It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 98

The weather was very bad, but it was raining heavily on August 15, 2008.

Alas, I still haven't developed the habit of writing a diary. I don't understand why doctors are required to write a diary? The director of this hospital must be sick!

But today I always feel a little strange. I just finished talking bad about the director with Dr. Sun (crossed out, changed to Dr. Zhang) in the front clinic, and then I turned around and saw Dr. Sun (crossed out, changed to Dr. Zhang) coming out of the elevator of the inpatient department. It's strange, is there any small door in this hospital that I don't know about?"

Seeing this, the first page ended, Wu Wen turned to the next page, still a diary, but it started to feel strange.

"August 21, 2008, cloudy.

How come the weather has never been sunny? It's so annoying! Today, Nurse Xiao Ma (crossed out, changed to Nurse Xiao Wang) inexplicably asked me why I was in the clinic. Oh my god, am I not a doctor in the clinic? Why did she ask me that?

Why do I always feel that my memory is getting worse and worse? I was clearly talking to Doctor Zhang and Nurse Xiao Wang, but why did I write it down as Doctor Sun and Nurse Xiao Wang! Really, there is no doctor named Sun or nurse named Ma in the hospital!

Oh no, I won't have Alzheimer's disease, will I?"

"September 13, 2008, cloudy.

After two days of sunshine, the weather turned gloomy again, just like my heavy mood!

I feel like I really have Alzheimer's disease, and the onset period is after 8 o'clock in the evening . Because when I was on duty these days, I always felt that the doctors or nurses who had appeared in the clinic suddenly appeared in the inpatient department. It really felt strange!

Or maybe I don’t have Alzheimer’s disease, but hysterical hallucinations? ”

“October 5, 2008, sunny.

I took a half-month leave to adjust my brain, and I felt good. I returned to the hospital I had not seen for a long time, and I actually felt a little bit of nostalgia.

But why does the hospital feel a little deserted? But there are not fewer people! ”

“October 13, 2008, sunny.

This unlucky dean is getting more and more neurotic. He now hides outside the door of the inpatient department every day and peeks in through the glass. When I asked him what he was doing, he didn’t answer me, but just told me to get out. Damn it, why didn’t he get out? How did he talk? ”

Turn the page.

"November 18, 2008, snowy.

This year, the snow fell early. The doctors and nurses were very happy to see the snow, and I was happy too. But the hospital was still very quiet, and it felt more and more quiet.

Today, I changed the dressing for the patient in bed number 5, and saw that the bed next to him was full of things but no one was there. I asked and found out that the patient had been discharged and went home! The quality of people in China is low, and they don't even know how to clean up after leaving."

"December 13, 2008, sunny.

There are not many patients these days, but the quality of those discharged is really low, and they don't clean up the beds, the urine and feces pots, which is really annoying!

But I found that the hospital The elevator in the hospital is quite fun. There is no sound when going up and down. "

"December 14, 2008, cloudy weather.

There are no patients today, so I played with the elevator in the inpatient department for a day. Why didn't I find the elevator so fun when I was abroad? Strange. "

"December 15, 2008, snowy weather.

The elevator in the inpatient department is quite fun. There is no sound when going up and down."

"December 16, 2008, snowy weather.

The elevator in the inpatient department is quite fun. There is no sound when going up and down. I will play it again tomorrow."


The diary stopped abruptly, but Wu Wen felt a chill on his head.

Turn over, the diary is blank, but for some reason, looking at this blank diary, Wu Wen feels a little cold in his heart.

The diary is very short, but the whole diary is abnormal. It was normal at the beginning of writing the diary, but it became more and more abnormal later, and the hospital and the dean in the diary were abnormal throughout the whole diary.

Let's not talk about the dean and the weird elevator. Just the fact that he said in his diary that the hospital was becoming increasingly deserted and that patients did not pack up their belongings when they left was definitely not normal.

Under what circumstances would a hospital become increasingly deserted? It would definitely be when there were fewer and fewer people.

The bed that was picked up undoubtedly proved that some people inexplicably disappeared in this hospital.

The missing person may be a doctor or a patient, but no matter who is missing, the memory of him will be deleted or rewritten according to the description in this diary.

This is very scary. If what the doctor wrote is true, then this hospital is too scary, because so many people have disappeared for so many years and no one has known it from the beginning to the end. The cruelty of this hospital can be imagined.

Wu Wen's heart was lifted up. He looked around carefully, fearing that something would suddenly rush over.

But fortunately, the human skin was leisurely picking up the children's ball in the cabinet and playing happily beside him. It seemed that it should be safe enough.

Wu Wen's thoughts turned back and began to think about the information in the diary.

Elevator, inpatient department, missing, dean, these are the contents extracted from this diary. In addition to the contents of this diary, there is also the missing female inpatient.

Is her lack of information also due to the disappearance of the inpatient department?

No, that's not right. The nurse at the front desk still remembers her rumors, which proves that this woman's case is definitely not due to the disappearance of the inpatient department. And the nurse also said that her body is still in the morgue, which makes it even more impossible for her to be missing.

So there are other reasons for the disappearance of this female patient's case!

Wu Wen felt a little cold in his hands and feet. Now this hospital is like a county primary school on the street. He dare not dig deep. The more he digs, the more scary it is.

But his mission is to find out the secrets deep in this hospital, so he has to do it even if he doesn't want to.

Wu Wen put this old diary into the big pocket inside the raincoat.

Fortunately, the raincoat he bought was military-grade, with several special big pockets inside, otherwise it would be difficult to take this diary.

"Let's go." Wu Wen said softly, then turned around and walked out first.

The human skin quickly put the deflated children's ball into his body, and then hurriedly followed him out.

It only has two eyes under its body, so it can be used as a woven bag.


Wu Wen returned to the dark corridor on the sixth floor. A gust of cold wind blew over from nowhere, making him feel cold.

Fortunately, he had Hong Yuan to back him up, so he was still confident.

Wu Wen turned and looked to the side.

The office next to the clinical director's office is the obstetrics office, but this office is not the office of the director of the obstetrics department, but the office of the entire obstetrics department.

Wu Wen stepped forward and gently turned the handle. The door was still unlocked and opened with a sound.


The door kept screaming, deafening in the darkness.

As the door opened, the full view of the obstetrics office appeared in front of Wu Wen.

The obstetrics office is very large, very large! Looking at the length, the entire range to the left should be the area of ​​the obstetrics office.

It can be seen that the delivery department of this hospital was very prosperous back then.

However, compared to the larger room, the current obstetrics office seems very empty.

Three large desks are placed in the middle of this huge area, forming a look of people passing by on both sides and working in the middle.

But apart from this, there is nothing else in this room, even the stool is left with only one limping leg.

The desk is even cleaner, except for a few pieces of dusty waste paper, there is nothing else.

Wu Wen walked into the office, carefully turned over and over, and finally found a half-torn diary under the desk.

Fortunately, the words were not torn off, otherwise he would have come in vain.

Wu Wen put the diary on the desk, then asked someone to lock the door, and then read it again.

There is no name written in the diary this time, but it is definitely written by an obstetrician and gynecologist.

"July 1, 2013.

First week in this hospital. There is nothing to record this week, except for a few Caesarean sections.

But this director is really boring. He actually asked me to write a diary! I am so busy, how can I have time to write a diary?"

"July 14, 2013.

Crazy! This director is crazy! He actually sold the hospital's ultrasound machine! He also said he would fire us! This greedy guy, he is too greedy! We must report him together!"

"August 7, 2013.

The report failed. The mayor's hotline ignored us. There is no point in suing. I will find another one."

The diary ends here. Wu Wen saw the end at a glance.

It seems that this doctor really doesn't like to write a diary! There are only three in total.

, and it is completely useless.

No, the only use is to prove what the nurse said about the director being very greedy.

But this is of no use to Wu Wen.

"Waste my time!" Wu Wen walked out disappointedly and returned to the extremely dark corridor on the sixth floor.

The corridor was still dark and silent. Not only was there no sound on this floor, but there was no sound on the floors below.

Wu Wen's heart was a little pounding.

After reading the diary, and thinking back to what he had seen and heard on the second floor just now, Wu Wen was basically sure that the patients in the two wards on the second floor were definitely not real patients.

In this case, whether the man he had just chopped was a real person is also debatable!

Wu Wen felt a little cold in his heart. In fact, he was not very afraid of ghosts now. He even dared to fight against ghosts.

Only the unknown is the most frightening. And now this hospital is the unknown, and it is even full of unknowns.

This feeling of not knowing anything and knowing nothing is the reason why Wu Wen felt cold.

Wu Wen took a deep breath, then turned and walked towards the office opposite.

Fear is useless. The best way is to find out the secrets hidden in this hospital as soon as possible.

"Crack!" With the twisting of the door lock, the door was opened by Wu Wen again.

This hospital is really defenseless!

Wu Wen secretly sighed in his heart. The human skin followed behind his buttocks with one hand holding the deflated basketball he had just picked up and the other hand holding the half of the notebook that Wu Wen didn't want.

These are all treasures it picked up, and it is going to collect them back.

Wu Wen ignored it and walked straight into his newly opened office.

The area of ​​this office is the same size as the obstetrics and gynecology office opposite, but it is not an office, but is filled with various sundries.

For example, tables and cabinets, hospital beds, or some unused medical materials.

However, next to the wall, Wu Wen found a small cabinet filled with various document-like things.

Wu Wen was excited. Oh no, could he have found the hospital's files?

Like schools, hospitals also have some files about their own development, and most of them are compiled by principals or directors from all walks of life. Generally speaking, they include all kinds of affairs of schools and hospitals.

Wu Wen hurriedly stepped forward and carefully observed the books in the cabinet.

"On the Development of Medical Affairs", "Overview of the Development of Puyu City Second People's Hospital", "Personal Narrative of the Dean"..."

Wu Wen looked at the books in the cabinet and was delighted.

It was actually a file about this hospital!

Wu Wen couldn't wait to pull out the book "Overview of the Development of Puyu City Second People's Hospital" and then opened the page.

"Puyu City Second People's Hospital is a comprehensive hospital..."

The purpose of Puyu City Second People's Hospital is..."


Wu Wen closed the book again and then stuffed it back.

The whole article was full of self-praise, which was really unbearable and useless.

Wu Wen was a little disappointed, and then he took out the book "Personal Narrative of the Dean".

Although this book is called a book and has even been bound, the cover and the text on it are handwritten, and the thickness is only about a dozen pages, which seems to be really interesting.

As the pages turned, this time, it was really interesting.

"My personal experience as the dean for 33 years.

I seem to be sick, and I am seriously ill. I actually feel that this hospital is alive! And it seems to be watching me, watching everyone here, every doctor, and every patient!

Why do I have such thoughts? Why do I always feel that this hospital is full of various voyeurism? Why do I feel that there is something in the toilet? Why do I feel that the elevator in the inpatient department is not normal? Why do I feel that my colleagues around me are gradually decreasing, why do I feel...

I am so strange! I feel so strange! Who am I? Why am I in this hospital? Why does this hospital use human skin as the wall? Why are the small gardens planted with bloody heads instead of flowers? Why...

I seem to be too anxious, no, I shouldn't be so anxious! What am I anxious about? Why do I always have some bad feelings in the hospital? No, I want to go out and write, I can't be in this hospital, I can't be in this hospital!!!

My name is Luo Bin, I am 69 years old this year, and I have been the dean of this hospital for more than 30 years. Now

I felt much better outside the hospital, and my mind became clearer.

I don’t know how to describe my personal experience, and I don’t know how long ago this strange feeling started. But I know that this hospital is wrong, this hospital is definitely wrong! This hospital should not be open anymore, it should be closed down, and it should be sent to the crematorium to be burned! Its bones should be smashed one by one with a hammer, its flesh should be cut off piece by piece with a knife, its eyes should be dug out with fingers, and its skin should be pierced with steel wire...

What am I writing again? Ah, this hospital is driving me crazy!

Although I don’t know what’s wrong with it, I think it’s definitely wrong! I feel that people are coming and going in the elevator of this hospital, but the people coming and going are definitely not people! For this reason, I watched this elevator for a whole year, but I still didn’t find anything wrong with this elevator. No! It’s wrong, it’s definitely wrong!

And it’s not just the elevator that has problems, the whole hospital has problems! I feel that this hospital is getting more and more deserted, and there are fewer and fewer people. Although the number of people is always no problem, I always feel that there is a problem, definitely a problem! The hospital must have taken away those people whose names I don't know! They took them away secretly without leaving any traces!

There is something wrong with this hospital, it must be wrong! It is not a morgue, but a corpse! No, it is not a corpse either, it is a corpse!

Hahahaha, the hospital is a corpse, the hospital is not a corpse, I am a corpse, I am also a corpse, hahahahaha..."

The dean's personal biography ends here.

Wu Wen was terrified and even unconsciously began to look up and look around, fearing that he would see the scene described by the dean, where human skin was used to decorate the walls.

Fortunately, the surroundings were still quiet and there were no abnormal changes.

There was no sense of voyeurism described by the dean, but since he said there was, it must be there, because the dean's increasingly sloppy and inconsistent words later on clearly showed that he was crazy.

Mad people will not Lie, at least I won't lie about the thing I fear the most.

Wu Wen felt a little cold in his heart again, but fortunately, he got used to it after his heart got colder, at least he got used to it now.

Wu Wen put the things written by the dean into the inner pocket of his raincoat again.

Because now he feels that he seems to have discovered the rules of the tasks.

First of all, for a one-star task, whether it is a novice task or a white house, two or three ghosts will appear, fight with you, and finally be harvested by the red kite. There is no difficulty or danger at all. So it is impossible for a one-and-a-half-star task to suddenly increase several times in difficulty.

And according to the same From the perspective of Chengdong Road Primary School, which is also a one-and-a-half-star task, it is very likely that the one-and-a-half-star task is a research task for the later four-star or five-star tasks, or a pre-task. And according to the materials I have found now, the difficulty of this hospital should not be low, so it is very likely that there will be subsequent high-difficulty tasks in the future.

So I will not encounter too much danger when I come here today.

It seems that I should not do the remaining daily task of the child in the basement for the time being, otherwise, when it is upgraded to a one-and-a-half-star difficulty task, there will undoubtedly be another subsequent extremely difficult task.

Wu Wen understood a little, but then he collected the hospital

After all, the more information I collect now, the more comprehensive my understanding will be in the subsequent tasks.

I just don’t know how many ghosts I will encounter in this mission?

Wu Wen’s mood is still heavy. He will definitely encounter ghosts in a one-and-a-half-star mission, and he hasn’t encountered one yet, which means that the horror level of his subsequent mission may be a little higher.

But there is no way, let’s continue.

Wu Wen took a step, walked out of the utility room, and walked towards the offices on the right side of the stairs.

That is the main goal today, the dean’s office, the vice dean’s office, and the inpatient department office.

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