It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 74

The only way to deal with this is to go to the police station.

Wu Wen didn't know if there were any capable people in these so-called departments in Zhongzhou, nor did he know if these departments had any special methods to fight against ghosts.

Anyway, he could only be sure of one thing, that is, his current BB account must be closely watched. Although he didn't know why no one had discovered his offline location until now, he was definitely the focus of attention of the police and these special departments.

Wu Wen didn't believe that he could encounter ghosts, and the higher-ups didn't understand this aspect.

Anyway, the fact that human society hadn't had any problems for so long was definitely related to them.

That is to say, there might really be people in this world who could deal with ghosts!

As for whether they could find him, it probably depended on whether the "Ghost Encounter" game he was playing was awesome, or whether their abilities were awesome.

Wu Wen felt a sense of depression in his heart, but he immediately dismissed the feeling.

Don't worry about it. I'm not sure how long I can live. There's no need to worry every day.

Wu Wen's mind suddenly became clear, and then he lit a cigarette.

"Click!" The light of the lighter lit up in the dark corridor, and the smoke drifted away.

"Why is this building so high?" Wu Wen was very annoyed going upstairs.

This time I really exercised myself!

Seventeenth floor, one floor at a time!

After climbing for nearly ten minutes, Wu Wen came to the door of his compartment panting.

Wu Wen opened the door of his compartment panting, and then took out the remote control to turn on the air conditioner inside.

The human skin on the rooftop was swaying and floating at the door of the balcony, watching Wu Wen drinking water in the compartment.

This guy is now wild. He has not stayed in the cubicle all day. He either hides in the corridor and looks down, or runs to the balcony to see the scenery in the distance.

It seems to envy human life. It observes carefully but dares not get close.

Wu Wen put his backpack on the ground and got up to the balcony.

It is summer now. The body is basically soaked by sweat. If you want to avoid stinking, it is necessary to wash every night.

Wu Wen came to the water pipe and took off his shirt and pants directly.

According to the hot weather now, it will be dry in the morning after washing at night.

The same is true for underwear.

Fortunately, except for some residents who come up to dry quilts on the rooftop, Wu Wen is the only one at other times, otherwise his naked appearance is really unrefined.

Wu Wen turned on the water pipe, put his clothes in the basin first, and then started to wash.

There are tall buildings all around. I don't know if there are people who like to look at the scenery in these tall buildings, otherwise they might really see my graceful figure.

Wu Wen clenched his fists, and the muscles of his biceps were exposed.

He had exercised for two years before, but he had never taken protein powder or other things to shape and increase muscle, so his muscle lines were not conspicuous, but the strength and hardness were sufficient.

It was his usual smoking that made Wu Wen a little short of breath, but there was nothing he could do about it, after all, he could not quit smoking.

"Shua, shua!"

Wu Wen added some laundry detergent to the basin. In summer, clothes are not dirty, and the main purpose is to remove sweat and deodorize.

Wu Wen washed his clothes and his body clean in three or two minutes, and then swung his belongings to dry the clothes on the clothesline on the balcony.

"I sigh at the spring flowers and autumn moon..."

Wu Wen hummed a song, finished drying the clothes, and then squatted at the door of the cubicle and lit a cigarette.

Smoking before going to bed has always been his good habit. With this habit, his lung function has been greatly damaged, so as to put pressure on the lungs and urge them to work better.

The human skin leaned against the door and stretched out his hand to gently flick Wu Wen Xiao.

"Fuck you!" Wu Wen slapped its hand away, and then took a pack of cigarettes from his backpack and gave it to it.

"Go and play by yourself, and watch the door for me later!"

The human skin jumped up and down holding the cigarette thrown by Wu Wen, looking very happy.

But its body was too soft, causing it to jump like floating, and its limbs were weird, which looked a bit scary.

Wu Wen didn't feel scared, but thought the human skin was quite fun.

Being alone in this big city, and feeling

Wu Wen, who was depressed and had nowhere to release, felt that this self-conscious human skin seemed to be his only company at this time.

A smile appeared on Wu Wen's face, and he casually threw the cigarette butt into the can in the corner, and then opened the door of the compartment.

"I'm going to sleep. If the pen fairy comes out later, call me. Also, don't smoke in the house. I don't like the smell of smoke."

Wu Wen warned the human skin that had opened the cigarette box, and then closed the door.

The human skin had no time to listen to Wu Wen's muttering at this time, it had already opened the cigarette box with its nails.

"Click!" With the sound of a lighter, the cigarette hanging on the human skin's mouth was ignited by the flame.

Wisps of smoke were sucked into the human skin's cavity, and then came out of the holes in the two eyes.

"Chi chi chi chi..."

A slight sound came out of the human skin's mouth, and it seemed to be laughing as it shook its head.

Damn, this thing can actually laugh?


Human Skin imitated Wu Wen's smoking posture, squatting at the door of the compartment and sucking on the cigarette in his hand.

Thick smoke came out of the holes in its eyes and nostrils, and even some came out of its ears.

Even when it smoked too hard, smoke would come out of its buttocks, as if it was farting.


Looking at the smoke coming out of its buttocks, Human Skin covered his mouth and laughed.

It likes to smoke, not because it also has lungs, but because it likes humans and likes the human lifestyle, so smoking makes it happy.

As for why it likes humans? That's because Wu Wen is a human.

"Chichichichichi..." From time to time, subtle chirping sounds were heard in the dim corridor on the top floor.

The smoke from the cigarette rose in the corridor like a boiling pot, and a terrifying human skin squatted in the corridor, smoking the cigarette in his hand like a living person.

In the dark stairwell next to it, two terrifying figures were moving forward on the stairs one after the other.

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

A sound like people jumping sounded in the stairwell. This sound was particularly strange, but it didn't sound like jumping.

With the flashing of the damaged elevator panel, a woman wearing ancient clothes, but with a pale face and even without eyeballs, slowly walked out of the elevator.

The pen fairy stood on the 17th floor, and the eyeless eye sockets looked towards the 18th floor, but he didn't move forward.

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