It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 11

The more you think, the more you will know.

When your thoughts are determined, you will have a guideline for action.

Wu Wen stood up and nervously glanced at the dark stairwell.

The stairwell was completely dark. Except for the blood-red 7-letter sign that emitted a faint scarlet dim light, nothing else could be seen clearly.

There was a window in the middle of the convex corridor, right next to Wu Wen, facing the stairwell.

Wu Wen slowly moved two steps and looked out through the window.

The scene outside the window appeared in front of Wu Wen.

Darkness, thick darkness, all darkness!

It's not that there is nothing outside the window and it's all dark. In fact, there are still various high-rise buildings outside the window, and their layout and appearance are exactly the same as Wu Wen's impression, except that there are no lights and people.

Because there is no light, everything he touches is all black. It is because the light emitted by the scarlet moon above his head allows Wu Wen to see the surrounding scenery a little, otherwise it would be pure black.

Something is wrong. Has he entered the other world?

Wu Wen seemed to have some enlightenment. He remembered the prompt of the task: Elevators are tools for modern people to go up and down the stairs, but can you guarantee that every time the elevator door opens, the outside is still your original world?

Looking at this prompt, it seems that the elevator door is indeed opened and entered another world.

So where he is now is a weird world?

There is a weird world?

Wu Wen thought of the so-called weird door in the game again. I wonder if the two are related.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

Wu Wen collected his thoughts, then turned around, clenched the machete in his hand, and glanced at the phone in his left hand.

"Eleven fifty-one."

Just nine minutes have passed, damn, why is time passing so slowly?

Wu Wen looked at the time anxiously, and now he finally admitted that there is indeed a time that passes slower than going to work or school!

Wu Wen gathered his thoughts, looked at the dark stairwell again vigilantly, then clenched the machete in his hand and walked towards the horizontal corridor.

The horizontal corridor connects two residents, which may be more terrifying and dangerous.

Wu Wen walked to the corner in less than two steps.

After all, it is just a community, and the corridor will definitely not be very long. From the elevator door to the horizontal corridor, the distance is at most two or three meters.

So even if Wu Wen walks slowly, he will reach the end in four or five steps.

Since there is no light, the lighting depends entirely on the moonlight scattered from the windows of the vertical corridor, so the horizontal corridor is darker.

Wu Wen made up his mind and looked at both sides quickly.

Very good, nothing was seen!

He looked up again and looked at both sides slowly again.

Very good, nothing was seen!

Wu Wen relaxed a little, then slowly moved his feet and chose a position on the left.

A vermilion door appeared in front of Wu Wen in the dark. The distance of less than two meters was enough for Wu Wen to see the scene clearly.

There was nothing scary, but the door god on the door was a little scary. His eyes were bleeding, and there were even bloodstains dripping on the ground.

Wu Wen was startled, and then turned his head to look behind, that is, another resident.

The same door, the same couplet, looked no different.

Wu Wen thought about it, but still didn't dare to go forward.

There were only a few minutes left, so don't take any risks.

Wu Wen turned around and prepared to leave, and suddenly a sound like knocking on glass sounded from the corridor on the left!


The clear sound seemed extremely strange in the silent environment, which frightened Wu Wen.

He turned his head quickly, but found nothing.

The gate remained the same, and the door god was still in the same position.

So where did the sound come from?

Wu Wen did not dare to relax his vigilance at all, because he often watched horror movies, so he knew that generally speaking, the appearance of such a sound basically meant that ghosts were about to come out!

Sure enough, the knocking sound rang again.


The sound was silent, and it seemed to be the sound of flesh knocking on glass, but it made Wu Wen even more scared.

The knocking sound seemed to be a little higher.

And the upper position was the glass window above the door!

That's right, there are glass windows on the doors of this community, but they are frosted glass, which is said to be set for beauty.

Wu Wen was extremely nervous, and he slowly

He raised his phone and aimed the light at the window.

A dead face with eyeballs protruding outwards, corpse spots all over his face, and a long tongue appeared on the window.

There was a rope hanging around his neck. He must have been hanged at the door of his own house. With the swing of the rope, the dead face collided with the window from time to time.

And the collision sound Wu Wen heard just now was obviously the sound of the dead head hitting the window.

I just don't know why the frosted glass was replaced with ordinary glass. Isn't this just scary?

Wu Wen was shocked by the dead face he suddenly saw.


Wu Wen cursed and turned around and ran.

He was almost scared to tears! Is it necessary? Why do you have to scare him like this? Is he a heinous person?

But where can he run to?

He didn't dare to enter the stairwell or the elevator. The only place he could stay at the moment was the vertical corridor.

But staying in the vertical corridor was even more uncomfortable, because he knew clearly that there were ghosts in three directions. Wouldn't staying here be threatened by three parties?

But there was no way. For now, it was still safe here!

Wu Wen ran back to the corridor, leaning against the window, holding the machete tightly in his hand and staring at the corridor, stairwell and elevator, always on guard against something coming out of the darkness.

The shoulder of his left arm was so painful that it was numb. He could still hold the phone with his left hand completely because of his willpower and fear. He didn't know how much blood he had shed, and he had been scared for a whole day. To be honest, he could still be determined now, which was something that 90% of people could not achieve.

But the most urgent thing was to survive the last twelve minutes.

Wu Wen glanced at the phone in his hand. It was already eleven fifty-eight.

Well, it was to survive the last two minutes!

Looking at the remaining time, Wu Wen breathed a sigh of relief, but he tensed up again.

Many people died on the eve of success, so I should not relax my vigilance at this time.

Wu Wen was always alert to the three directions ahead, afraid that something would jump out in the last two minutes.

However, there was one thing he overlooked, that is, the window behind him. Isn't it also a place where ghosts often appear?


A sinister wind blew from the window.

An old, pale hand with a little corpse spot slowly rested on Wu Wen's left shoulder.

However, Wu Wen's left shoulder was numb and insensitive, so there was no reaction when the arm was placed on it.

Wu Wen still stared at the three directions ahead with full concentration, and the machete in his hand was always on standby.


Another sinister wind blew from the window,

The hand on Wu Wen's left shoulder slowly withdrew and rested on Wu Wen's right shoulder again.

Now Wu Wen reacted.

Wu Wen felt the touch on his right shoulder, and his heart suddenly tensed up.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at his right shoulder, only to see a pale, old hand covered with dark purple corpse spots on his right shoulder!

"Have you seen my shroud shoes?"

An old and strange voice sounded in Wu Wen's ears.

Wu Wen's tears burst out!

"I saw your mother!"

Wu Wen couldn't hold it anymore, this is the seventh floor! Who would have thought that ghosts would float up and mess with him outside the window?

Wu Wen was filled with grief and anger, and he took a step back and turned around, and the machete in his right hand chopped directly at the old lady in shroud clothes floating outside the window.


The machete was too long and got stuck on the window sill.

A touch of despair appeared on Wu Wen's face.

It's over, I'm done!

Wu Wen was extremely desperate. He didn't know if it would be useful even if he chopped it. He hadn't chopped it yet. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have bought this shitty machete. Wouldn't it be better to buy a safety axe?

Wu Wen regretted it very much.

Just then, a bell rang suddenly.

"I miss your night!!! I wish you could love me again..."

The bell rang! It was the alarm clock! It was the alarm clock at twelve o'clock!

Wu Wen's despair was gone. He didn't even want the machete stuck on the window. He turned around and ran away.

However, when he turned around, he found that a hanged male corpse was hanging at the door of the elevator where he was going back!

Taking advantage of the fire, right?

Wu Wen was furious. For the first time, he felt angry when facing a ghost. Now he just wanted to go back!


Wu Wen kicked the male corpse straight.

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