has a playful expression, plastered on her face, I could only smile wryly.

'This woman sure is very committed to expanding my harem member…'

I couldn't help having this impression after seeing what she has done this time.

Anyhow, I didn't deny that I enjoy the last night's hot night with the Twin, hence I could only wryly smile at how unique the mindset of the woman in this world is.

Once again, I realize how huge differences between the mindset of the people in this world regarding the man and woman relationship.

Let's stop dwelling on this stuff.

I bet you guys already tired of waiting for us to begin exploring the Dungeon, do you?

So let's explore the Dungeon today!

Before that, I have to take the countermeasure regarding the safety of my new house here first.

'Shadow Palace!'

Under me, my shadow suddenly enlarged and spread widely, covering the ground with the darkness of it.

Within the wide darkness, 2.5-meter height "man", wearing complete full-body metal armor, suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me.


{Dark Race Warrior}

Lv -

HP : S

MP : D




Properties : Magic Resistance [80%], Dark Element Immunity

Weakness : none

A.S : Epic

Skill : Ultra Regeneration V[Rare] Herculean Strenght III[Rare] Ogre Vitality[Rare] Bestial Instinct[Rare] Fist Art Mastery IV[Uncommon]


I wonder after you guys saw that status, did it remind you of something?

Hmm? Did some of you guys fail to recall it?

It couldn't be helped then.

Yes, it's a Red Ogre!

Even though I've sold some of their corpses at the adventurer guild before, but I still have some of them stored in my storage to turned them into an undead.

This was what happened when I raising them to Undead.

But as expected, even though they are a perfect undead, aka Dark Race, I failed to imbue a Legendary Artificial Soul(A.S) to them.

It seems this is a special case that only happened to monster corpses.

Unlike humanoid beings or intelligent creatures that have high wisdom to begin with, these guys are certainly not.

In the first place, this guy is just a monster who was controlled by the Immortal Ogre before, how high could their intelligence be?

Leaving that aside, the thing about my status enchantment benefit of the Immortal Bloodline, which only included someone in my unit, also didn't work to my undead.

Anyway, I just realize this not too long ago, after I remember that all the Silver Wolf members and my people get the benefit of getting 10% of my total status.

Not only that but for some whatever reason, I also can't paste my skill to them.

Strange isn't it? I thought my Absolute Copy paste ability is versatile, but it seems it's certainly not the case at all.

I had the idea about pasting some skill to armor, weapon, and other items, but as expected, since it's just a dead thing that didn't have a will, the skill in there is just being a decoration.

Maybe if I found some skill about increase hardness and sharpness, there's a possibility to enhance an item with those skills.

Since I didn't meet this type of skill, yet, I decided to leave this thing aside at the moment.

Anyway, after I placed these Dark Races to guard my mansion here, I take my woman, teleporting them near the Titan Dungeon Entrance altogether with me.

What? Did you guys call me lazy?

Leave me alone, will ya~




Upon teleporting there, without further ado, I and the other enters the dungeon entrance.

After greeting the city guard nearby, we gradually entering the Dungeon entrance that shaped like an arch, decorated by a big white artistic pillar on each side.

Inside the room beyond the entrance, we were greeted by a very large ancient room that has a big blue crystal, floating lowly midair, in the middle of it.

Under that blue crystal, I saw a wide magic blue circle dimly shined, giving a magical sense of mysteriousness to this wide and ancient room.

On top of that magic circle, I saw a lot of adventurers party or group, disappeared one by one, seemingly teleporting somewhere.

Leaving this magnificent thing aside, there's something that slightly bothered me when I just take my step in this ancient room.

I feel like… entering an enclosed space after feeling myself go through a very thin barrier that almost impossible to perceive when I just entered here.

To make sure that this feeling is real, I try to activate my teleportation ability, but to no avail…

'Fuck it!'

'It seems the Underground secret place that I built under this room will become useless…'

Yes, when I choose to buy land that is placed near the dungeon vicinity, I already calculated to trying to make this dungeon my backyard.

But as you guys already know by what happen to my teleportation ability here, it seems I failed miserably this time.

'Like a wise man once said, "Thing isn't always going according to Plan", indeed…'

Even though I was slightly disappointed after knowing this utter failure of my plan, but it's not dampened my mood to proceed and exploring this mysterious structure of the Ancient Dungeon.

Hence, I take my woman to proceed to the next step.

Registering our magic power to the Dungeon Crystal.

From the information provided by Chali, it seems I just need to enter the area on top of the blue magic circle.

When I and the other take our step in there, a notification suddenly appears inside our head.

[Scanning….. scanning complete]

[Successfully registered as the Challenger, please choose the floor to enter]

After the last notification resounded in our head, a translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of our eyes.

In there, a list of the dungeon floor could be seen.

But since this is the first time I enter this dungeon, in my translucent screen, there's only the 1st floor to choose.

Signaling the other with my eyes, I choose to teleport to the 1st floor inside my head.

Before my eyes, I gradually seeing the scenery around me start changing.

As it started to stabilize once again, the scenery around me changed into a vast grassland, a prairie as far as your eyes could see.

Some of the group of adventurers that I saw in the crystal room before, could be seen moving forward toward somewhere.

One of the party members has a thing that looks like a hand-drawing map in their hand.

Looking at their shabby adventurer gear, as well as the Baggage Carrier in the back of their group, I know that most of them must be a newbie adventurer who just began to explore this dungeon.

As I savoring this Otherworldy scene in excitement, behind me, the ladies that I take with me to this dungeon exploration, appeared one by one.

It's not taken too long before our group already completely gathered here.

[Even though I already completely prepared my heart after hearing the information from lady Chali… but this vast prairie is still amazed me…

At this point, I start to wonder if we really inside a dungeon?]

Silvi who was checking her surrounding in wonder suddenly said.

She has some point in her statement.

With this unending grassland that could only be found on the outside world, I begin to doubt if I was really inside the dungeon right now…

The information about Ancient Dungeon that said it was different from an ordinary dungeon in the term of inside structure, seems is true.

And the thing about the inside of it is being a small world isn't exaggerated at all.

I wonder how a mysterious and magical structure like this could suddenly appear…

Maybe, the Goddess knew something about the mysterious thing called Ancient Dungeon.

Just as I still amazed and wondered about the Titan Dungeon 1st floor, which contained a small world of green grass in awe,

[Master, by the result of our discussion last night about the dungeon exploration, we agree to divide ourselves into a small group to explore this dungeon effectively, so I think we should separate our way here]

Beside me, Chali who seems finished being nostalgic and reminiscent about her memories after just being transported here suddenly said.

[Huh? Did you guys really discuss the dungeon exploration stuff last night?]

[Of course, just so Master knows, we are taking this Dungeon exploration this time, very seriously as a chance to strengthen ourselves and be more useful to master!]

[Ah… sorry… I thought you just said that to bring the other with you…

Leaving that aside, Chali, and all of you guys, I have to tell you about an important thing before you all decide to form a small party and depart from here separately]

Hearing the seriousness in my tone, Chali, Silvi, the Twin, as well as the member of Silver Wolf silently nodding their head, waiting for my next words in silent.

[The thing is… I can't use my teleportation ability or other space and time magic, except inventory skill, in this Dungeon… maybe you guys should check your smartphone, even though I, myself not check it yet, but my intuition told me that we also can't use smartphone here…]

After I saying this thing, I took out my own smartphone to check.

It seems my speculation regarding this, is spot on.

When I saw the signal icon on my phone, I found it was already turned into a cross, indicating that the SIM card service is out of reach.

It also means that I can't use internet service in this Dungeon too.

With this, I began to understand that I can't use my advantage to communicating with them while being separated in the distance.

It's not only me who understand the graveness of this, but my women understood this too.

When I looking at them, they just staring at their smartphone with a gloomy expression.

Looking at them who begin to start hesitating about their initial plan, I decided to ask.

[Now, did you guys still think to divide into small parties and separately exploring this Dungeon?]

Hearing my question, they began to look into each other faces.

They silently staring into each other, seemingly transmitting and checking into each other emotions to reaffirm their decision.

Before long, they started nodding to each other and firmed their face before turning their head to me, staring at me with a strong gaze that radiated a strong will power.

Chali, as their representative, started to open her mouth to answer.

[Master, I think this situation is very ideal to temper us more… we can't always depend on master in any situation, isn't that any meaning to our existence if we just ended up being your burden all the time?

Please, grant us our selfish request this time to not accompany Master to explore this dungeon, and training by ourselves…]

Looking at Chali who gazing at me with a serious expression while she said those words, I became quite conflicted inside.

'She's right… If by chance I can't be at their side…'

Thinking about this possibility, I began to ponder about their request more carefully…

Finally, after properly settled the conflicted feeling inside my heart, I decided to give them my answer.


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