Isekai Rohan


Royal Training Grounds

Prince Victor loved this day of the year. It almost felt like a second birthday to him. Today was the day the harvest would be ready for him to enjoy. Laying drugged and asleep in front of him were rows and rows of evolved monsters and beasts alike. Prince Victor would personally slay and absorb the stronger mobs whilst he would allow his most favoured loyal paladin knights to harvest the weaker monsters.

Of course, these monsters were taken from the colosseum, after sacrificing many of the population to forcefully evolve them.

Standing by his side was Walter and Istvan.

Istvan had just returned in time for this years harvest. On an bi-monthly basis Victor was assign his paladins to numerous baronies and counties to aid and assist in the culling of the local monsters. This garnered him many benefits.

Rather than have his paladins rot away forever training within the Royal Palace. He would ensure each and every member had field experience to a high degree. Being switched around often ensured they were used to being rapidly deployed to different terrains and environments. More exposure towards different beasts according to the wild life.

Whilst also acting as his personal reminder to the noble houses that he was there watching over their moves. To not do anything remotely related to treachery. Of course, the noble houses that assisted and supported the prince would receive better support and aid from Victor. The paladins themselves saw this as their opportunity to please their prince, and to possibly receive a higher quality of harvest. With such fervour, they always acted in Prince Victor's best interests whilst assigned.

Istvan, who had finished his recent assignment at Baron Bralcom's barony was always eager to please Victor. Hence, after Victor had absorbed the cream of the crop, Istvan would receive the second bests.


Prince Victor had just beheaded his last beast and was in the final moments of absorbing its soul fragments. Feeling the mana enter him, becoming his to instruct.

"Your highness, I hope you've enjoyed this years harvest." Walter brought over the prince's sheath.

"Good work Walter. I'm very satisfied. In fact, the quality of your crops was truly delightful."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Walter. What of the project?"

"Ahem* Your army is ready your highness. The only thing we need now is a casus belli. One great enough to either stop the other faction from interfering or to infer their hatred and anger enough that they'll join your cause. Your rise to greatness, to become a Hero King appears imminent your highness."

A dastardly grin stretched across Victors handsome face.

"Your highness, my agents report sighting an Elven convoy approaching our lands. They appear to be searching for one of their lost heroes. May I suggest utilizing them for your goals?"

"Yes, do so. Kill them all and plant irrefutable evidence on them. Allow one of those Elf-loving nobles to find their corpses. I'm sure you know not to be seen."

"Yes your highness, I'll personally carry this task out. Your highness, my I suggest kidnapping human children from the local population and perhaps even include a few noble daughters? We'll leave their corpses wrapped up in chains along with the elves. We'll make it look as if they were all slaughtered by monsters. And, also it's best if your personal paladins are seen far from the borders. You should also appear more, be it visiting the common people or holding balls. Thus, creating a solid alibi for you and your entire force."

"Good, good. If any of the noble houses ask, tell them I've summoned my personal corps back for their annual refitting and maintenance of gears. I'll put on a charade, marching them through the capital. No one will question my whereabouts then."

Victor was about to walk off before an idea popped within his royal mind.

"Walter. Contact the Disco Dream establishment. Tell them to prepare for my next visit."

"It shall be done, your highness."

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