Isekai Rohan


"Milord! What happened to just scouting? You've been away for two hours at least!"

"Ah, that. Yeah, we get a bit carried away. Anyways, no time like the now." Asai then went into [Hide] leaving the group alone. He alone would speed run the majority of the dungeon, nuking the stronger monsters out of existence, and leaving the weaker ones for the group. Any monsters in which he wasn't sure of, he would leave nicks and cuts, bleeding the beast out and weakening them.

[Lycan Gladiator: Lvl 42]  

The lowest level he had seen was 35. Perfect for the group Whilst anything 40 and above didn't even get the chance to say their last words.

Focusing the wounds on their legs, he made their foundation weaker. As every punch or strike required one to garner kinetic energy via mass starting from the feet. Having wounds there effectively weakened their speed, agility and power.


When he couldn't find any higher levelled foes. He would return and keep an eye on the little ones.

After a few fights, something no one but Asai had noticed greatly shocked him. 

Robin, who had travelled with him back a year ago had endeavoured to imitate his style. The little one now ducked in a out of vision using the RFC's large bodies to literally block sight and leave aggro.

She didn't have the bloodlines of Dhans, that was one thing Asai was sure of. And there was simply no way she would be a unholy mixture of Dhan, Human and Elf would she?

Thus, Asai believed she didn't have access to Dhan exclusive skills like [hide] However, there were moments here and there where Robin seemed to slip out of sight even for him. Upon spending a couple hours observing and closely watching her every fibre of muscle move, the system popped up.


  • 70% Chance of vanishing

The information simply appeared in his mind like he understood it. It didn't seem like Robin herself was aware of it. Her mana currently was running on auto-polite or something. Activating only on her will and great desire to perform in a way. "Is this what they call god-given-talent? Or one in an million? Holy..."

Asai immediately ran a few tests, instructing his own mana to cast [Disappear] however as much as his mana tried, the skill appeared like a foreign language to it. "So, it's a half elf's exclusive skill? Or maybe Robin's own skill" He figured. He found this to be adorable. She desired to be like him so much that the world itself blessed her with a skill similar to his, albeit weaker and less consistent. 

In regards to her movement and battle style, she was just like Asai. However, she didn't have [Psychic Phantom] nor the evolved version


At this point, Asai literally got down on his knees and began to pray, to which ever god was watching over her that she'd be granted an attack skill that suited her.

As Asai's weapons didn't exist in this world currently, Robin was unable to truly copy his finest moments. Instead, she wielded her two daggers in pick-axe grip. Luckily for her, her daggers consisted of sharp edges on both sides unlike samurai swords that had only a single edge. This gave her a greater degree of freedom. 

However, when considering efficiency, the Ice pick grip was out performed by a standard grip. Instead of being able to assault the enemy body with numerous stabs to puncture and wound. Robin now had to rely on numerous shallow cuts and slashes to bleed out the enemy.

Once the enemy had bled enough and became weakened, then and only then would her Ice pick grip truly shine. Being light and nimble enough, Robin would leap up, utilizing her entire body mass and weight to stab down with both blades. Being smart enough to not hang around, she used his glutes and leg muscles to propel herself away. 

To Asai, it looked like she was performing parkour around the battlefield. Back flipping of the Lycans. Once again, all this acrobatics must be because of [Psychic Phantom]s tendency to forcing him to perform flips and motions to quickly stabilize himself again.

He tried to imagine in third person view. If he couldn't see the astral projection of mana, wasn't aware of [Psychic Phantom]

"Yep, I'm definitely just running all over the field doing flips and tricks here and there. No wonder people find my battle style to be unconventional..."

Within the corner of his eyes he notices a Lycan Gladiator at level 48.


[Death Call]







[Asai Trichia: Lvl 52->54 ]  [Robin: Lvl 33->39]  [Clam: Lvl 32->38]   [Benny: Lvl 30->35]   [Gary: Lvl 31->36]


I'm not making this up for the sake of plot. Believe me bros.

The half-elf class for some random unexplained reason had 1 stealth skill. It literally was randomly thrown into its skill tree.

70% chance of Vanishing for 30 minutes.

Also, Ice pick grip with knives is a real thing.

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