It’s Okay to Go to the Internet Cafe

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Clan club

After a breakfast, Akai will go to the village to pick up the task, while Kakashi will go to the Hokage Building.

At this time, Kakashi had already entered the Anbu, thinking that the Anbu Ninja would not take the village’s task at ordinary times, and only obeyed Hokage’s arrangements. Their core task was to protect Hokage.

And Tianyou is a boring person wandering aimlessly with his hands behind his head. He doesn’t know what to do at this time.

Suddenly on the dirt road in front of Tianyou, a small white snake drilled out, blocking the way of Tianyou.

The little white snake spoke, and the only magnetic voice was from Da She Wan.

“My God, when shall we leave the village?”

God blessed his head and looked up at the sky, “Anytime!”

The little white snake recorded God’s words and disappeared after diving into the soil.

God you yawned, stretched out, and turned and walked towards the Uchiha clan.

Back to the Uchiha clan, many Uchiha clan people dressed in kimonos with the Uchiha clan emblem and walked towards the meeting room.

Unknown God blessed his head and walked towards Fuyue’s house in a flash.

Not long after Tianyou came to Fuyue’s house, he saw Mikoto standing in the yard waiting in a kimono.

“Sister-in-law, what day is it? Why is everyone dressed so formal?”

Seeing God, Mikoto smiled on her charming face, “God, today is the day of the clan association, all Uchiha people must go to the big meeting room.”

“Then my brother went?” Tianyou asked hurriedly.

Before Mikoto could speak, Fu Yue opened the study door, his expression still calm, he looked at Tianyou and said, “If you have something to do, don’t go.”

Tianyou smiled and flew up to Fu Yue, whispering: “I won’t go to this clan meeting, but I want to remind you, don’t say important things. Someone in the clan has rebelled and may contact high-level officials. I betrayed the entire Uchiha.”

“You just have to deal with two noises at the meeting, don’t mention our secret actions!”

Fu Yue nodded slowly, as if you were relieved when I did something, “Okay, I’m going with Mikoto. Go whatever you want to do!” After saying that Fuyue walked to Mikoto’s side, and Mikoto held Fuyue’s left arm in both hands. The two slowly walked out of the small courtyard.

Tianyou looked at the back of the two leaving, smiled, and walked away, returned to his room, put on equipment, and prepared to leave the village.

In the Uchiha Conference Room, more than 90% of the Uchiha people gathered here.

In the front row of the conference room hall, there are ten old men. This is the ten elders of the Uchiha clan, who can be regarded as the elders of Uchiha.

Sitting at the front of the conference room, it was naturally Uchiha Tomitake and Mikoto.

When the tribe is due, someone in front of the door will shout: “The meeting begins!”

Everyone’s eyes fell on Shi Lao and Fu Yue, and the first to speak was Uchiha Kawakashi who ranked sixth in Shi Lao.

“Master Patriarch, we don’t know what you think, why do you want to give up the right to get it?”

“It’s fine to let it out, why do you want to let it out to the Hyuga clan?”

“Enough! Chuanbai, how dare you question the decision of the patriarch!” Uchiha, the third of the ten elders, shouted.

Futake stretched out his hand and waved to stop the two people clamoring, “You can refute me for the decision I made, but I did it for Uchiha!”


Many people began to applaud after hearing Fu Yue’s words! It can be seen that Futake’s status and popularity in the Uchiha family.

This scene hurt Uchiha Kawakashi, because he was jealous, jealous of Futake’s position.

Regardless of whether he is an elder, he can’t manage things in Uchiha.

Looking at the somewhat noisy conference room, the elder Uchiha dominated the domain and shouted in a low voice, “Quiet!”

Suddenly no one dared to applaud.

Uchiha’s domineering eyes looked at Futake solemnly, “The patriarch knows that if we Uchiha lose our rights, we will become a lamb to be slaughtered. Faced with the maliciousness of the high-level Konoha, we will be unable to fight back!”

“I dare to give up my rights, this proves that I have the ability to protect the whole family!” Fu Yue said lightly.

The ten elders were stunned when this remark came out, and they didn’t understand where Fuyue’s confidence came from.

At the end of the ten, Uchiha Right Banner looked at Futake for unknown reasons, “I don’t know what the patriarch wants to protect the clan members?”

Fu Yue shook his head, “You just have to believe me!”

“Baga! Why doesn’t this guy play cards according to the routine? Didn’t he always explain his views in previous meetings? Why is he so domineering now? Does this guy really have anything to rely on? Impossible! Recently this guy has been Stay at home.”

The ten elders each have their own ideas, but Fu Yue’s words before him are unprecedentedly overbearing, as if they are telling them that I am the patriarch!

Fuyue looked at the ten elders without speaking, Fuyue slowly stood up and looked around the hall, “Since there is nothing more to do, this clan meeting will end here!” He took Mikoto’s hand and slowly left the meeting room. Pushing the door open, a ray of sunlight fell on Fuyue’s body, and instantly looking at Fuyue’s clansmen, they felt the warmth of that ray of sunlight, and they saw the gods in a daze.

A meeting should have been discussed for a long time as before, but this time it was surprisingly short, and it made people suspect that it was a dream!

After Fuyue and Miqin returned home, Fuyue walked into the study, while Miqin boiled water to make tea, and used her own method to relax her husband.

After the clan meeting, the sixth of the ten, Uchiha Kawakashi, left the Uchiha clan by himself. He walked all the way to the west of Konoha, came to a remote hill, and tapped on a stone tablet. Three times, an underpass appeared on the ground one meter in front of him, and Uchiha Kawakashi followed the underpass.

Although the secret path is a bit gloomy, there are candlelights on both walls, barely able to illuminate the road under your feet.

After a while, Uchiha Kawakashi came to the platform in the dark tunnel, and was led by a root ninja into an office.

Tuan Zang closed his eyes and sat on the office chair, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly heard the sound of a knock on the door cancer, Danzang opened his eyes and said coldly: “Come in!”

“Chuck” the door was pushed open. After Uchiha Kawakashi came in, he knelt on one knee and said, “I have seen Master Danzo!”

“Well, what do you want?” Danzo responded and asked immediately.

“Today the family held a clan meeting. I asked Uchiha Fudake why he gave up his rights.”

“But Uchiha Tomitake said that losing power can still protect the family.”

“Looking at his self-confidence, it seems that he has some unspeakable backstop.” Uchiha Kawakashi said respectfully.

This sentence made Danzo’s heart alert. He looked at Uchiha Kawakashi with his left eye, and an imposing momentum emerged from Danzo’s body, “You didn’t lie to me?”

Uchiha Kawakashi was shocked, and quickly shook his head in denial, “Master Danzo, you know me, how could I deceive Master Danzo?”

Danzo nodded secretly. This Uchiha Kawakashi was a person who took refuge in him. He had cast a secret curse on him early in the morning. This Uchiha Kawakashi cannot betray.

“It seems that Uchiha Tomitake is not honest, no matter what he has, as long as he is in Konoha, he is destined to not escape my palm.”

Danzo squeezed his fist fiercely, his eyes fell on Uchiha Kawakashi, and said lightly: “Go down and continue to monitor.”


After Uchiha Kawakashi bowed respectfully, he walked out of Danzo’s office, with cold sweat on his forehead.

He didn’t know all the blessings here. At this time, he followed the Oshe Maru out of the village and headed east to the country of Tanokuni.

Now that the third generation is retired, the secret human research of Dashemaru is forced to stop.

Now that his research has progressed, he needs a suitable environment and a lot of money.

And Tianyou can provide. Although these industries belong to the Uchiha family, Tianyou, as the founder, is qualified to spend a lot of money, let alone Fuyue’s tacit approval of Tianyou.

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