It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 103

The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

"Hey, hey, what are you putting in the morgue?"

It seemed that someone came out of the morgue and stood at the door and shouted loudly.

This voice made Wu Wen inexplicably irritated, and he even wanted to stand up and slap this person.

But he didn't know what was going on. He could only lie here and couldn't move his body at all, as if he was a corpse.

Feeling this feeling of being helpless, Wu Wen became more irritated.

Deep doubts also emerged in his heart.

Who is he? Why is he here? Where is this place?

Countless questions kept lingering in Wu Wen's mind, causing him to have a splitting headache, and even wanted to hit himself to death.

But unfortunately, he was a corpse, a corpse that could not move.

So he could only lie here and listen to the noise coming from outside.

Along with the sound of that voice, another older voice followed.

"The dean asked them to put it here temporarily. The morgue is cool, and it is not easy to deteriorate if the paint is placed here."

It seemed that another person came over and stood at the door, talking to the first person who spoke.

After hearing the old voice, the younger voice sounded again, full of impetuous feeling.

"No, I don't understand why the dean must paint the walls red? I have never seen a few hospitals with red walls since I grew up!"

The young voice was extremely impetuous, and Wu Wen's mood became impetuous.

Who am I? What am I doing here? Why can't I feel my body?

Wu Wen couldn't even open his eyes. There was a dark patch in front of him, and he could only feel that he was lying there quietly.

This feeling makes people extremely crazy, because this feeling of having no control over their own body makes people feel like a piece of duckweed on the water, swaying and without foundation.

At this time, the two people standing at the door have already started gossiping fiercely about the dean's decision.

"What do you know? I think the dean must have his reasons for doing this! I think this is very likely related to suppressing the thing in the hospital!" The old voice became much smaller, and the sound of a lighter sounded.

Wu Wen could even imagine the two of them standing together quietly, smoking and talking in a low voice.

But why, do I want to smoke so much?

While the old voice was telling the story, the young voice sneered: "Hmph, you old fool, do you really believe those things spread in the hospital? I ask you, have you seen it? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Young man, don't disbelieve it, there are definitely things in this world that you don't know..."

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Although I haven't seen it, I..."

"You haven't seen it, what do you say? Are you so easily deceived?"

"Xiao Wang, you can not believe it, but you can't..."

"You haven't seen it, what are you talking about? I just don't believe it, because I haven't seen it! You haven't seen it either, what do you say you are not superstitious?"

The old voice was retorted by the young voice several times before he could finish his words.

The tone of the young man's retort was particularly disdainful, which made Wu Wen's head big.

It seemed that the older one was also annoyed by the retort, and he roared directly.

"Stop! Xiao Wang, if you don't believe it, then don't believe it. I believe it. Anyway, I don't believe that four or five doctors and nurses would die in a hospital for no reason."

The young man was even more disdainful of the old man's angry voice. He snorted coldly: "It's not that I don't believe it, but your stories are too outrageous! What about seeing a headless doctor in the hospital in the middle of the night, what about seeing a new haunted building in the hospital in the middle of the night! I even heard a few nurses saying that they could enter another hospital by disguising themselves as corpses in the middle of the night!

How can I believe these extremely clichéd stories you made up? The dean is also crazy. He spent money to hire people and paint the walls red. Why doesn't he know to raise the salaries of doctors and nurses and improve the facilities of the hospital?"

The young man's voice was filled with indignation, but as soon as he finished speaking, all the sounds outside suddenly disappeared.

Wu Wen lay there in a daze, his mind was confused, but he felt that his body seemed to want to regain control.

Even his breathing

All recovered.

Accompanied by the sound of slight breathing, the sound outside came again.

But this time, it was no longer the sound of people talking, but a very stiff walking sound.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

The walking sound was very stiff, and even made Wu Wen feel that the person walking should be walking with straight legs.

An unexplained sense of panic rose in his heart. He didn't know why he suddenly had this feeling, but he felt more and more nervous and more and more scared.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

The footsteps gradually approached, and even every step was like stabbing a sharp knife into Wu Wen's heart.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. They, they seemed to be coming?

Wu Wen was confused. He didn't know who he was, and he didn't know why he was so scared, but he knew that if he let these two people come to him, he would definitely not have a good end!

Wu Wen was anxious. He was panicking and kept trying to control his body to stand up. However, he always felt that the connection between him and his body was like the claw of a claw machine, weak and powerless, and he couldn't even grab it.

In Wu Wen's extreme fear, finally, the sound of footsteps came to his side.

Wu Wen was extremely nervous.

"Shua!" The thing covering Wu Wen's face was lifted up by someone, and at the same time, Wu Wen opened his eyes wide.

In the dark night, a headless doctor stood by his bed!


The heavy rain kept falling, and the dense rain was even blown into the morgue by the wind.

Wu Wen, covered with a white cloth, lay motionless on the bed, as if he was a real corpse.

"Crack, crack!"

The sound of the freezer engine and the sound of rain mixed together, and I don't know when a third sound came out.

This sound came from the freezer, and it was not just one freezer. From the distribution of the sound, it seemed that seven or eight freezers made inexplicable noises.


Accompanied by the sound of friction, a freezer compartment where the corpse was stored actually slowly began to pop out by itself.


Not only did it pop out, but along with the sound, several freezer compartments made noises, and then the freezer compartments slowly opened outwards automatically.

"Hiss, hu~~"

Accompanied by the popping out of the freezer, a heavy breathing sound slowly sounded in the morgue.

Accompanied by a creaking sound, a corpse covered with frost sat in each of the six morgues that popped out!

"Hiss, hu~~"

The heavy breathing sound came from the chests of these six corpses. It is hard to imagine that a frozen corpse can actually breathe!

As the breathing sounded, the six corpses stood up straight from the morgue.

With just a slight jump, their bodies jumped straight out of the morgue and jumped to the periphery of the bed where Wu Wen was lying, forming a circle.

"Hiss, huh~~"

Heavy breathing sounded, and the six corpses half-bent their waists, lowered their heads, and gathered their heads at the position of Wu Wen's head covered with white cloth. Even their heavy breathing could hit the white cloth, making the white cloth show a little bit of ripples.

Human skin lay quietly under Wu Wen's bed, looking around, looking at a circle of cold and pale calves quietly waiting for Wu Wen's orders.

It felt that Wu Wen must have his own ideas if he didn't give orders now! Wu Wen was tired of his disobedience, so it had to be more obedient this time to prevent Wu Wen from driving it out of the house.

It wanted to show Wu Wen that human skin was the most obedient baby!


"Hoo!" A quick breath came out of Wu Wen's mouth.

The extreme fear and tension made Wu Wen suddenly open his eyes.

"Shua!" As his eyes opened, a white area appeared in front of him.

In fact, at night, the white cloth also looked black.

Wu Wen's heart beat for a while, and he looked at the white cloth in front of him blankly. His memories came to his mind, mixed with his previous experience, making his mind confused for a while before he reacted.

"Hoo, did I just go into the hospital?"

Wu Wen's memory gradually became clear, and everything he had just experienced began to recall in his mind.

The headless doctor, the red walls painted by the dean, the contents that were not recorded in the dean's diary and the diaries of those doctors, and what disguised as a corpse to enter another hospital...

"Sure enough, sure enough

This one-and-a-half-star mission is just an appetizer for a more advanced mission! Just like the Linjie County Primary School. And I, by mistake, disguised myself as a corpse and entered another hospital! "

Wu Wen's mood calmed down. In fact, when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

Because I had no memory in another hospital just now, and I couldn't control my body. And I didn't know why I was always afraid, or that kind of extreme fear! I just didn't know why I could come back?

Wu Wen looked at the white cloth in front of him and thought secretly in his heart, but then he shifted his attention and focused on the situation in front of him.

It's too early to think about these now. Forcing me to come back is either the ability of the game or the triggering of some mechanism. Anyway, according to Wu Wen's feeling, it should be the game's forced repatriation. After all, my current ability can't withstand the strength of the hospital.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The outside world is still the sound of the freezer running, and the sound of rain falling on the ground is also It kept ringing, and it was no different from before he was lost in thought.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but the human skin didn't wake him up, so it seemed that he had only been unconscious for a short while.

It was just that the idea of ​​pretending to be a corpse didn't seem to be of any use.

Wu Wen pulled away the white cloth covering his face and wanted to stand up.

However, as soon as the white cloth on his face was torn away by himself, six cold and pale heads leaned forward and stared straight into his eyes.

These six heads were old and young, and there was still a layer of cold frost on their faces and heads. Their eyeballs were turbid and looked cloudy and white, and they looked no different from Wu Wen's eyeballs.

They were just the eyeballs of dead people.

Wu Wen's heart suddenly tightened. He never thought that the situation outside his white cloth was like this!

"Gan!" Wu Wen's eyes were wide open, and he punched the cold heads gathered together less than 20 centimeters above his head.

"Bang! "

This punch was so powerful that it knocked several heads in front of him backwards.

Wu Wen grabbed the axe next to his right hand and jumped off the bed.

While the corpses were still standing up from the ground, he looked down.

Damn it, the old man Renpi was still lying under the bed, looking at him expectantly!

"You didn't say something was coming?" Wu Wen said angrily. Why did he feel more and more that Renpi was a fool!

But now is not the time to deal with it. Wu Wen picked up the axe in his hand, took two steps forward, and rushed directly to the corpse that had just stood up closest to him.

When he was halfway there, he had already raised the axe in his hand high.

As Wu Wen's body approached, the axe in his hand fell heavily and chopped down the back of the neck of the corpse in front of him.

The best choice for this corpse is to break the spine.

"Puff! "A sound was heard, and the axe hit the flesh.

This axe is more useful than a machete. The axe chopped and smashed, directly splitting the neck of the old man in his seventies in front of him in half, and even the frozen bones inside were directly chopped by the force of the axe. Only a layer of flesh and skin was left on the head in front of him, connecting the body below, hanging on the neck and swinging constantly.

Fortunately, they have been dead for a long time and the blood has not circulated, otherwise the blood would have gushed out two or three meters.

However, even so, the corpse in front of him whose head was about to fall off still did not fall down. It even felt as if it was not affected at all, and stood up and grabbed Wu Wen.

"It's not dead yet?" Wu Wen couldn't believe it. With this injury, the zombie would die if it was on the zombie, but this thing had no effect at all!

Wu Wen dodged the scratch of the head-turning corpse in front of him, raised the axe in his hand and chopped it on the shoulder again.

"Puff! "This time, the force was even greater, almost chopping off the left arm of the corpse in front of him.

Now, its left hand can no longer be used.

However, at this time, the other five corpses had already surrounded him, and formed a circle, surrounding Wu Wen completely.

The six corpses were getting closer and closer, and the expression on Wu Wen's face became more and more ugly.

These things are difficult to kill, no, at present, it seems that they can't be killed at all. Because the corpse whose arm was chopped off by himself, the half arm hanging on the body can still move, and it has nothing to do with the bones on the body.

How to fight this? Wu Wen slowly retreated, constantly thinking about ideas in his heart.

"These corpses can move, they can't be killed, and the task evaluation says: The dead should have the dead

Characteristics, quiet, cold, motionless. But there are always some characteristics that the dead abandon.

Dead? Corpse? Can a corpse enter another hospital? Hiss, I seem to know. "

Wu Wen's eyes became more and more dead, and he suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

It turns out that task evaluations are useful! The dead should be like corpses, and corpses can enter the inner hospital, which means that I can try to kick these corpses down, cover them with the white cloth of the morgue, and send them to the inner hospital!

Wu Wen suddenly realized, he looked at the human skin that had just crawled out from under the bed, and shouted: "Bring me the white cloth on the bed!"

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