Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 163: The Oasis Of Treasure Troves

Upon getting down from my magic car, I take the other with me to head toward the strange Oasis not far from our place.

As usual, before I head there, I didn't forget to store my magic car in my inventory skill (The only Space&Time Magic that usable in the Dungeon).

Long story short, we approached the Oasis and taking our first step in the green vast park of these Hell desert dungeon floors.

Although, considering the information provided by Chali this Oasis was one of the rare safe places within this hell desert (Other than some mine and another hidden place), but I can't drop my vigilance.

Surely, the thing about this green small contained a lot of treasure is tempting, however, I can't forget that this place is still a dungeon.

As long as it wasn't a Safe Zones, who already confirmed to be safe by the Adventurer Guild with how human activities already running inside it, I can't treat this out-of-place green place in front of me the same as them.

After all, we're still in the wilderness out of nowhere right now.

After taking our first step here, I suddenly lifting up my hand, signifying the ladies who were following behind me to halt their step.

[Shadow Palace!]

Just as I shouted the Shadow Palace skill, the shadow below me started to enlarge, letting out the undead army in my storage to the outside world.

[Search this place, don't leave anything strange to escape and report it to me!]

With my command, the undead army started to split up and began to explore the Oasis.

After seeing that all of my undead already left, I turned my head toward the ladies behind me,

[You guys can start moving individually, just take this occasion as a rare free time]

[Sure] *Anna

Nodded *Alexa and Anni

Giving me a brief and silent reply, they left and moving head further inside the Oasis as they splitting up in a different direction.


With the others already leaving for their own respective exploration, I also began to proceed with my own exploration.


But just when I about to walk, I felt something is different in this place and made me wonder.

With my intuition, I decided to close my eyes and heightened all my five senses to probe the surrounding environment.


[Weird…. Ah! The elemental's move is very different here!]


After trying to perceive something that I felt different in this place, I found out that the Elementals consistency, as well as its behavior, is very different than what is commonly found in the desert outside this place!

First of all, unlike the hell desert, I found a lot of water elementals strongly dwell in this place.

Then, after I sense the emotion of the fire elementals here, they are acted rather peacefully than the one in the desert that always acted fiery for some unknown reason.

'So, it turned out that all water elemental in the Hell desert concentrated on the special Oasis like this… No wonder I can't find it anywhere on the desert before'

After pondering about it for a bit, I began to gradually understand the special terrain structure of the Hell desert.

'It seems the Oasis is a good place to rest when we exploring the hell desert.

Anyway, let's explore this place first'

Thus, I put the thought about elementals thing at the back of my mind, and continue to walk.

On this rare occasion, I decided to take my time exploring the Oasis by walking relaxedly.

This time, my appraisal ability will be used to the maximum to get detailed information about the strange plants which were decorating the Oasis into a beautiful place.

Looking around the surrounding area, I found a lot of palm trees-like plants growing in this green garden-like place.


{Bacchus's Palm Tree No.03}

Dungeon Magic plant.

-Bacchus, the God Of Wine in myth once trying to create a special wine using palm fruits.

Thus, Bacchus plants a special palm tree that could only grow in a special Oasis in the desert.

This Tree is one of the successful palm trees that he cultivated.


After appraising the tree, my sight gradually attracted to the lush palm fruits sticking out on the top of the palm tree.

This time, I appraised the fruit rather than the tree itself.


{Bacchus's Palm Fruit No.03}

Dungeon Magic plant.

-Bacchus, the God Of Wine in myth once trying to create a special wine using palm fruits.

This Palm fruit is what Bacchus Palm tree produced and used by the God Of Wine itself to brew his wine.

*Effect : recover 5% of total HP after eating it.


[Woah~ it can recover HP in percentage! This fruit surely will be sought by a lot of powerhouses out there!]

I was surprised after appraising the palm fruits.

Maybe you guys wonder, "what is so great about recovering 5% HP?"

For your information, most of the potion out there and circulating in the market could only recover HP on numerical value( For example: +5000HP, +10.000Hp, and +50.000HP).

Maybe this potion will good enough to support and heal people who have a total of under 500k HP.

But, how about a grandmaster above who had million of HP? Is recovering 50k of HP enough for them?

The answer is "NO". 

50k HP is just a minuscule number to those who had a very high HP.

It's just like a drop of water on the vast sea, it's recovered nothing.

That's why recovering HP in percentage was greater rather than recovering a certain numerical point of HP for them.

[Hahaha! I wonder if these fruits could be processed into a potion to increase its healing efficiency!]

Having thought of this possibility in mind, I hurriedly placed the Plant Manipulation skill that I copied from Alraune temporarily, harvesting the palm fruits in ease with it.

With this skill, I can control plants as if it was my limbs, hence I didn't have to move out from my place and make the plant and the fruits came into my hand by themselves.

After Gathering a lot of palm fruits in hand, I excitedly store them on my inventory skill.

'Considering the scale of this Oasis, There must be more than this palm fruits!'

At this moment, this thought suddenly appeared inside my head.

I turning my head and saw my surrounding green scenery, full of mysterious plants and trees all over my vision.

This time, I also began to appraise it one by one.

Although I found that most of the plants I appraise didn't have any effect and just ordinary plants, however, my expectation never waver for a bit.

With a high spirit, I continue to explore the Oasis, roaming over it by walking.

If I found something useful, without a second thought I gathered it and store it in my inventory.

Along the way, I share this founding with the Undead Army with my thought and gave them an order to harvest the fruits that I already found it useful.

Throughout my exploration, there're three fruits that have an incredible effect that made me flabbergasted after I just appraising them.

The orange-like fruits, red blood peaches, and mysterious rainbow grapes.

As for their respective appraisal result, it is as follows...


{Yellow Mandarine}

Dungeon Magic plant.

-A special fruit that only could be found at Dionysus's garden somewhere within the Hell Desert.

*Effect : Increase AGI permanently by 100 upon consumption. After the 10th consumption, this effect will be nullified.


{Peach Of Wisdom}

Dungeon Magic plant.

-A special fruit that only could be found at Dionysus's garden somewhere within the Hell Desert.

*Effect : Increase INT permanently by 100 upon consumption. After the 10th consumption, this effect will be nullified.


{Grapes Of Life}

Dungeon Magic plant.

-A special rare fruit that only could be found at some of Dionysus's garden, somewhere within the Hell Desert.

In the Epic of God, Grapes of life is known as one of the ingredients to create the legendary Elixir Of Life.

*Effect : Increase natural HP regen permanently by 20% upon consumption. After the 10th consumption, this effect will be nullified.


Crazy! Those fruits' effects are absolutely crazy!

That was what I thought after appraising them.

I believe if you guys were in my shoes, you will also feel overwhelmed like me for sure!

Of course, when I knew that these amazing fruits were hidden somewhere in this Oasis, I began to mobilize the Undead army under me to started gathering them in madness without a second thought!


Do you guys complain about protecting the environment and asked me to harvest these fruit in reserve?

Screw it! I don't give a shit about Dungeon Environment!

Who cares if the dungeon environment will be destroyed anyway? isn't it will just recover back by itself? probably..


And so, already blinded with greed, I and my undead began to ravage and harvest these mythical fruits like crazy.




Spending my time about hours after hours, ravaging, and gathering the "treasure" which temptingly hanging on top of the trees like crazy, I gradually became calmer when I realize that these fruits already became harder to find.

I recalled that along the way I was gathering this fruit, I found some tropical fruit that people in my previous world usually found in some countries with a tropical climate, and gathering some of it.

Different from the three special fruit I found before, these tropical fruits didn't have a ridiculous effect or something out of the norm like those three treasures.

Most of them like the palm fruit I found, have an effect on HP recovery albeit it's not as potent and strong as the palm fruits I first found.

Anyway, if I compare it with the potion circulating in the market outside, these fruits were quite decent so there's no loss to gather more of it.

Furthermore, I can also send some of it to the biological laboratory in my hidden city to experimenting with it later.

Maybe, after some further study by my people, these fruits could be used to create a new brand potion that more potent than the one circulating on the market which was regulated by the Alchemist group.

There's a lot of possibilities coming with the fruits here, so of course, I will not leaving the fruits here alone like an idiot.

Gathering fruits after fruits, I didn't realize the sky above me became darker, as the temperature around me started to drop and became colder.


When I plan to stop my activities, all of a sudden, out of nowhere Anni suddenly appeared on top of the nearby trees and calling my name.

[Anni, it's quite unusual for you shouting excitedly like this.

Is something happen?]

[We found something incredible on the lake!]

Hearing her talking about finding something incredible, I became interested and observed her expression carefully.

'To make the usual behave and silent Anni became like this… I wonder if the thing they found was that incredible?'


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