Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 156: Slaughter The Horse!

Drasp drasp drasp drasp!!* Horse running on the sand SFX

[Bsarog grooto!!]


With great vigor, the group of Centaur, wearing an Arabian warrior-like attire on their human part body, rushing at us from 1 Km distance away.

As they keep running in rhythm, they gradually created a "V" formation, increasing their speed faster to rush in our direction.

Their horse feet hitting the ground heavily, making the sand trembling from the vibration coming from it, intimidating anyone who saw them with their countless number and force.

Seeing they're approaching us closer, Anna who already drew her bow, releasing it and shooting multiple arrows swiftly with her dexterous hand!

Swiiish swish swish!


Realizing the power behind the arrow shooting at them, the leader of the Centaur group that positioned in the middle of the formation, shouting something like an order with an incomprehensible language at the centaur behind him.

He took something like a wooden shield behind his back before partially guarding its body with it.

Is not only him but the other centaur following behind, also began to take out their shield altogether in an orderly manner.

Wuush wushh! * Fliying arrow SFX

Slarsp! Crakk! Crak! * Arrow head hitting wood SFX


The centaur blocking the arrow skillfully and swiftly dodge the arrows that aimed toward their horse leg with a skillful jump!

Seeing their action, I couldn't help myself to recall a trained soldier that I once saw in a movie in my previous world.

'This centaur group, maybe they're not the typical brainless monster'

While I just having that thought, Anna who was beside me, looking at the centaur group in surprise and amazed.

[They are quite skillful!]

Even though her shot is failed to do some damage to them, but I can see that her expression is still calm while she was saying that.

It seems her attack before was just probing for finding out the Centaur ability.

But of course, they're still not a match to us!

[hahaha, to deal with an army, you need another army. Shadow Palace!!]

After getting the gist of the centaur capability, without hesitation, I activated my Shadow Palace Ability.

With the shadow below me enlarged into wide darkness, little by little, hundreds of undead skeleton appeared consecutively from it.

[Wah! It seems the rumor about you being a necromancer is true after all!]

Anna who saw the skeleton army suddenly came out from my enlarged shadow, gasped in surprise.


On the other hand, Alexa just opened her mouth in shock and became speechless.

She stared at me with a questionable gaze.

Ignoring their reaction, I observe the Centaur group that charging at us at a high speed.


Crattle* crackling*

With my command, my undead army started moving to the centaur group orderly.

Their movement speed gradually became faster before they started charging to the Centaur group with their respective weapon in hand.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the hundreds of skeleton army charging to them, the Centaurs cavalry were shocked, trying abruptly to halt their charge.

But this is where they made their blunder.

From the sudden changing situation, their formation became a mess.

Even though my undead army is not looking that much but they still give off a menacing aura with their great number after all.

Spotting this opportunity, of course, I will not leave this chance to waste.

[Slaughter the horse!!!]

I levitated toward the air and started releasing mana bullet with my hand toward the disorder and confused Centaur group without mercy.

Hundred of Sword Qi appeared from my back and started moving toward the Centaur group place.

With me as a signal, the other started to make their own move.

As the undead gradually approaching the centaur group and started to hinder them to regroup and reform their formation, the close combatant Anni and Alexa, started moving their body to enter the battlefield with daggers in both of their hand.

Anna with her bow, as usual, dealing the range attack as she swiftly shooting her arrow decisively, dealing a fatal blow to the Centaur horse legs, making their situation become worse.

And so, with the undead army swarming them like ants with a great number, the Centaur that known as the Ghost Sand Cavalry, became the food for us, giving a chunk of delicious EXP with their dead.



As the slaughter continues, the screeching death throes of the centaur eerily resonating in the hot desert.

A bright magic particle sparkling up in madness throughout the area of the battlefield, indicating the number of the dead within the centaur group increasing like crazy.

Before long, the sound of the screeching dead gradually calming down.

In the place of our clash, only my undead army and us, who were still standing.

As for the centaur? They already became a pile of dungeon drops scattering in the sand throughout the battlefield.

[Collect the goods!]

Clacking cracking* Bone crackling SFX

And so, with my order, my undead army began to move and gather the loots that were scattering around obediently.



--- 1 hour later ----

[Alex, is your rotten luck is too much? Why there's no good thing found within those loots!]

Right now, we were already finished collecting the drop from the centaur group that we slaughter.

Alexa who just checking and taking the share she got, started complaining at me with her unusual angry face.

[Sigh… I know right? throughout my dungeon exploration with my sister and Alex, we always get some garbage along the way…

Maybe the rarest thing we got until now is just the Alraune seed.

And even after Alex continuously challenge the boss repeatedly after that, the seed never drops again.

Alex, I think you really have terrible luck!]

Anna added.

Hearing the two of them started roasting me like that, my face began to redden as I tried to retort from the cruel slander they spew out to me.

But just I opened my mouth to speak, the voice wasn't come out at all.

Actually, deep inside my heart, I know that my luck was very terrible.

I already spend a lot of time exploring this dungeon, but the rare stuff I got here only could be countered with one hand…

even I couldn't call the other loots as a decent item.


In the end, I eased my wrinkled forehead and sighed in defeat.

[Alex, don't worry, even if you have the worst luck with dungeon drop, but you still have great luck with the woman.

Look at the beautiful twin on your side, any man who sees you will surely die in envy]

With her usual expressionless face, Alexa tapped my shoulder and said.

Staring at her, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing her trying to appease me with that words.

Speaking of her, in the end, she didn't dwell about my summoning undead ability.

She know, since our relationship is not that close enough, she refrained to ask an unnecessary thing that could dampen our relationship.

Maybe the statement she spewed out to me before was just her way to vent her emotion to me.

Anyway, at least she was not trying to add more salt to the wound that she just made.

[Stop complaining about the loots, you guys already had an easier fight with my help and still have the audacity to complain? Without my army you all maybe already dead tired right now.

Anyway, let's find those dead centaur settlement, maybe we can find a good thing in there]

Ending the topic about my luck, I tried to shift the topic to the probability of finding the Centaur settlement.

Hearing that maybe we could get decent stuff on the centaur settlement, they started readied themselves to continue the journey ahead.


Hence, we continue our journey once again.

This time, with a direction provided by me, I take Alexa job to guide the way.

From time to time, I fly to the sky and check the horizon, to see if I can found the nearby settlement of those dead centaur.

Actually, isn't that hard to track them if we were on the ordinary terrain.

But since this is a desert full of sand, some of the marks leaving by the Centaur started to disappear, covered by the sand after a long time.

And that's why, when we started following the horse mark leaving by the Centaur before, we got lost as to where we should find their settlement.

Thus, I who have a high detection ability decided to trace them back with their smell and living aura.

As we keep moving like this, it's not taking too long before my scan ability detected them.

[Found them!]

I informed my founding to the ladies in my party.

Hearing this, they turned their head to me with a pleasant surprise.

[Where? Is it some big settlement?]

[I don't know for sure, but I sense a quite number of them gathering in one place.

Let's go!

it's better if we'll found it out directly there~]

And so, I rushed to the detected group of centaur directions with the other following behind me.

After taking some distance, we gradually spot a rocky area not far from us.

Within the big sandy rock area, numerous simple tents built from something like monster material could be seen here and there, settling in the rocky area.

In there, a countless number of centaur were made it as their settlement.

[It's quite the big one, maybe we can find decent stuff in there~]

Anna looking at the big settlement excitedly.

Maybe, she's already tired of the lackluster loots that we got here, that's why the probability of founding something decent excites her this much.


I don't know why, but after looking at the excited Anna, I subconsciously apologize to her inside my heart.

Maybe I just gradually aware that my bad luck slightly dampens the fun of the dungeon exploration for them.

Thus, I slightly feel guilty.

[Hmm? This wind….]

As I was busy with my own thought, I heard Alexa who silently observing the settlement beside Anni, suddenly murmuring with a low voice.

[What is it? if you talked about the centaur, it seems they already notice our whereabouts here~ should we swarm them with my army like before and get the thing done fast?]

Saying this to Alexa, she turned her head to me and glancing toward the sky somewhere.

[No, I'm not talking about the centaur]


[I think the sandstorm soon will come here]

She added.

[Then, it's mean we have to make it fast before finding someplace to hide in the sandstorm later~]

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