It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 35

After an hour of hard work, Wu Wen finally reached the downstairs of the residential area where he rented.

As expected, someone had already found the head of Mrs. Zhang hanging.

Two police cars were parked at the gate of the residential area. Looking inside from the outside, you can see that several policemen are blocking Mrs. Zhang's breakfast shop.

At the door of her breakfast shop, there was a round object covered with a piece of white cloth. Judging from the hair under the white cloth, it should be Mrs. Zhang who accompanied him all night.

However, to Wu Wen's surprise, the sofa where he sat all night was actually carried out by several policemen.

Moreover, the sofa was broken, and two policemen were digging out the body parts inside.

Wu Wen stood at the door of the supermarket, opened the newly bought cigarette, lit one and took a deep puff.

He really didn't expect that Mrs. Zhang's body was actually under the sofa where he sat all night.

In that case, Mrs. Zhang really spent a whole night with him wholeheartedly!

Wu Wen looked at the reporters who were constantly taking pictures and the police officers who were recording the case, and then thought of the second video he uploaded.

If this matter was reported, his account would probably be popular all over the Internet in an instant, right?

Looking at the cigarette butts in the evidence bag in the hands of the police opposite, Wu Wen's eyes flashed.

Cigarette butts, hair, fingerprints, these are the evidence Wu Wen left at Mrs. Zhang's house last night. I wonder if the police can determine his identity from the data analysis and DNA comparison above? Or, will the evidence involving his existence be destroyed by a mysterious force?

Wu Wen was not worried about what to do if the evidence of his existence would not be destroyed by a mysterious force, because the surveillance data would clearly clear his suspicion, and he also had a deep alibi.

So if his whereabouts are indeed exposed, then the biggest possibility is that he will be charged with insulting a corpse.

No, why did he want to use this method to prove whether the police can catch him?

If he is really imprisoned for insulting a corpse, plus the crime of destroying the scene, he will be punished for both crimes and will have to stay in prison for at least two or three years!

Wu Wen cursed in his heart.

He suddenly felt that his brain was a little broken. How could he come up with such an idea that would hurt the enemy zero and hurt himself a thousand?

Is it because he has been fighting fear for the past two days that his brain has become dull?

Wu Wen took another deep look at the blocked scene, then turned and left.

He is now a little doubtful about his state of mind, which may be caused by the pressure brought to him by the weekly task that is about to be completed.

He feels that he should take a break, or start the weekly task immediately, in order to relieve the pressure in his heart.

Wu Wen lowered his head and walked into his compartment, but his mind began to recreate what he had done during this period.

Since the end of the novice mission, along with the opening of the weekly and daily missions, his heart began to be filled with depression.

Because he had experienced the novice mission and almost died in it, he was worried about the weekly mission of the same difficulty and was full of pressure.

In the past two days, whether it was exchanging strange items to increase the favorability of ghosts, or sitting in the corridor and Mrs. Zhang's house all night, the purpose was to strengthen himself so that he could survive the weekly mission.

And the reason why he could come up with such a stupid idea was that his pressure was too great and affected his thinking!


Wu Wen's eyes were like torches, and he felt that he had found the key points of his current problem through his detailed analysis.

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from having more stupid ideas due to excessive pressure, the only way at present is to conquer the weekly mission!

Wu Wen's eyes were firm, and his thoughts were even firmer.

Just like overcoming fear, if he never took this step, he would never grow!

Do it as soon as you think of it, Wu Wen immediately took out his mobile phone and started to check the weekly tasks.

"Weekly Mission: The Figure of the Dead.

Mission Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆.

Mission Requirements: Arrive at the middle of Huicui Road before 12:00 midnight and take a taxi. Return by taxi before 2:00 am. Necessary Condition: Stay at the destination for half an hour.

Mission Evaluation: Every day at 12:00 midnight, an unmanned taxi will arrive on time at the middle of Huicui Road. Why not arouse your curiosity and take a ride?

Go up and see where it will take you.

Mission remaining time: 3 days and 8 hours. "

Looking at the time limit below, Wu Wen suddenly realized that more than three days had passed since his first mission.

Then, he looked at the task panel again.

Reach the middle section of Huicui Road before 12:00 midnight? Where is Huicui Road?

Wu Wen opened the mobile navigation and searched for Huicui Road.

A series of messages appeared on the navigation, including the route marking of Huicui Road, the coffee shop in the middle section of Huicui Road, and the primary school in the middle section of Huicui Road.

After looking carefully for a long time, Wu Wen found that the so-called middle section of Huicui Road was not on Huicui Road, but a small section of road in front of a large shopping mall called The middle section of Huicui Road.

That's ridiculous! I didn't go to the wrong place, did I?

Wu Wen thought about it and decided to take a taxi and tell the driver the address. He would take him to wherever he wanted.

He had walked to his compartment, then took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

The light on the wall was turned on, but it was not Wu Wen who turned it on. Instead, the human skin hanging on the wall moved and touched the light switch.

As if it noticed Wu Wen looking over, the human skin on the wall moved, as if it was happy.

But Wu Wen didn't have time to deal with it at the moment. He bent down, picked up the backpack in the corner and turned around and left.

"Pop! "With a clear sound of the door closing, the room fell silent again.

The human skin danced on the wall, squirming as if entertaining itself.

At this time, Wu Wen had already taken the first step forward.

Wu Wen carried a backpack, which contained the carnival of the maniac and a flashlight.

It was already a little after ten o'clock. According to the instructions on the map, it would take more than ten to twenty minutes to get there by taxi.

Wu Wen liked to arrive early so that he could be prepared for everything.

So he opened Didi Taxi on his mobile phone.

The current domestic economy has declined, so everyone is very competitive, and Didi Taxi is even more competitive in Puyu City, so Wu Wen just placed an order and it was picked up by someone there in seconds.

Wu Wen passed by the gate of the community and looked back at Mrs. Zhang's breakfast shop, which had been sealed and blocked.

I wonder when this matter will be exposed?

As soon as Wu Wen finished his thoughts, a white car pulled up.

"Is it the last number 9528? "The car window rolled down, and an older sister stuck her head out.

"Yes, yes, yes." Wu Wen nodded repeatedly, then hurriedly opened the door and got in.

"Are we going to the middle section of Huicui Road?" The older sister's northeastern accent gave Wu Wen a sense of familiarity.

"Yes, to the middle section of Huicui Road."

Wu Wen answered, and then he asked the older sister: "Sister, why is the middle section of Huicui Road here not on Huicui Road?"

Hearing Wu Wen's question, the older sister laughed.

"Hey, I really don't know this. Anyway, the entire middle section of Huicui Road was originally Huicui Road. Later, it may have been planned as Jiangong Road due to urban planning, but the middle section of Huicui Road has not been changed."

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