Isekai Rohan


Knock knock* 

"Good morning Mr Asai, breakfast will be ready soon." One of the waitresses announces outside of the room. Imagine that, a single Loha coin for a nights stay with food and bath. Honestly I'm surprised by how much they're worth. After talking with some of the regulars down at the tavern below, It seems most of the peasant and lower class people trade in a bronze coin called crones. Whilst the middle and upper class people trade with silver coins. The ones you obtain from monsters.

It does make sense to me I guess, the coins I use should be considered the universal coinage accepted even by the Elven people. Whilst the bronze coins, the crones are minted locally. The separation between the poor and the richer reminds me of Earth. Where the rich get richer...

Okay, enough nostalgia from Earth. I need to head to the guild and check if Mel is around.


On route towards the guild. I stocked up on foodstuff and replaced my battle worn armour. The new leather has been tempered and as requested is tinted black. This should go well with my [Hide] skill.

Continuing with my pacing, I decide to take a shortcut through Einhoren. Traversing through the slums to my surprise, I find the young boy from yesterday sleeping in the middle of the path. That position can't be comfortable can it?

"Hey kid, you shouldn't sleep here. Oi." I prod him. He's...? I flip him over onto his back, to my dismay I find his body to be covered in bruises. From my inventory I pull out a small HP vial. Luckily for me, I don't have to do that thing where I place the liquid in my mouth and somehow feed it via mouth to mouth. To this day, I still don't understand how that could be better than just allowing the liquid to run its course, down the throat etc.

"COuugh COough*" The potion's effect has taken effect. The bruises and weirdly shaped bumps are fading. His eyes openly slightly to glance at me, before falling back to sleep.

[Robin: Lvl 1]

"Don't worry kid, you'll be alright." Not to my surprise, I pick him up, finding his body to be extremely light. "He's too skinny... Poor thing."

I wonder, if I took him back to the orphanage would they accept him? I carried the boy towards the local church. As the priests saw me, rather than assist me, or care for the kid they tried to deny me access.

"Halt! You're entering sacred grou-" Before he could say whatever shit he was going to, I interrupted him.

"How much?"


"I wish to donate Loha coins, how much?" Before the priest could answer me, another priest quickly approached. I noticed his robes to be of higher quality. I can only assume that he is some sort of elder here.

"Five coins. Donate that amount and I'll permit your entry." He immediately showed me the way. Inside, he led me to what looked like a wishing fountain. As I peered in, as the fountain wasn't that deep at all, I saw pristine marble. A tad confused I looked to the Elder Priest he gestured me. I threw five coins in as instructed, only to find the coins evaporate into golden particles. "Thank you, Goddess Loha has accepted your donation."

"The kid, heal the kid." I urgently demanded. I don't have time for this religious stuff. The HP potion I fed the boy was effective, and did its part but, he's still too pale for my liking. 

"Tch. To order around a priest, youngsters these days are so uncultured. Tsk Tsk." Although he complained about my attitude, he turned towards the fountain, cupping his palms together he brought to me a small amount of the fountain water. Ignoring my curiosity he fed the water to the boy. "That'll do it."

I watched as the boy's body emitted a little golden radiance. "Thank you, sir." Colour returned to Robin's cheeks. 

"Thank you for your donation, Loha bless'th thou." The priest pointed towards the gates. Understanding him, I nodded before making my way back to the tavern.

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