Isekai Rohan


[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest] (Inactive)
Level Requirement: 50
Requirements: Kill score [332/1000] 

Requirements: Kill score [349/1000]

Requirements: Kill score [372/1000]

Currently, Asai sat upon a tree branch above the horde. Consuming multiple potions. However, as potent as the potions are. Consuming them within such a short time frame gave diminishing returns. Unable to recover his full strength, he was forced to rest naturally.

"[Hide] really is over powered huh." Asai began to eat a soft white bun, its filling was something that reminded him of beef bulgogi, marinated sweetly on top of cabbage. As he enjoyed his quick break, off to the distance he saw it.

[Contaminated Plant: Lvl 45] surrounded by [Toxic Plant: Lvl 33] [Toxic Plant: Lvl 29] [Toxic Plant: Lvl 31]

"Level 45 YOISH!" Asai stood upon the branch and began to stretch his arm across his chest to prepare. Because of his overwhelming confidence he didn't notice the boss mob plunging its many feet into the ground.

BAANG* A dark green spear as large as a horse smashed into the tree Asai was on. Causing him to fall towards the ground. He instantly activated [Hide] and changed his mindset to one of determination and will. He recklessly charged through the hordes, the low level plants weren't able to detect him. However, the [Contaminated Plant] although within the effective level range of [Hide] could seem to approximately guess his location. Firing spear after spear upon his general location. The AOE effect of the skill from the splinters killed many of the mobs.

"Either [Hide] isn't as reliable as I thought or he- Ah." Asai quickly came to a realization. This was a plant type monster. Compared to the others, it was thrice the size, hovering over the others. Two arm like things branches stuck out at its torso. Brown crackled wood seemed to be its armour.

With its feet planted into the ground, it must be gathering information via vibrations. To test this theory he immediately stopped moving, resulting in the boss firing lances randomly, killing its own offspring in the process.

"Fuck! He's taking my precious EXP!" Happy with the results of his little test he began his assault. To ensure that he wasn't interrupted Asai ran a few circles around the boss. The [Contaminated Plant] still rapidly firing towards the heavier footsteps appeared berserk towards the lower plants. This created a large amount of space to be left emptied and avoided by the [Toxic Plant]s 

Finally, the arena was ready!

[Sealing Square]!

Now, sure of his one on one with mummy-dearest Asai didn't hesitate to drop a [Psychic Phantom] on the boss's backside.

"*SCCCCCCCREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAK" A large chunk of the [Contaminated Plant]'s backside blew up. It immediately spun around and fired a lance towards the now in clear view Asai. 

[Hide] Asai immediately dived towards the side and re-entering stealth. This only resulted in the boss randomly pelting the ground around. Rather than fighting the boss, Asai found himself blocking and parrying off the shard fragments that shot off from the lances.

When he found the timing he quickly dropped another [Psychic Phantom] Causing more of the plant's mass to erupt. Green goo spurting out and covering him. Some of it had ended up inside his mouth.

"This taste? Fucking sour and rotten." He quickly checked himself as he re-entered stealth.

[Asai: Lvl 39 (poisoned)]

"Oh, fuck me!" Asai's heart beat was going over-drive. [Sealing Square] faded out of existence. However, [Hide] seemed to still be in effect, as he made sure his person was still semi transparent to his eyes.

Realizing that his mana must be running low, his extra limb, mana informed his brain that he couldn't afford another [Psychic Phantom]

Asai stood, taking deep breaths. Attempting to calm his raging heart down.

"I've been approaching this world like it's a game. But, death is death and I probably won't receive any second chances huh." Asai was wracking his brains for ideas and it was at this moment that he realised his folly. "Right! This isn't a game so-" From his inventory he pulled out his old clothes, rags and easy to burn cloths before sprinting over and dropping them onto the [Contaminated Plant] And on top of the pile, he dropped a [Torch] that ignited the high-burnable materials.

"*SCREAAAAAAAK!!" The boss was instantly set aflame, stunned momentarily due to the sudden appearance of its mortal enemy. Fire, and also the human who sported a large grin across his face. As it tried to rip its legs out of the ground. Asai targeted his joints. Ignoring the wooden armour and pin-pointing the soft green fleshy joints, the giant plant fell back down to the ground. It screeched a high pitch sound that stunned Asai. "SSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKKT"

It was at this moment the surrounding plants began to converge on Asai's location.


[Psychic Phantom]! 

The [Contaminated Plant]s giant sunflower head exploded. Asai was flung back towards the treelines, the [Toxic Plant]s that were within proximity instantly perished.

Stunned, paralyzed and poisoned. Asai sat with his back against a tree stump. Unable to move a limb, he watched as the remaining horde acted in unison.

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