Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 161: Chali's Team And Silvi's Team Adventure

Far from the Capital which was now brewing with a great undercurrent, back to the Titan Dungeon on Alabatrost City...

Somewhere on the Hell desert, the special floor of 41st~60th of the Dungeon.


Awooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *Wolf howl

Sccraaakk! Scraaak!!

Within the hot yellow dessert, a red giant wolf wreaking havoc everywhere, slaughtering a countless big giant ants colony at the size of a dog fearlessly.

With its big claw, the red giant wolf shredding the incoming ants monster who restlessly besiege them in madness, into pieces.

Tck tck tck* Ants noise.

Swuush swssh! *Flying Arrow SFX



Behind the Giant Red Wolf, a group of people wearing a white coat like-attire with their heads covered in a hood, and had their faces with a wolf mask, vigorously drawing their bow and slashed their dagger to the surrounding Ants monster which besieging them all around.

[Keep your guard tight, and firm your formation! With lady Chali as a vanguard we surely can overcome this ants colony attack!]

[Healer, Stabilize the close combatant HP!]


With a loud howl, the Big Red Wolf rushing forward, slaughtering the ants which were blocking its way, creating a road of Ant corpses.


As it keeps slaughtering the Ants, the wolf suddenly jumped at a high height before diving down somewhere.

Like a predator who found its target, it opened its mouth wide and bite inconspicuous small size ant that acted sneakily within the Ants colony.


With a chomp, it's tearing apart its body mercilessly!


With the part of the ant's body in its mouth, the Red Wolf howl with a great might majestically.

The howl of the Red Wolf suddenly took the ants' colony's attention… to be precise, the ant's body part was actually what taking their attention.

Looking at the corpse hanging in the Red Wolf's mouth, the ant's colony suddenly started making a weird movement, as their former formation gradually crumbling.

Not far from the red wolf, the group of mysterious people who were seeing this chance, unhesitatingly sharpen their move, slaughtering the confused Ants that acted like a mindless beast, as if the chain of command within their colony suddenly lost and made them confused.

Scatter!! Ckkt ckkt ckkt

Feeling their entire colony lifeline being threatened, the ants started scattering and run away in fear.

Of course, the people who hunt them will not let them escaped.

Without thinking twice, the Red Wolf and the group of mysterious people started to pursue them and slaughtering them without mercy.

They split up in all directions, annihilate the group of Ants with their respective weapon in their hand or body, like a wolf within the flocks of sheep.

With the fall of the Ant monsters, the brightness of the magic particle glowing throughout the battlefield, replacing the monster corpses with the dungeon drop items.


Just at the end of the battle, the Red Wolf walking into the center of the sea of dungeon drop howled proudly with its head lifting up toward the sky.

As the Red Wolf finished howling, the Red Wolf's body suddenly brightly lit up and mysteriously releasing red smoke that slowly spreading on top of the hot yellow sand below it.

Gradually, the light started to fade, as a silhouette of a graceful mature woman with a ponytail hidden within the red smoke blurry visible.

As the smoke slowly vanished, the appearance of the woman gradually became visible.

A red wine hair tied a ponytail, a stunningly beautiful face, and a voluptuous sexy body that was covered with a bewitchingly designed Battledress.

Who else if it's not Chali.

Upon turning back into her humanoid form, she began to stretch her neck, making her ponytail hair swaying elegantly.

[Captain! Thanks for the hard work!]

Looking at Chali who already gracefully turning back into her gracious woman form, the Mysterious group-… the Silver Wolf to be precise, giving their gratitude with awe.

[Ah, you guys also work very hard.

But, if you guys have some spare energy for shouting uselessly like this, it would be better if you all gathered the scattered loots here and cleverly save your energy on better thing~]


And so, they started roaming around throughout the battlefield, gathering the loots that scattered around with great vigor.


After making sure that her group member back to work, Chali turned around observing the surrounding desert.

Feeling the hot weather, her throat became dry as her forehead started to frown.

[These floors of Hell desert,… It's more troublesome than I expected.


The night is freezing cold, and the day is extremely hot…

And all these sand dunes… sigh…]

Sighing with a loose breath, Chali began to calm her head to analyze the situation she had into. 

Pondering for a while, she turned her head into the sky, only to find a cloudless blue sky with a hot bright sun.

Even though she knew that the sky above her was not real, but she couldn't help herself to think that maybe she can confirm the coordinates or a clue to find a way to conquer this floor.

Wuuushhhh~~~ *Wind Blowing SFX

As she absentmindedly observing the sky, a dry hot wind suddenly hit her face.

The hot wind brought a grain of sands, hit the soft skin of her face, making Chali back to her sense.


If I correctly recalled… the wind always blows in a certain direction…

And this grain of sands…

I believe the sand dunes here created a certain pattern from the wind here.


Maybe I can found some hint from this~]

After saying this, Chali back to her group and help her members to gather the loots dropped by the Ant monsters which were scattered around on top of the sand.



Meanwhile, while Chali and her group struggling to find a way to conquer the Hell desert, somewhere on the many different floors of Hell desert from Chali, another Silver Group struggling on their respective Hell desert exploration.


Some of them using their head and tried to think for a clue to conquer the floor, while some using brute force, walking straight, and depend on their inhuman perseverance to slowly conquer it.

On the latter type of group, Silvia Group was the most reckless among the others.


[Keep moving! Conquer the heat! Conquer the thirst! Let's turned all this suffering to our strength!

Who are we?]

[[Silver Wolf!]]

Within the endless hot desert, this strong voice of woman echoed throughout the lonely hot sand.

Leading the group, Silvia had a firm expression on her face, walking at the most front of the formation.

Some people said, being brave and stupid was distinguished in between a thin line.

Looking at Silvia who aimlessly walking, and leading her group with no remorse at all, it seems that people were not wrong after all...

Silvia, after she realized that her mortal enemy was still alive, her desire and thirst to become stronger were raising to a terrifying high.

With a burning heart, she endured the heat that continuously burning her skin as well as the ominously endless desert that attacked her mentality with its vastness.

Maybe she can endure this just fine, but it can't be said to the ordinary member of Silver Wolf who following her step, behind.

Even though they were screaming a slogan with high spirit before, but deep inside their heart, a sense of despair slowly creeping in into their heart.

Forget the heat, seeing the same scenery of the yellow desert, day and night, over and over, they began to think that all this time they walk in the same spot and not moving at all, stagnantly walking in this desert.

Of course, the change of her subordinate couldn't escape from Silvi's sense.

[Don't waver! Keep walking!]


[This is a test! This a test for us that are we worthy enough to become Alex woman! If your heart grows weaker with just this, I believe you don't have any qualification to fight on his side! Is that really what you want?!]



[I ask you once again, Is that what you guys really want?!]


[Good! Then keep moving! Believe me, after we conquer this desert, we surely born into a new person!

We will not just be a vase of flower for him, but a fearless warrior who fight beside him!

Once again…. Who we are?!]

[[Silver Wolf!!]]


Just as they reformed their spirit back, and overcame the dark thought inside their mind, all of a sudden,

Drasp drasp drasp *horse hooves hitting the sand SFX

Not far from them, a group of centaur suddenly appeared, bringing a storm-dust behind them.

[Move into formation!!]

Looking at the great number of Centaur rushing in their direction, Silvi's heart didn't flinch at all as she began to give her order to her member.

With her command, the Silver Wolf behind her started to regroup into a standard battle formation, with a long-range combatant guarded behind the melee ones.

As they started grouping into formation, the group of centaur slowly approaching their direction, closer and closer with great vigor.

Seeing this, There's not any hint of fear showed in Silvi's eyes.

Rather than fear, a glint of bloodthirstiness was visible in her gaze.

Slowly, her mouth making an excited smirk.

[Ahh~ this place is really a heaven, to have a prey coming by itself to you, rather than Hell desert, Yellow Paradise should be more fitting for these place]

As she just said those words, Silvi's face gradually changed into that maniacal expression that only could be found at the battle maniac.



And thus, the battle between the Crazed Silver Warrior Silvi and the Desert Ghost Cavalry began.


Swaajik!! swayayak!!!


Psheeew!! swuuusswsh!! *Flying arrows SFX







With a fearless smile plastered on her face, Silvi started licking her lips and began her massacre...

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