It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 61

The weather was very hot outside.

It was twelve o'clock in the afternoon and it was as hot as a steamer outside.

Wu Wen put the carnival of the 'madman' into his backpack and then left the compartment with the backpack on his back.

The pen fairy has not appeared yet, so he can't take it lightly, so the only weapon that can hurt the pen fairy must be carried with him.

"Fuck, who broke the elevator?"

Wu Wen came to the stairwell on the 17th floor and cursed at the elevator with a damaged label.

The elevator was broken, didn't it mean that he had to run 17 floors to get downstairs?

Wu Wen's nose was crooked with anger, and he climbed the stairs while cursing angrily.

There are eighteen floors in total, including the underground floor. How could Wu Wen have the courage to run to such a high floor?

Wu Wen remembered that he had to climb another flight of stairs from the seventeenth floor to the balcony when he went home at night, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

Change the place, and change the place as soon as he has money!

Wu Wen supported the railing of the stairs with both hands, and used the support of his arms to quickly go down the stairs three steps at a time.

Fortunately, he had done more tasks in the past few days, and his body joints were still active. Otherwise, he would have fallen to death on this staircase alone.

There was a yellow cordon at the entrance of the stairs on the seventh floor. Wu Wen remembered the hanged young man who was hacked to death last night.

It seems that the pen fairy went crazy downstairs first, and then came upstairs to kill him.

Wu Wen did not go in to check curiously, because there was a voice of conversation in the corridor on the seventh floor, and it sounded like the police were investigating clues here.

"Oh, the residents of this building are in a terrible situation. Eight people died at once, and the housing prices in this building have dropped ridiculously!"

"Hey, don't talk about the housing prices. Didn't the people next door move out at midnight yesterday? I guess there will be only a few families living in this building in the end."

"They are still living there. The housing prices in this community have been affected by these eight people. But it's really strange. All the clues in this investigation show that the deaths of these eight people were either suicides or accidents. How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Shh, I listen The leader said that these eight people had just played with that pen fairy before they died. Do you think it has something to do with this thing? "

"Hey, you're right. Some time ago, there was a strange thing about blood in the elevator in this building. Within two days, there was another murder at the entrance of the community. Now eight people have died in a row. Damn it, let alone the pen fairy, I think this building is a bit weird, no, this community is unlucky."

The conversation on the seventh floor came into the stairwell. Wu Wen didn't have any ideas and continued to climb down the stairs.

After all, this series of strange things strictly speaking had something to do with him. He felt embarrassed listening to other people's discussions.

Wu Wen went down to the parking lot on the underground first floor. The conspicuous Bentley car could be seen clearly from a distance.

The main reason was that the car was too expensive, and there was an obvious scratch on the side and rear hood of the car. No one dared to park their car here to avoid expensive compensation.

Maybe Bentley is nothing on the Internet, and no one looks down on the so-called Bentley.

But in real life, a large number of people have to be careful when passing by Bentley, for fear of being hit and asked for compensation.

Especially the community where Wu Wen rented is not a so-called high-end community, and there are even fewer rich people in it.

Wu Wen got in the car with the car key, and then the car started slowly with the sound of the accelerator.

Wu Wen directly searched for the Pu Yu City Aquatic Center on the navigation, intending to buy some crabs and turtles there.

That's right, Wu Wen plans to use crabs and turtles to attract those primary school students to tell him stories.

"Tell school ghost stories and get free turtles!"

Wu Wen believes that this thing is definitely better than him paying money.

After all, according to his current financial resources, he can only give those primary school students one or two yuan at most.

As a super first-tier city, although the people in Pu Yu City cannot be said to be all rich, those primary school students probably don't look down on one or two yuan.

So it is undoubtedly a better idea to get something new and interesting, something they like.

As the Bentley moved forward, the railing outside the community parking lot rose automatically.

This security guard is quite good. Even though he didn't find where Wu Wen lived, he still registered his license plate.

However, there is no one in the security room now, and I don't know if the security guard will be affected by the death of eight people.


The car slowly drove out of the community.

The entrance of the community was a little deserted today. After all, it was noon, and not many people were outside under the scorching sun.

However, there were still a few people moving things in and out of the entrance.

Judging from this situation, they were probably all residents of Building 2.

Wu Wen ran towards the aquatic market following the navigation in the car.

The nearest aquatic market was still not close to here, so he had to hurry.

After driving for a full half an hour, Wu Wen finally ran to a huge warehouse-like aquatic market.

The name of the aquatic market was easy to recognize, Guorong Aquatic Center.

The stalls were neatly arranged in the aquatic market, and the messy aquatic creatures in various fish tanks floated quietly in the water, moving from time to time.

It was almost afternoon, and there were not many customers in the aquatic market. Even the bosses were curled up behind the stalls eating lunch.

Wu Wen parked the car in the parking lot in front of the door, then got out and walked inside.

The seafood market mainly sells seafood, but most of the stalls here sell seafood for eating. As for ornamental items, there are relatively few, and they are concentrated in one place.

Wu Wen walked around inside twice, until the sweat on his back eroded his shirt, and then he found the place selling small crabs and small turtles.

In fact, what is sold here is not ornamental species, but things like fish fry.

And small crabs are naturally crab fry.

However, some small ornamental aquatic creatures are also sold here.

For example, small goldfish, small turtles, and those small white jellyfish.

Seeing the small white jellyfish floating in the fish tank, Wu Wen's eyes lit up.

"Okay, okay, this thing will definitely be loved by primary school students!"

This little jellyfish is too small, the same size as Wu Wen's thumb, and each one is very active, jumping around in the water tank like a bunch of small umbrellas.

Wu Wen's eyes lit up, primary school students definitely like this kind of thing!

Anyway, when Wu Wen was in primary school, there was a jellyfish pendant seller at the door. At that time, the price was almost sky-high, 25 yuan for a jellyfish pendant, and the jellyfish was picked up from the fish tank to make a small pendant for you, and it was also this kind of small jellyfish.

Wu Wen only remembers that he couldn't squeeze in even if he wanted to take a look. A girl in the class bought a jellyfish pendant and was the king of the class for a whole day!

As for why he didn't stay for a few more days? Because the jellyfish melted the next day.

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